Fun Pantydraco Facts For Kids | Kidadl
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Fun Pantydraco Facts For Kids

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Pantydrcao (Pantydraco caducus) was a dinosaur of the Late Triassic to the early Jurassic period, which became extinct about 200 million years ago. Its fossil remains were excavated from the Bonvilston quarry in South Wales, United Kingdom. These remains suggest that these creatures were quite big in size, almost the size of a grown human being. It is thought to be a basal sauropodomorph dinosaur. Peter Galton, Yates, and D. Kermack grouped these dinosaurs under the genus of Pantydraco.

Several paleontologists have highlighted that these creatures were omnivores and preyed on small insects and other dinosaur species. Their well-developed teeth, robust body, and strong limbs helped them to capture their prey easily. Researchers also claimed about their agility and flexibility. However we don't exactly know how they used to defend themselves or how strong their teeth were. These dinosaurs were bipedal creatures with three to four digits and had sharp claws with which they grasped their prey quite easily. Their forelimbs were shorter than their hindlimbs, and they locomoted with the help of their hindlimbs only.

Keep reading to learn more fun facts about Pantydraco.

Fun Pantydraco Facts For Kids

What did they prey on?

Small insects and dinosaurs

What did they eat?


Average litter size?


How much did they weigh?

110 lb (49.8 kg)

How long were they?


How tall were they?

10 ft (3 m)

What did they look like?

Broad hip with a long tapering tail

Skin Type


What were their main threats?

Natural disasters

Where were they found?

Grasslands, Plains


South Wales and United Kingdom









Scientific Name

Pantydraco caducus

How scary were they?


How loud were they?


How intelligent were they?


Pantydraco Interesting Facts

How do you pronounce 'Pantydraco'?

Pantydraco is pronounced as 'Pan-tee-dray-co'.

What type of dinosaur was a Pantydraco?

Pantydraco was a basal sauropodomorph dinosaur.

In which geological period did the Pantydraco roam the Earth?

The geological timeframe attributed to the Pantydraco dinosaurs is the Late Triassic group to the Jurassic Period.

When did the Pantydraco become extinct?

Pantydraco dinosaurs became extinct about 200 million years ago.

Where did Pantydraco live?

The fossil of Pantydraco dinosaur was excavated from the Bonvilston quarry in South Wales, United Kingdom.

What was the Pantydracos' habitat?

These dinosaur species may have roamed in the grasslands and plains, where they foraged on a variety of plants and preyed on other animals.

Who did the Pantydraco live with?

We may assume that these dinosaurs have either lived solitarily or roamed in small herds.

How long did a Pantydraco live?

Due to a lack of information, we do not know the exact lifespan of Pantydraco species.

How did they reproduce?

Just like other dinosaurs, Pantydraco also reproduced by laying eggs. They may have been quite territorial and protected their eggs. Their eggs were amniotic in nature.

Pantydraco Fun Facts

What did the Pantydraco look like?

Pantydraco species were moderately big dinosaurs, with an average height of 10 ft (3 m). They had long tapering tails with broad pelvic bones. Their head was like that of a dragon along with a broad muscular jaw. They had well-developed forelimbs with sharp claws which helped them to grasp their prey. The forelimbs were shorter than the hindlimbs.

*We've been unable to source an image of Pantydraco and have used an image of T-Rex instead. If you are able to provide us with a royalty-free image of Pantydraco, we would be happy to credit you. Please contact us at [email protected]

How many bones did a Pantydraco have?

While we do not have a record of the total number of bones in these dinosaurs of the early Jurassic period, the partial skeleton is retrieved, which included skull bones, pelvic bone, bones of the partial forelimbs, and other articulated fossils.

How did they communicate?

These new species of the Early Jurassic period may have produced low grunts and sounds similar to other dinosaur species of that epoch.

How big was the Pantydraco?

Pantydraco was a huge dinosaur and one of the rare species. The adult fossils that were excavated reveal that their average height was 10 ft (3 m). The juvenile fossil measured about 27 in (68.5 cm). They were bigger than Dineobellator.

How fast could a Pantydraco move?

This dinosaur belonging to the Jurassic branches was a bipedal creature. Thus, Pantydraco used to locomote with the help of its hind limbs. So we may assume that they were moderately fast runners.

How much did a Pantydraco weigh?

According to several pieces of research conducted by esteemed paleontologists, the average weight of the Pantydraco dinosaur was about 110 lb (49.8 kg).

What were the male and female names of the species?

No specific names are given to the male and female dinosaurs.

What would you call a baby Pantydraco?

A baby Pantydraco can be called a hatchling or a nestling due to the fact that dinosaurs were egg-laying creatures.

How aggressive were they?

While not much information is available about their nature, we do know that they were predatory and preyed on other dinosaurs and animals. Plus, their robust build makes us definitely wonder about their aggressiveness.

Did you know…

Pantydraco dinosaur species were first considered to be under the Thecodontosaurus caducus group of the Jurassic periods, but after much speculation, researchers concluded that Pantydraco was a totally new species.

The name 'Pantydraco' is derived from the name of a small village named Pantyffynnon, located in South Wales in the United Kingdom, from where the remains of this dinosaur were excavated.

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