55 Best Robert Downey Jr. Quotes From The 'Iron Man' Actor | Kidadl
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55 Best Robert Downey Jr. Quotes From The 'Iron Man' Actor

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Robert Downey Jr. is an American actor, singer, songwriter, producer, and a popular face in Hollywood.

With a spanning career for over four decades, Robert Downey Jr. gained worldwide acclaim with his iconic role of Tony Stark (Iron Man) in 10 Marvel movies. His other notable films include 'Sherlock Holmes' (2009) and its sequel, 'Tropic Thunder' (2008), and 'Zodiac' (2007) to name a few.

His addict father introduced Robert Downey Jr. to drugs at a very young age which led the actor to struggle with substance abuse for many years. But in spite of all the ups and downs, Robert Downey Jr. overcame his drug addiction, and his comeback has been phenomenal. Even though he is not a billionaire, he is one of the highest-paid actors, and his net worth stands at $300 million. His stint as Iron Man ended with 'Avengers: Endgame' (2020) when he and Chris Evans decided to leave the MCU. According to Robert Downey Jr., "We had to get off" and it was a "part of the job to get off the bus while it was rolling on to other destinations." While we're not quite sure if he'll return as Tony Stark, we can surely enjoy the actor's iconic quotes.

Check out Tony Stark quotes and Avengers quotes too.

Famous Robert Downey Jr. Quotes

Here you'll find the best collection of inspirational quotes from Robert Downey Jr. These include Robert Downey Jr. quotes on success and life. Take a look at these best Robert Downey Jr. quotes and you might get inspired.

1. “The lesson is that you can still make mistakes and be forgiven.”

- Robert Downey Jr.

2. “Job one is to get out of that cave. A lot of people do get out but don’t change.”

- Robert Downey Jr.

3. "Maybe the goal really should be a life that values honor, duty, good work, friends and family."

- Robert Downey Jr.

4. "I’m not afraid of total failure because I don’t think that will happen. I’m not afraid of success because that beats the hell out of failure."

- Robert Downey Jr.

5. “Worrying is like praying for something that you don’t want to happen.”

- Robert Downey Jr.

6. "People never change because they are under threat or under duress. Never. They change because they see something that makes their life seem valuable enough to start moving toward a life worth living."

- Robert Downey Jr.

7. “Do I want to be a hero to my son? No. I would like to be a very real human being. That’s hard enough.”

- Robert Downey Jr.

8. “Look, even bad years are pretty good years, I think.”

- Robert Downey Jr.

9. “Discipline for me is about respect. It’s not even about self-respect; it’s about respect for life and all it offers.”

- Robert Downey Jr.

10. "If I’m not on my team, why should anybody else be?"

- Robert Downey Jr.

11. “I think it’s miraculous that anybody survives themselves.”

- Robert Downey Jr.

12. “Sometimes you just gotta be drop-kicked out of the nest.”

- Robert Downey Jr.

13. "I always think part of success is being able to replicate results."

- Robert Downey Jr.

14. "Nothing will serve you better than a strong work ethic. Nothing!"

- Robert Downey Jr.

'Iron Man' Quotes By Robert Downey Jr.

Quotes from 'Iron Man' are popular among all.

These wacky and inspirational quotes from the 'Iron Man' films are something worth reading. Take a look at these Tony Stark quotes, played by Robert Downey Jr.

15. "You're in a relationship with me, nothing will ever be okay."

- Tony Stark, 'Iron Man 3,' 2013.

16. "I'm Tony Stark. I build neat stuff, got a great girl, occasionally save the world."

- Tony Stark, 'Iron Man 3,' 2013.

17. "Where will you be watching the world consume me from? Oh, that's right, a prison cell. I'll send you a bar of soap."

- Tony Stark, 'Iron Man 2,' 2010.

18. "I've successfully privatized world peace. What more do you want?"

- Tony Stark, 'Iron Man 2,' 2010.

19. "Strawberry vendor: Aren't you Iron Man?

Tony Stark: Sometimes."

- 'Iron Man 2,' 2010.

20. "I don't like people handing me things just put it down there."

- Tony Stark, 'Iron Man 2,' 2010.

21. "I told you, I don't want to join your super-secret boy band."

- Tony Stark, 'Iron Man 2,' 2010.

22. “Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?"

- Tony Stark, 'Iron Man,' 2008.

23. "Sometimes you gotta run before you walk."

- Tony Stark, 'Iron Man,' 2008.

24. "You can take away my house, all my tricks and toys, but one thing you can't take away - I am Iron Man."

- Tony Stark, 'Iron Man 3,' 2013.

25. "My armor was never a distraction or a hobby, it was a cocoon, and now I'm a changed man."

- Tony Stark, 'Iron Man 3,' 2013.

26. "I had my eyes opened. I came to realize that I had more to offer this world than just making things that blow up."

- Tony Stark, 'Iron Man,' 2008.

27. "A famous man once said, 'We create our own demons.' Who said that? What does that even mean? Doesn't matter. I said it 'cause he said it."

- Tony Stark, 'Iron Man 3,' 2013.

28. "Iron Man. That's kind of catchy. It's got a nice ring to it. I mean it's not technically accurate. The suit's a gold titanium alloy, but it's kind of provocative, the imagery anyway."

- Tony Stark, 'Iron Man,' 2008.

Popular Robert Downey Jr. Movie Quotes

Robert Downey Jr. quotes from films are great.

These Robert Downey Jr. quotes from movies are some of the best in Hollywood. This is one great list of Robert Downey Jr. quotes!

29. "If I miss the birth of my own child, I'm gonna choke you out with your own scarf."

- Peter Highman, 'Due Date' 2010.

30. "Ethan Tremblay: Give me a scene.

Peter Highman: Okay, I'm Julia Roberts. We are engaged to be married. You have terminal cancer. Break the news to me."

- 'Due Date' 2010.

31. "Quantum fluctuation messes with the Planck's scale, which then triggers the Doidge proposition. Can we agree on that? In layman's terms, it means, you are not coming home."

- Tony Stark, 'Avengers: Endgame' 2019.

32. "In fact, the little details are by far the most important."

- Sherlock Holmes, 'Sherlock Holmes' 2009.

33. "Go to bed, or I'll sell all your toys."

- Tony Stark, 'Avengers: Endgame' 2019.

34. "I despise who you are on a cellular level."

- Peter Highman, 'Due Date' 2010.

35. "There is absolutely nothing of interest to me, out there, on Earth, at all."

- Sherlock Holmes, 'Sherlock Holmes' 2009.

36. "Why are your father's ashes in a coffee can?"

- Peter Highman, 'Due Date' 2010.

37. "It's not about how much we lost. It's about how much we have left."

- Tony Stark, 'Avengers: Endgame' 2019.

38. "No girl wants to marry a doctor who can't tell if a man's dead or not!"

- Sherlock Holmes, 'Sherlock Holmes' 2009.

39. "What did you ever do? You went through my garbage. Oh, yes. You went to the library."

- Paul Avery, 'Zodiac' 2007.

40. "No amount of money ever bought a second of time."

- Tony Stark, 'Avengers: Endgame' 2019.

41. "This time travel thing we're gonna try and pull off tomorrow, it's got me scratching my head about the survivability of it all. Then again that's the hero gig."

- Tony Stark, 'Avengers: Endgame' 2019.

42. "Never theorize before you have data."

- Sherlock Holmes, 'Sherlock Holmes' 2009.

43. "Everybody wants a happy ending. Right? But it doesn't always roll that way."

- Tony Stark, 'Avengers: Endgame' 2019.

44. "You have the grand gift of silence, Watson; it makes you quite invaluable as a companion."

- Sherlock Holmes, 'Sherlock Holmes' 2009.

45. "I love you 3000."

- Tony Stark, 'Avengers: Endgame' 2019.

46. "Okay, anybody on our side hiding any shocking and fantastic abilities they'd like to disclose? I'm open to suggestions."

- Iron Man, 'Captain America: Civil War' 2016.

Robert Downey Jr. 'Tropic Thunder' Quotes

Here is a compilation of some hilarious 'Tropic Thunder' quotes by Robert Downey Jr. where he plays the character of Kirk Lazarus. Check out these Robert Downey Jr. quotes from 'Tropic Thunder'.

47. "You more shredded than a julienne salad, man."

- Kirk Lazarus, 'Tropic Thunder' 2008.

48. "Being an actor's no different than being a rugby player or construction worker, save for the fact that my tools are the mechanisms which trigger human emotion."

- Kirk Lazarus, 'Tropic Thunder' 2008.

49. "I get excited about my foods, man."

- Kirk Lazarus, 'Tropic Thunder' 2008.

50. "It's simple as pie, man: you plant your feet on the ground, you look her square in the eyes you say 'Hey! baby, you and me's goin' on a date, that's the end of the story'."

- Kirk Lazarus, 'Tropic Thunder' 2008.

51. "They found me in an alley in Burbank trying to re-enter the earth's atmosphere in an old refrigerator box."

- Kirk Lazarus, 'Tropic Thunder' 2008.

52. "I... I think I might be nobody."

- Kirk Lazarus, 'Tropic Thunder' 2008.

53. "I know who I am. I'm the dude playin' the dude, disguised as another dude!"

- Kirk Lazarus, 'Tropic Thunder' 2008.

54. "Man, I don't drop character 'till I done the DVD commentary."

- Kirk Lazarus, 'Tropic Thunder' 2008.

55. "I don't read the script. The script reads me."

- Kirk Lazarus, 'Tropic Thunder' 2008.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Robert Downey Jr. quotes then why not take a look at inspirational Marvel quotes, or 'Avengers Endgame' quotes.

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