27 Best Pancake Puns And Jokes That Are Flipping Funny | Kidadl
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27 Best Pancake Puns And Jokes That Are Flipping Funny

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If you're on the lookout for funny pancake jokes, crêpe puns, and other one liners that won't fall flat with your kids, you've come to the right place.

Pancakes are a perfect kitchen activity to do with your children: you can enlist them to help you make the batter, then teach them how to flip them! As well as a fun activity and a delicious treat, it turns out pancake jokes are a delight too.

This collection of jokes is perfect for Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Day, or any pancake night at home! From funny stories to question and answer jokes, there's something to make everyone laugh. After all, what's the best topping for a pancake? Funny pancake puns! By the time you have finished reading this post, you'll be a really pancake pundit!

For more food-related jokes, check out these Restaurant Jokes to keep your kids entertained, or this collection of the 63 Best Pasta Jokes.

Clever Pancake Puns:

Stack of pancakes with blueberries and banana.

Impress your family and friends with these pancake day puns while making pancakes! Deliver them as you're filling your pancakes - or, should I say, your pun-cakes.

Did you hear about the angry pancake? He totally flipped!

I tried to break the ice at a party with a pancake joke, but it fell flat.

I can't believe it's Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Day already, it's really crepe-d up on us this year!

Funny Pancake Question and Answers Jokes:

Three little girls in the kitchen smiling and laughing as they make pancakes.

You'd batter believe we've found the absolute best pancakes jokes for you! Ask your friends and family these tricky questions, let them rack their brains, then surprise them with the hilarious answers.

How do you make a pancake smile? You butter him up!

Why did the pancake run away? Because he was creped out! (creeped out)

Why couldn't the pancake sleep? He kept tossing and turning!

Why aren't pancakes good singers? They're too flat!

How does the panda make his pancakes for breakfast? With a pan, duh!

Why can a pancake get arrested? If it commits unwaffle activities (unlawful)

What do bus drivers put on their pancakes for breakfast? Traffic jam!

Why did the pancake get arrested? He was a crêpe-tomaniac!

What does a pancake say when it receives a compliment? "Aww I'm flattered!"

What's the best pancake topping? More pancakes!

What do you call someone who is really bad at making pancakes? A flip-flop!

What's the best thing you can put into a pancake? Your teeth!

What does a cat fill his pancakes with? Mice cream!

How is a pancake always organised? Because he always tosses all his trash away.

What looks like half a pancake? The other half!

Why did the pancake miss breakfast? It was choco-LATE!

Why are pancakes so good at making people laugh? Because they know so many pun-cakes!

Hilarious Pancake One Liners:

Plate with a smiley face using pancakes for eyes and syrup for a smile.

A great collection of witty play-on-words related to pancakes always makes the best pancake day. Best served hot as a side with delicious crêpes!

These pancakes are amazing, they're so flipping delicious!

Apparently the early bird gets the worm... I guess I'll just sleep in until the pancakes are ready.

I'm really scared of pancakes, they give me the crêpes (the creeps).

Amazing Pancake Jokes:

Plate of yummy folded crepes served with strawberries, blueberries and fruit compote.

These funny stories are bound to be a hit with the whole family. You can never have enough pancake day jokes! If you're feeling creative, you can even act these out with your friends and family.

A woman goes to a restaurant and orders a pancake. She's in a rush and her food is taking a long time to arrive, so she asks the waiter: "Will it be long?". The waiter replies "Well, no, it'll be round!"

A man is walking down the street, when suddenly he hears a cry for help. He looks around and sees an old lady being attacked by a person wearing a hood. He runs to her rescue, but realises all he has to protect himself is a pancake. From a distance, he throws it at the attacker and it lands on his face, blinding him momentarily. Confused and scared, the hooded figure quickly runs away without harming the victim. The old lady is safe and sound, and thanks her saviour profusely. After hearing this story, I guess you can say not all heroes wear crêpes!

Two pancakes are chatting about a third pancake. "Wasn't that pancake so annoying?" says the first one.  The second pancake answers "Yeah, he was really boring. He just kept waffling!"

One friend brags to another: "I know the recipe for the best pancake mix in the world!". His friend replies: "I bet mine is batter, it's flipping amazing!"

Written By
Mina Frost

Mina lives in London and loves exploring the city and uncovering new, exciting, and fun activities, places, and adventures to fill her days with. She is also passionate about children’s literature and sharing all things cultural with the children she babysits, so if there’s a new family film, play, or exhibition, you’re likely to find her there. She has also travelled extensively in her life throughout Europe and further and loves exploring new places and meeting new people. She has a degree in Linguistics and Language Acquisition and remains fascinated by all languages and cultures.

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