45 Best Grace Kelly Quotes From The Actress And Princess Of Monaco | Kidadl
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45 Best Grace Kelly Quotes From The Actress And Princess Of Monaco

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Grace Kelly fans, listen up!

Grace Kelly was speaking facts when she said,“I’m basically a feminist. I think that women can do anything they decide to do.” We have carefully prepared a comprehensive list of quotes by Grace Kelly like this one down below.

Grace Kelly was a famous '50s film star who became Princess of Monaco by marrying Prince Rainier III back in 1956 and is widely known for her roles in ‘To Catch A Thief’ and ‘High Noon.’ Grace Kelly’s quotes talk about her as a person and give us an insight into her life and thoughts. She was a very inspiring woman. From being someone who was nothing to becoming the Princess of Monaco, her life story is itself worthy of a movie.

Make sure to check out 45 best Grace Kelly quotes from the actress and Princess of Monaco listed here. If you like this article, check out 'Rear Window' quotes and Alfred Hitchcock quotes once you’re done with these.

Fascinating Grace Kelly Quotes

Grace Kelly, an epitome of beauty, has a very powerful mind. Read on for some of the best Grace Kelly quotes including the 'Rear Window' movie quotes from the Princess of Monaco giving you many reasons for not getting angry.

The beautiful actress enjoyed a great fan following.

1. “Getting angry doesn’t solve anything.”

- Grace Kelly.

2. “I favor pearls on screen and in my private life.”

- Grace Kelly.

3. “I love walking in the woods, on the trails, along the beaches. I love being part of nature. I love walking alone. It is therapy. One needs to be alone, to recharge one’s batteries.”

- Grace Kelly.

4. “I avoid looking back. I prefer good memories to regrets.”

- Grace Kelly.

5. “My father had a very simple view on life: you don’t get anything for nothing. Everything has to be earned, through work, persistence and honesty.”

- Grace Kelly.

6. “I’m basically a feminist. I think that women can do anything they decide to do.”

- Grace Kelly.

7. “I’ve had happy moments in my life, but I don’t think that happiness–being happy–is a perpetual state that anyone can be in. Life isn’t that way.”

- Grace Kelly.

8. “I would like to be remembered as someone who accomplished useful deeds, and who was a kind and loving person. I would like to leave the memory of a human with a correct attitude and who did her best to help others.”

- Grace Kelly.

9. “I never say ‘never,’ and I never say ‘always.’”

- Grace Kelly.

10. “A person has to keep something to herself or your life is just a layout in a magazine.”

- Grace Kelly.

11. “I’ve been accused of being cold, snobbish, distant. Those who know me well know that I’m nothing of the sort. If anything, the opposite is true.”

- Grace Kelly.

12. “You don’t get anything for nothing. Everything has to be earned, through work, persistence and honesty.”

- Grace Kelly.

13. “It was thanks to Alfred Hitchcock that I understood that murder scenes should be shot like love scenes and love scenes like murder scenes.”

- Grace Kelly.

14. "For to have complete satisfaction from flowers you must have time to spend with them."

- Grace Kelly.

15. “I love being part of nature. I love walking alone. It is therapy. One needs to be alone, to recharge one s batteries.”

- Grace Kelly.

Best Grace Kelly Movie Quotes

On more than once occasion she noted that she would like to be remembered as someone who did some good deeds. Whether it be quotes about Grace Kelly or quotes by Grace Kelly, they are all widely enjoyed by the fans globally. Here are some of the most famous Grace Kelly movie quotes, from the Princess of Monaco, that you will absolutely love.

Grace Kelly was also a prominent feminist.

16. “The freedom of the press works in such a way that there is not much freedom from it.”

- Grace Kelly.

17. “There are fairies at the bottom of my garden all ringing little bells."

- Grace Kelly.

18. “Emancipation of women has made them lose their mystery.”

- Grace Kelly.

19. “You’ve got a very strong grip - the kind a burglar needs.”

- Grace Kelly.

20. “I’m a great believer of getting down to essentials.”

- Grace Kelly.

21. “Even in this light, I can tell where your eyes are looking.”

- Grace Kelly.

22. “The idea of my life as a fairy-tale, is a fairy-tale itself.”

- Grace Kelly.

23. “Our life dictates a certain kind of wardrobe.”

- Grace Kelly.

24. “The pearl is the queen of gems and the gem of queens.”

- Grace Kelly.

25. “It would be very sad if children did not have memories before those of school. What they need most is the love and attention from their mother.”

- Grace Kelly.

26. “I work hard in social work, public relations and raising the Grimaldi heirs.”

- Grace Kelly.

27. “I love walking in the woods, on the trails, along the beaches.”

- Grace Kelly.

28. “...is it too much to ask to want to protect your private life, your inner feelings?”

- Grace Kelly.

29. “Mr. Hitchcock taught me everything about cinema.”

- Grace Kelly.

30. “I certainly don’t think of my life as a fairy tale. I think of myself as a modern, contemporary woman who has had to deal with all kinds of problems that many women today have to deal with.”

- Grace Kelly.

31. “I did enjoy and take pride in my work as an actress, yet I’m bemused by suppositions that my life since has somehow been less fulfilling. That certainly is not the case. Rather the reverse.”

- Grace Kelly.

32. “I was constantly falling in love, and it never occurred to me that this was wrong or bad.”

- Grace Kelly.

33. “I don’t want to be married to someone who feels inferior to my success or because I make more money than he does.”

- Grace Kelly.

34. “If anybody starts using me as scenery, I’ll return to New York.”

- Grace Kelly.

35. “I came to success very quickly. Perhaps too quickly to value it’s importance.”

- Grace Kelly.

36. “I’ve always treated my children’s as beings in their own right. I respect their feelings and aspirations entirely.”

- Grace Kelly.

37. “Other women looked on me as a rival. And it pained me a great deal.”

- Grace Kelly.

Famous Grace Kelly Quotes

Grace Kelly wasn't just a wonderful American actress, she also loved having a family. Here are some beautiful quotations by Grace Kelly.

38. "Women's natural role is to be a pillar of the family."

- Grace Kelly.

39. "I never really liked Hollywood. I found it unreal - unreal and full of men and women whose lives were confused and full of pain."

- Grace Kelly.

40. "Ingrid Bergman made an enormous impression on me. I couldn't imagine where that kind of acting talent came from."

- Grace Kelly.

41. "My husband often remarked what a pity it was that a great country like America, which in Europe is still regarded as such a young nation, should be represented seemingly only by old or infirm men."

- Grace Kelly.

42. "I loved acting. I didn’t particularly liked being a movie star..."

- Grace Kelly.

43. "A woman needs ropes and ropes of pearls."

- Grace Kelly.

44. "Don’t be like the rest of them, darling."

- Grace Kelly.

45. “It doesn’t matter who earns more in a relationship.”

- Grace Kelly.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Grace Kelly quotes, then why not take a look at Judy Garland quotes or, S0phia Loren quotes.

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