70+ Best Christian Dior Quotes From The Famous Fashion Powerhouse | Kidadl
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70+ Best Christian Dior Quotes From The Famous Fashion Powerhouse

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Christian Dior was a French famous fashion designer and connoisseur whose creations dominated the world of fashion.

Dior was born to a wealthy family who hoped for him to become a diplomat, but he had other interests. Dior was very artistic and wanted to get into the creative field.

He hated conservative fashion styles and wanted to revolutionize stylish clothing altogether. His designs were more voluptuous and flowy as opposed to the boxy and straight shapes of other stylists. He believed that his style was superlative and fancy.

In 1947, Christian Dior launched his first fashion Summer-Spring Collection that later procured the name 'The New Look'. This collection initially received backlash from models because it covered up too much of their legs, which they weren't used to. Of all the quotes about Christian Dior, the one that made people gasp was by Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel. She said, "Look how ridiculous these women are, wearing clothes by a man who doesn’t know women, never had one, and dreams of being one." Carmel Snow, the editor-in-chief of 'Harper's Bazaar' exclaimed, "It's such a new look!" and later went on to appreciate that his collection was indeed a revolution.

Brace yourselves for these fashion designer quotes by Christian Dior that we have compiled for you, and make sure to also check out these Alexander McQueen quotes and Anna Wintour quotes too.

Christian Dior Quotes About Fashion

These fashion sayings can give you great inspiration.

1. "Don't buy much but make sure that what you buy is good."

-Christian Dior, ‘The Little Dictionary Of Fashion: A Guide To Dress Sense For Every Woman’.

2. "Simplicity, good taste, and grooming are the three fundamentals of good dressing and these do not cost money."

-Christian Dior.

3. "A dress is a piece of ephemeral architecture designed to enhance the proportions of the female body."

-Christian Dior.

4. "Without proper foundations, there can be no fashion."

-Christian Dior.

5. "Everything I know, see or hear, every part of my life is transformed into dresses. "

-Christian Dior.

6. "They [dresses] are my daydreams, but they have passed from dreamland into the world of everyday items to wear."

-Christian Dior.

7. "The detail is as important as the essential is. When it is inadequate, it destroys the whole outfit."

-Christian Dior.

8. "Even when there are no more secrets, fashion remains a mystery."

-Christian Dior.

9. "On vacation, you can wear all the colorful and casual clothing that you like, but you must always be elegant."

-Christian Dior.

10. "In a machine age, dressmaking is one of the last refuges of the human, the personal, the inimitable."

-Christian Dior.

11. "In the world today, haute couture is one of the last repositories of the marvelous, and the couturier's the last possessors of the wand of Cinderella's Fairy Godmother."

-Christian Dior, translated by Antonia Fraser, 1957.

12. "I'm a mild man, but I have violent tastes."

-Christian Dior.

13. "The women who are loudest for short skirts will soon be wearing the longest dresses. I know very well the women."

-Christian Dior.

14. "The American women will accept the new fashions."

-Christian Dior.

15. "I think I would be more suited to the couture side of the business!"

-Christian Dior.

16. "Many people dismiss haute couture as being something that is only for those who are very wealthy... simplicity, good taste, and grooming are the three fundamentals of good dressing and these do not cost money."

-Christian Dior.

17. "Haute couture is like an orchestra for which only Balenciaga is the conductor. The rest of us are just musicians, following the directions he gives us."

-Christian Dior.

18. "Finally, everything that has been part of my life, whether I wanted it to or not, has expressed itself in my dresses."

-Christian Dior.

Christian Dior Quotes About Colors

"Make me a fragrance that smells like love" is a famous quote from Christian Dior.)

Christian Dior had a lot to say about the colors one must wear.

19. "I could write a book about black."

-Christian Dior.

20. "There is certainly a red for everyone."

-Christian Dior.

21. "Midnight blue is the only color that can compete with black."

-Christian Dior.

22. "The tones of gray, pale turquoise and pink will prevail."

-Christian Dior.

23. "Black and white might be sufficient. But why deprive yourself of color."

-Christian Dior.

24. "White is pure and simple and matches with everything."

-Christian Dior.

25. "You can wear black at any time. You can wear it at any age. You may wear it for almost any occasion; a 'little black frock' is essential to a woman's wardrobe."

-Christian Dior.

26. "Black is the most slimming of all colors. It is the most flattering. "

-Christian Dior.

Perfume Quotes by Christian Dior

Dior had a lot to say about perfumes, look out for his famous line "Make me a fragrance that smells like love", in the list below.

27. "A woman's perfume tells more about her than her handwriting."

-Christian Dior.

28. "Make me a fragrance that smells like love."

-Christian Dior.

29. "Perfume is a mark of female identity and the final touch of her style."

-Christian Dior.

30. "Long after one has forgotten what a woman wore, the memory of her perfume lingers."

-Christian Dior.

31. "Perfume is the indispensable complement to the personality of women, the finishing touch on a dress."

-Christian Dior.

32. "Of the women in my childhood, I retain above all the memory of their perfumes."

-Christian Dior.

Inspirational Quotes About Women by Christian Dior

Christian Dior's 'New Look' received mixed reactions from people.

We never miss a chance to include more inspirational quotes for women. Read here for more Christian Dior quotes about women.

33. "Women are most fascinating between the ages of 35 and 40 after they have won a few races and know how to pace themselves."

-Christian Dior.

34. "There is no such thing as an ugly woman - there are only the ones who do not know how to make themselves attractive."

-Christian Dior.

35. "After women, flowers are the most lovely thing God has given the world."

-Christian Dior.

36. "Every woman is a princess."

-Christian Dior.

37. "Real woman should be capricious."

-Christian Dior.

38. "I wanted to be considered a good craftsman. I wanted my dresses to be constructed like buildings, molded to the curves of the female form, stylizing its shape."

-Christian Dior.

39. "I dream of making women not only more beautiful but also happier."

-Christian Dior.

40. "No elegant woman follows fashion slavishly."

-Christian Dior.

41. "My dream is to save women from nature"

-Christian Dior.

42. "We were emerging from the period of war, of uniforms, of women-soldiers built like boxers."

-Christian Dior, as published in 'Indiana University Press', 22 August 1989.

43. "I drew women-flowers, soft shoulders, fine waists like liana, and wide skirts like corolla."

-Christian Dior, as published in 'Indiana University Press', 22 August 1989.

44. "Women, with their sure instincts, realized that my intention was to make them not just more beautiful but also happier."

-Christian Dior.

45. "I create so that each and every woman is the most beautiful."

-Christian Dior.

46. “Women will be good for you and bring about your success.”

-Christian Dior.

Famous Christian Dior Quotes About Shoes

Dior believed that shoes were a significant part of any outfit.

47. "High heels? Painful pleasure."

-Christian Dior.

48. "You can never take too much care over the choice of your shoes."

-Christian Dior.

49. "Too many women think that they are unimportant, but the real proof of an elegant woman is what is on her feet."

-Christian Dior.

Christian Dior Inspirational Quotes For All

The fashion designer inspired everybody alike, especially with his assertion that "happiness is the secret to all beauty".

50. "Happiness is the secret to all beauty; there is no beauty that is attractive without happiness."

-Christian Dior.

51. "By being natural and sincere, one often can create revolutions without having sought them."

-Christian Dior.

52. "You can never really go wrong if you take nature as an example."

-Christian Dior.

53. "Deep in every heart slumbers a dream."

-Christian Dior.

54. "The rich live the same all over the world."

-Christian Dior, quoted in ‘The Man Who Made The World Look New’ by Marie-France Pochna, 1996.

55. "Zest is the secret of all beauty. There is no beauty that is attractive without zest."

-Christian Dior.

56. "Elegance must be the right combination of distinction, naturalness, care, and simplicity. Outside this, believe me, there is no elegance. Only pretension."

-Christian Dior.

57. "Individuality will always be one of the conditions of real elegance."

-Christian Dior.

58. "Grooming is the secret of real elegance."

-Christian Dior.

59. "Real elegance is everywhere, especially in the things that don’t show."

-Christian Dior.

60. "It is unforgivable to do what one doesn't love especially if one succeeds."

-Christian Dior.

61. "If my poor maman had still been alive, I would never have tried."

-Christian Dior, quoted in ‘The Man Who Made The World Look New’ by Marie-France Pochna, 1996.

62. "We went from losses to goods seized by creditors, while continuing to organize surrealist or abstract exhibitions…"

-Christian Dior, quoted in ‘The Man Who Made The World Look New’ by Marie-France Pochna, 1996.

63. "My mother whom I adored, secretly wasted away and died of grief…; her death…marked me for life."

-Christian Dior, quoted in ‘The Man Who Made The World Look New’ by Marie-France Pochna, 1996.

64. "It is not money that makes you well-dressed, it’s understanding."

-Christian Dior.

65. "The best clothes, the most wonderful jewels, the most glamorous beauty don’t count without good grooming."

-Christian Dior.

66. "Every bite you eat stays in the mouth for two minutes, for two hours in stomach and for two months on hips."

-Christian Dior.

Christian Dior Quotes About Accessories

Dior elaborated on the importance of accessories. Which is your favorite Christian Dior quote from this list of fashion quotes about style?

67. "Colour is what gives jewels their worth. They light up and enhance the face. "

-Christian Dior, quoted in 'The Telegraph', 2011.

68. "Nothing is more elegant than a black skirt and sweater worn with a sparkling multi-stoned necklace."

-Christian Dior, quoted in 'The Telegraph', 2011.

69. "When it comes to accessories, bright reds – scarlet, pillar-box red, crimson or cherry – are very cheerful and youthful."

-Christian Dior, quoted in 'The Telegraph', 2011.

70. "The less you can afford for your frocks, the more care you must take with your accessories."

-Christian Dior.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully curated lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone at home to enjoy, there is so much to read! If you liked reading through the 70+ best Christian Dior quotes from the famous fashion powerhouse and are excited to read through more fashion and style inspired quotes, then why not have a look at our You Can Do Anything quotes or You got This quotes to inspire you.

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