45 Awesome Autumn Jokes For Kids | Kidadl
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45 Awesome Autumn Jokes For Kids

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Looking for some funny autumn jokes to entertain the kids?

There's something special about autumn, as the nights draw in and the leaves begin to change colour and fall from the trees. Autumn means mugs of hot chocolate, long walks with crunching leaves underfoot and bonfire night, not to mention Halloween!

We’ve got an unbe-leaf-able collection of autumn jokes and riddles that the whole family will enjoy. From knock knock jokes and puns to tricky riddles, get ready to 'fall' to the floor in laughter!

If you would like to read some other amazing jokes after autumn jokes, you can check out spring jokes.

Happy girl smiling as she throws the autumn leaves up in the air.

Question And Answer Jokes

Let’s get the laughs going with our picks of the funniest question and answer jokes!

1) What did the tree say to autumn? Please leaf me alone!

2) How do you fix a broken pumpkin? With a pumpkin patch!

3) What did one autumn leaf say to another? I’m falling for you!

4) How do trees get on the internet? They log in!

5) What is the best thing to put into a pumpkin pie? Your teeth of course!

6) Which monster is red, round and only comes out in the autumn? Frankenapple!

7) What is a scarecrows favourite type of fruit? Straw-berries!

8) What is the cutest of all seasons? Awwwtumn!

9) Why do trees hate tests so much? Because they get stumped on all questions!

10) Why did the scarecrow win the Nobel Prize? Because he was out-standing in his field!

11) What’s the ratio of a pumpkin’s diameter to its circumference? Pumpkin Pi!

12) What is a tree's least favourite month of the year? Sep-timber!

13) What happens when winter arrives? Autumn leaves!

14) Why do trees like to try new things each year? Because every autumn they turn over a new leaf!

15) Why do all the birds fly south in the fall? Because it’s too far to walk!

16) Why did the pumpkin roll across the road? Because it didn’t have any feet to walk across!

17) What do the trees say when they start getting their leaves back in spring? What a re-leaf!

18) What do you call a very large pile of leaves? The Great Barrier Leaf!

19) What do you get if you drop a pumpkin? Squash!

20) Who can jump higher, a pumpkin or a scarecrow? Neither of them can jump!

21) What is red, orange and yellow and doesn’t get hurt when it falls? Autumn leaves!

Family out in the park blowing bubbles and enjoying the autumn nature.

Funny Autumn Puns

These short and snappy autumn puns are sure to bring a smile to the kids faces.

22) Be-leaf in yourself!

23) I would never leaf you!

24) You are so beautiful, even the leaves fall for you!

25) Orange you happy its autumn?

26) Leaf me alone.

27) I’m acorn-y person.

28) You really autumn know...

29) The weather is unbe-leaf-able!

Two boys raking the autumn leaves in a park.

Autumn Knock Knock Jokes

You can’t beat a classic knock knock joke, here’s some of our favourites!

30) Knock Knock

Who’s there?


Iva who?

Iva bunch of leaves that need raking!


31) Knock Knock

Who’s there?


Wool who?

Wool you grab me a sweater? It’s getting cold outside!


32) Knock Knock

Who’s there?


Orange who?

Orange you glad it’s autumn?


33) Knock Knock

Who’s there?


Water who?

Water you going to dress up as for Halloween?


34) Knock Knock

Who’s there?


Olive who?

Olive looking at the autumn leaves!


35) Knock Knock

Who’s there?


Willie who?

Willie carve a funny face in his pumpkin?

Girl and boy having fun splashing in a puddle.

Autumn One Liners

These one-liners might be a bit ‘a-corny’ but, we’re sure the kids will love them!

36) If money really did grow on trees, we’d be raking it in!

37) I would tell you an autumn joke but you probably wouldn’t fall for it!

38) A tree has a fight with autumn and said “that’s it I’m leafing!”.

39) Orange you glad the leaves are turning? I’m so happy, I could yellow about it!

40) Humpty Dumpty had a great summer... but a terrible fall!

Autumn Riddles

The kids will love trying to solve these tricky autumn themed brain teasers!

41) What can you see in fall, but not in spring, summer or winter?

The word ‘all’.

42) I’m small, brown and have a cap. I’ll grow into an oak tree. What am I?

An acorn!

43) It’s a month, it’s in the autumn, it has an “O”, what is it?


44) I grow on a vine, I start out green, but I turn orange. I can be very heavy. What am I?

A pumpkin.

45) You’re a bus driver on an autumn tour through the park. At the first bus stop two people get on, at the second stop four people get on, at the third stop one person gets off and at the fourth stop everyone gets off. The question is, what colour are the bus drivers eyes?

The same colour as yours, you’re the bus driver!

Written By
Sarah Nyamekye

An outdoor pursuits person at heart, raised in the East Midlands countryside, Sarah now lives in Surrey with her two daughters aged 3 and 9. She loves to travel and spend her days outdoors finding new and exciting places to explore with her girls. If she’s not outdoors then you’ll likely find her at home baking, crafting, gardening as well as exercising to keep fit.

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