Alleviate the ‘7 Week Itch’ With Kidadl’s Lockdown Lives! | Kidadl
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Alleviate the ‘7 Week Itch’ With Kidadl’s Lockdown Lives!

Arts & Crafts
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Reading & Writing
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Math & Logic
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Sports & Active
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Music & Dance
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Social & Community
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Mindful & Reflective
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Outdoor & Nature
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Is anyone else feeling the ‘7 Week Itch’ right now?

That’s right, we’re in week seven of lockdown and we don’t know about you, but we could do with a pick-me-up. That’s why we’re launching Kidadl's Lockdown Lives series!

Featuring an impressive host of experts from the worlds of parenting and entertainment, join us for cosy and insightful chats starting from next week in order to find out how everyone else is taking each day as it comes and navigating through lockdown.

Since Covid-19 came on the scene, we’ve been working tirelessly to bring you - our 120,000-strong community of families - the very best tools possible to make these weeks and months as enjoyable as possible. And now we’re taking it one step further.

So now we need to ask you - what do you want to know? Email us any and all questions you have for us ahead of the Q&As and we’ll do our best to get you the answers. 

Here’s who will be joining us…

Bella and Bunny

Bella and Bunny

Area of expertise: Retaining your independence and identity while navigating motherhood

Most likely to: Be rocking a killer pant suit

Find them on: Instagram

steven vinacour lockdown lives

Steven Vinacour

Area of expertise: Children's literature

Most likely to: Be writing a new best-seller

Find them on: Instagram and Facebook

nick cope lockdown live

Nick Cope

Area of expertise: Family songwriting and performance

Most likely to: Break into song

Find them on: Instagram and Facebook and Twitter

Gabi Gandolfini

Gabi Gandolfini

Area of expertise: Digital creation and saying "no" to homeschooling

Most likely to: Disappear to Disneyland

Find them on: Instagram

Dr Amy Stanton

Dr Amy Stanton

Area of expertise: Education and Child Psychology

Most likely to: Sooth your family's minds 

Find them on: LinkedIn

Kidadl's Lockdown Lives will be starting on Monday 11th May at 9pm, running every day that week and beyond! Just check the timetable below for when to hop on and join us... we can't wait to see you there!

Alleviate the 7-week itch with Kidadl's series of lockdown live streams.
Written By
Laura Savage

Laura grew up in London and loved special family trips out to the theatre, Science Museum and all of the city's wonderful parks. She loves travelling, writing, drawing, exploring new art exhibitions and finding the best food and drink spots in the capital! At Kidadl, Laura handles our social media channels and is part of the busy brief writing team, creating the blueprints for the diverse range of articles you'll find across the site. She also dabbles in graphic design pieces for Kidadl's Instagram and writing blog articles full of family fun herself.

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