44 Brilliant Birthday Jokes For Kids | Kidadl
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44 Brilliant Birthday Jokes For Kids

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You'll laugh – and maybe even cry – at these rib-tickling gags for kids to wish someone a happy birthday.

While getting older as an adult may not seem like a laughing matter, our selection of funny birthday jokes is sure to make someone's day, birthday jokes for kids are bound to be well received. What could be better than a slice of birthday cake, an amusing card and a clever pun?

Want to tickle your funny bone further? Check out these hilarious puns about the weather or these Lego jokes for kids.

Knock Knock Birthday Jokes

Birthday cake with sprinkles and colourful party decorations.

Image © Lidya Nada / Unsplash under a creative commons licence.

Knock knock jokes about birthdays will always go down a treat on the big day. We've rounded up some of our favourite birthday jokes in the classic knock knock style.

1. Knock knock.

Who's there?


Abby who?

Abby birthday!


2. Knock knock.

Who's there?


Bacon who?

Bacon a cake for the big day!


3. Knock knock.

Who's there?


Hippo who?

Hippo birthday!


4. Knock knock.

Who's there?


Alligator who?

Alligator for her birthday was this card.


5. Knock knock.

Who's there?


Sue who?

Sue-prise it's your birthday!


6. Knock knock.

Who's there?


Gus who?

Gus whose birthday it is today!


7. Knock knock.

Who's there?


Ivana who?

Ivana piece of birthday cake!

Puns For Birthdays

Birthday cake with a 1 candle lit in front of a toddler.

Images © Freestocks / Unsplash under a creative commons licence.

Birthday jokes for kids don't get much funnier than these classic lines! Check out our favourite birthday jokes with these puns.

8. When the candles won't fit on the cake you know you're getting old.

9. I can't believe you're seven already - it seems like only yesterday you were six!

10. Sound the a-llama - it's your birthday!

11. Did you see the sale on birthday candles? It was a blow out.

12. Lettuce celebrate your birthday!

13. Don't worry - age is ir-elephant!

14. The party was the icing on the birthday cake.

15. What kind of music did the balloons play at their birthday party? Pop!

16. Scientists say birthdays are good for your health. Apparently those who have the most birthdays live the longest.

17. Don't be sad if no one comes to celebrate your birthday - it just means you can have your cake and eat it!

18. The best friends remember your birthday... not your age!

Question And Answer Jokes For Birthday Celebrations

Three kids sitting together laughing.

© Authentic Images / Pikwizard under a creative commons licence.

We've got the how, the why, the where and the what of jokes on birthday topics. Read on for our funniest favourites. Warning: you may laugh out loud!

19. What do you say to a rabbit on its birthday? Hoppy birthday!

20. What comes at the end of every birthday? The letter Y!

21. What do you get a tiger for his birthday? I don't know but it had better be good!

22. Why did the boy whack his birthday cake with a hammer? It was a pound cake.

23. How do pickles celebrate their birthdays? With relish!

24. Why should you never invite a thief to your birthday party? Because they'll take the cake!

25. Why didn't Elsa get a balloon for her birthday? Because all she'd do is let it go!

26. Why did the party guests struggle to eat the cake? Because it was marble cake!

27. What do you sing to a cow on their birthday? Happy birthday to moo!

28. What did the crab do on his birthday? He shell-ebrated!

29. What do you buy a hunter for his birthday? A birthday pheasant.

30. What kind of cake should you make for an elf's birthday? Shortcake.

31. What do rabbits play at birthday parties? Musical hares!

32. Why shouldn't you bother wishing an owl happy birthday? Because they don't give a hoot!

33. Why was six angry at seven? Because seven eight nine (seven ate nine)!

34. What do ghosts eat on their birthday? I scream cake

35. What did the pirate shout on his 80th birthday? Aye matey (I'm 80)!

36. What goes up but never comes down? Your age!

37. What's the best cake to make for an angel? Angel food cake!

Little boy sat on top of a picnic bench with a book on his lap laughing.

Image © Stock Snap / Pixabay under a creative commons licence.

38. Why did the biscuit miss the birthday party? He was feeling crumby!

39. What do you buy an elephant for his birthday? A trunk-ful of presents!

40. Why do we put candles on top of the cake? Because it's hard to light them if they're on the bottom.

41. What do you get every year on your birthday? Older!

42. Why didn't the teddy bear eat all of his birthday cake up? Because he was stuffed!

43. What did the ice cream say to the birthday cake? You're totally cool!

44. Why do kangaroos hate birthdays? Because they only celebrate theirs on leap years.

Written By
Cora Lydon

Cora Lydon is a freelance journalist living in Suffolk with her husband and two children. She’s also a children’s book author who loves finding activities and place to inspire her children. Her dining table bears the scars of many craft activities attempts (many unsuccessful).

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