30 Cell-arious Biology Puns For Future Biologists | Kidadl
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30 Cell-arious Biology Puns For Future Biologists

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Did you know that messages from the human brain travel along nerves at up to 200 miles an hour?

Or that the human body is composed of trillions of cells, each with their own special function? Biology is the fascinating study of life and living organisms, a science that really helps us to understand the structures, processes, growth, origins, and evolution of humans, plants, and animals.

You may be currently studying the topic, or maybe you're interested in becoming a biologist yourself. Either way, while biology is definitely a matter to take seriously, there is also plenty of light and funny things that we can take from it, such as these puns!

We've rounded up our favorite 30 down below that will get you giggling and may even help you learn something. Why not try them out on your classmates, friends, or even your teacher?

For more science based laughs, take a look at these plant jokes or these water jokes.

Biologist Puns

If you'd like to learn a funny scientist pun or two, take a look at our list below!

1. When a biologist wants to impress someone, they wear designer genes.

2. When biologists need to repair something at their house, they study homology.

3. Biologists can also be great philosophers. They give fantastic life lessons.

4. A dog and a marine biologist are quite similar. One wags a tail, and the other tags a whale!

5. Biologists love to play musical instruments. Organs are their favorite!

6. The biology teacher is very popular at school. He's a fungi.

Biology explores the origins, evolution and more of humans, plants, and animals.

Cell & DNA Puns

You may be surprised to learn that some of the funniest puns can be based on something that fills our whole bodies - check them out!

7. If you've ever wondered how biologists contact each other, they use their cell-phones!

8. ... They also take cell-fies!

9. My biology teacher decided to create vocal cords with stem cells. The results really speak for themselves.

10. I’ve never been a very good swimmer, my DNA almost drowned in its gene pool.

11. Two blood cells met and fell in love. Sadly, it was all in vein.

12. It's impossible for plants to escape from jail. There's a wall around their cell!

13. A cell stepped on her sister's toe. The sister said, "Ouch, mitosis!"

Classic Biology Puns

If science puns are your thing, you may just love these funny biology-related ones below. Who knows, you may even learn some cool science words!

14. Biology is the only science where multiplication is the same thing as division.

15. Do you see that scary gang over there? Their leader is called the Nucleus!

16. If someone wants to hear a potassium joke, just say 'K'.

17. I know some great biology puns, but you'll have to dissect them to understand them.

18. Biology is really important. It's a matter of life and death.

19. This Biology pun is so funny, you'll be laughing your genes off!

20. If blood could have one message for the world, it would B positive!

21. If you've visited many countries or speak many different languages, you must be a man of many cultures!

22. That's DJ Enzyme. He always breaks it down!

23. Microorganisms are so hipster. They were evolving on earth before it was cool!

24. Tomorrow we're going to be studying mitosis. I'll be needing your undivided attention.  

25. That girl is really worried about her biology test. Her nervous system is acting up.

26. You shouldn't be worried if you get a B for your biology practical. It's much easier to dissect a frog!

27. When a plant is sad, all of its plant friends photosympathize with it!

28. Ants never get sick. They have little anty bodies.

29. We be-lung together. Aorta tell you that I love you!

30. There's a big difference between male and female anatomies. A vas deferens, you could say.

Written By
Rachel Garner

Rachel grew up in Switzerland and currently lives in north-west London. She is an avid reader, writer, and a real foodie and loves discovering new hotspots and trendy places to go in the city. She also enjoys planning days out for her family, she especially loves taking her little cousins swimming and to the park. When she has some free time she loves going to concerts, baking, or visiting her family at their home in Essex. She can sometimes be found travelling a bit further than Essex and loves meticulously planning and researching a trip before heading off to explore new places in Europe and further afield.

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