Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day | Kidadl
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Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day

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Where is Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day celebrated? 

Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day is a special day dedicated to cleaning federal lands and encouraging citizens to take up cleanup activities. This day is celebrated all over the United States of America.

Who is Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day celebrated by?

Every year on Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day, the president of the United States signs a proclamation calling for this day to be observed by the country's citizens. Various federal land management authorities of the individual states and citizen volunteers also participate in this day.

In general, Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day can be celebrated by all American citizens, as it is the responsibility of the citizens to keep their surroundings clean and reduce litter.

When did Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day first start?

Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day started long ago, in 1985. Back then, it was known as Federal Lands National Cleanup Day. In 1995, this day was renamed Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day in honor of William Carl Garner, the resident engineer of the Greers Ferry Lake, where he encouraged people to clean up the regions surrounding the lake by arranging appropriate programs with volunteer involvement. This was nationally acclaimed.

This public day is marked as a day of observance and takes place on the first Saturday following every Labor Day in the US. However, in some states, Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day is celebrated on any alternative date.

Who started Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day?

This day, dedicated to maintaining federal lands, was started by the US Congress after they signed the Federal Lands Cleanup Act into public law in 1985. Ten years later, Congress amended the Federal Lands Cleanup Act, and Federal Lands National Cleanup Day was renamed Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day in honor of Carl Garner. He dedicated his career to encouraging people to reduce litter and keep public lands and the adjoining regions of Greers Ferry Lake clean. Every year, the president of the US proclaims this day and encourages people to maintain federal lands.

History And Timelines

Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day takes place in September.

Continue reading to know more about the history of Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day.


Completion Of Greers Ferry Lake

Carl Garner was designated as the resident engineer of the Greers Ferry Lake ever since its completion.


Carl Garner Started His Program

In 1970, Carl Garner started an annual event to get people to come together to clean up the regions around Greers Ferry Lake. This event gained national attention and inspired similar events elsewhere.



The US Congress passed the Federal Lands Cleanup Act, which designated the first Saturday following Labor Day to be observed as Federal Lands National Cleanup Day.



In honor of Carl Garner, Federal Lands National Cleanup Day was renamed Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day.


First World Cleanup Day

The first World Cleanup Day, coordinated by a global organization named Let's Do It! World was observed.

Traditions And Customs

The main tradition of this day is the US President signing the proclamation for the observance of this day. Various land management authorities and volunteers participate in this event by arranging programs and relevant activities.

These activities aim not only to clean federal lands, waterways, and recreation areas but also to spread the message on how important it is to maintain such areas around us and how the general public should feel a sense of community pride in the ownership of such lands.

Local eateries may hold a lunch event for the volunteers participating in cleanup activities. On this day, various businesses also pledge to support and expand the main idea behind this day. In previous years, events like Little Red River Cleanup and Greers Ferry Lake Cleanup were observed on this day.

Ways To Celebrate Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day

You can observe this day by being a part of any program to improve trails, waterways, facilities, recreation areas, or any other kind of federal land together. You can also spread information about such programs online. This day is also ideal for spreading awareness about the importance of keeping one's surroundings clean and how citizens should feel a sense of ownership and community pride towards any federal land and maintain it since the land is their own.

Facts And Stats

  • Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day was initially known as Federal Lands National Cleanup Day.
  • This day was declared in 1985 after the US Congress signed the Federal Lands Cleanup Act into public law.
  • The first Saturday after every Labor Day is dedicated to the Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day.
  • This public holiday is an observance day to encourage people to clean up recreation areas and waterways, improve trails, federal facilities, and so on.

FAQs About Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day

Who devised Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day?

This day was devised by the US Congress in 1985. Later, it was renamed in honor of Carl Garner, whose nationally acclaimed program to clean up the regions around the Greers Ferry Lake formed a massive positive influence.

What is the importance of Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day?

Taking place after the first Saturday of Labor Day, this day is quite important as it promotes the need for the general public to keep their surroundings clean and litter-free.

What are some benefits of Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day?

On this day, various volunteer programs are arranged, where people get together to clean federal lands. This day is also used to spread awareness about maintaining federal lands.


Who initially directed Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day?

This day was initially directed by the US Congress.

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When Is This Day Celebrated

Date Day
September 12, 2020 Saturday
September 11, 2021 Saturday
September 10, 2022 Saturday
September 09, 2023 Saturday
September 07, 2024 Saturday

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