10 Best Double Buggies For Babies And Toddlers | Kidadl
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10 Best Double Buggies For Babies And Toddlers

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If you have twins or a baby and a toddler, a double buggy is often essential for getting out and about.

But with a huge range of side-to-side and tandem buggies, and so many features and specifications to choose from, deciding which one is the best for your family can be challenging. At Kidadl, we've researched the best double buggies on the market so you can make the choice with confidence.

Getting the kids out of the house is so important and these great buggies will make it easy. If you're looking for ways to keep them entertained on the move, why not look at our list of the best baby travel toys or check out these great baby slings.

Our Top Choice

Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Double Stroller‍

Unlike many double buggies, this double stroller is ultra compact. Slim enough to fit through a doorway despite the side-by-side design, it also folds easily to fit in a car boot or on public transport. At 10.3kg, this great little double buggy is more lightweight than many single buggies too! But for all that, it's well-built and robust with sturdy hoods and wheels that can manage any surface. The seats, canopies and calf-rests all adjust, providing extra comfort, while the near-flat reclining seats mean this buggy is suitable from birth. Ample storage under the chairs ensures you can carry everything you might need (although a frame bar down the middle might make larger bags tricky to store).

  • Price: £413.10
  • Age: Birth-15kg per seat

Best For Families On A Budget

Red Kite Push Me Twini Carbon Jogger‍

If you're looking for an affordable double buggy that doesn't compromise on quality then this is for you. At just 10kg, it is one of the lightest buggies on the market and handles easily even when loaded up with kids and shopping. A sun canopy, rain cover, adjustable leg rests and two footmuffs make this double pushchair nicely versatile (although the muffs are a little thin for cold weather). Individually reclining seats mean both children can sit in comfort and makes this buggy suitable for both newborns and toddlers.

  • Price: £179.99
  • Age: Birth-15kg per seat

Best For Lightweight

Joie Evalite Duo Tandem Pushchair‍

This Joie double buggy is exceptionally lightweight, designed to carry two tots and plenty of luggage easily, so it is perfect for families who love getting out and exploring new places with young kids in tow. At just 10kg, it folds smoothly with one hand, is freestanding when folded and fits into small storage spaces. Each forward facing seat reclines independently into two positions and it comes with a basket, removable washable cover, detachable bumper and adjustable leg rests.

  • Price: £179.99
  • Age: Birth-15kg per seat

Best For Toddler And Newborn Siblings

Hauck Duett 2 Tandem Double Pushchair

While not suitable for twins, this tandem pushchair is the best double buggy for toddler and newborn siblings, or even for a first child if you're planning a second further down the line. The seats are stacked and the rear seat (suitable for six months plus) can be removed until that second baby comes along and you need to start using it. The upper seat can be installed in both directions, used with a carrycot or car seat and is suitable from birth. Two rain covers and a large basket are also included meaning you are prepared for all eventualities with this double pushchair.

  • Price: £232.95
  • Age: Birth-15kg per seat

Best For Brothers And Sisters

Cosatto Woosh Double Stroller - Bro And Sis

The Woosh Double is a nicely compact, lightweight stroller, weighing in at just 11kg. Suitable for newborns, its cute print makes it ideal for twin brother and sisters, who will appreciate the bold print and bright colours as they grow older (making the buggy a fun place to be is such a bonus). A one hand fold option and stowaway stand make it super easy to store and transport, while the all-round suspension makes it a smooth ride.

  • Price: £279.95
  • Age: Birth-15kg per seat

Best For Side By Side

My Babiie Billie Faiers MB22 Chevron Double Pushchair‍

If your babies prefer to sit side by side, this pram double is a great choice. Super manoeuvrable, it's a great option for walks, while the three recline positions, padded adjustable leg rests and rain cover ensure your babies can travel in comfort. While this is a little heavier than some (at 15.6kg) and does require two hands to fold, the cup holder gives you an extra hand free while you walk.

  • Price: £199.99
  • Age: Birth-15kg per seat

Best For All Terrains

Mountain Buggy Duet V3 Double Stroller

A more expensive option, the Mountain Buggy justifies its price tag with its all-terrain easy handling. The same width as a single buggy, this was designed for mountain trails in New Zealand and the suspension, air-filled tyres and handbrake make it light and brilliantly manoeuvrable. So for families who want to explore the great outdoors, you can't get much better than this! It takes two hands to fold and is a little bulky to lift and store (at 15.5kg), but once assembled feels lightweight (which you will appreciate when you are pushing your little ones up a steep hill on a long family walk).

  • Price: £680
  • Age: Birth-18kg per seat

Best For Versatility

ISafe Tandem Pram Me&You‍

Ideal for growing families, this pram can be used as a single buggy or a twin stroller and the seats transform into two carrycots so it can be adapted for age. At 16kg in weight, it is a little bulky and not the easiest to fold or store, but the sturdy build and generous padding is also what makes it so comfortable. It is also compatible with multiple car seats, although these are not included.

  • Price: £151
  • Age: Birth-15kg per seat

Best For High End

Bugaboo Donkey 3 Duo Pushchair With Aluminium Chassis‍

A high-end buggy (with a high-end price!) this double pushchair is not only stylish but also wonderfully versatile. The seats can be reconfigured to face each other or the same way and one can be removed entirely and replaced with a zip-able side luggage basket for times when you only have one baby with you. You can also swap out the seats for a carrycot, so this is suitable from birth, and an extra adaptation is available to make the buggy car seat compatible. With foam-filled tyres and a narrow build, it is easily manoeuvrable and can handle many terrains, while the 30 litre under seat basket holds plenty of terrains.

  • Price: £1,335
  • Age: Birth-22kg per seat

Best For Out And About

Out 'N' About Nipper Double V4‍

If you're looking to take your little ones into the great outdoors then this is the best double buggy for you. With pneumatic tyres on its three wheels and excellent rear suspension, this fantastic out and about double buggy handles easily over difficult terrain. Steerable with one hand, it is just 12.8kg and narrow enough to fit through most doorways. Carrycots are an optional extra but both seats recline flat independently so it is ideal for both twins and siblings of different ages. Families who love the outdoors will be sure to love this pushchair!

Kidadl Best Buys selects the top products for families of all ages. If you liked our suggestions for double buggies then make sure you look at these great cots or our list of the best baby carrier backpacks.

  • Price: £414.95
  • Age: Birth-15kg per seat
Written By
Georgia Stone

Georgia is originally from Essex but moved to Switzerland as a child, attending an international school and igniting her love for experiencing the world and its cultures. She later moved back to the UK to study French with Film Studies at King’s College London. She took a break to enjoy a patisserie-filled year abroad in Paris. Shortly after graduating, she started as an intern at Kidadl in a small team of five, progressing with the company as it grew, to where she sits now as Digital Content Manager. Since returning to the UK permanently, she has been known to take ideas from Kidadl for things to see and do close to home and make the most of London’s incredible travel connections to explore further afield.

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