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Fun Coatimundi Facts For Kids

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A coatimundi commonly called a coati (Nasua) is a close relative of the raccoon family belonging to the genus Nasua and Nasuella and order Carnivora. They are not raccoons but their long pointed muzzle and a long ring-shaped tail make them look like raccoons. However, the one species of coatimundi Arizona belongs to the family of raccoons. They are omnivorous animals and their diet contains food ranging from vegetation to small vertebrates and invertebrates. These creatures are considered to be very intelligent. While some subspecies remain active at night, the others remain active during the day. Their most preferred habitat is believed to be rainforest areas and can climb trees like an expert. The uncommon double-jointed ankle makes a coati more flexible than any other closely related species. If you want to know more about coatimundi we have got for you some very knowledgeable facts about the animal. 

Fun Coatimundi Facts For Kids

What do they prey on?

Small birds, rodents, lizards, crocodile eggs, and bird eggs

What do they eat?


Average litter size?


How much do they weigh?

4 lb-18 lb (2 kg-8 kg)

How long are they?

13 in - 27 in (33 cm - 69 cm)

How tall are they?

12 in (30 cm)

What do they look like?

Black or brown and a white tail

Skin Type


What were their main threats?


What is their conservation status?

Least Concern

Where you'll find them?

Tropical Woodlands And Rainforests


North, And Central America, South




Nasua and Nasuella





Coatimundi Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a Coatimundi?

Coatis, also known as coatimundis, are diurnal small mammals. The South American white-nosed coati native to Arizona, is a type of coati belonging to the raccoon family.

What class of animal does a Coatimundi belong to?

Coatis or coatimundis of central and south America belong to the class Mammal or Mammalia.

How many Coatimundis are there in the world?

The total number of coati species living in all its habitable places is unknown. Their population is different in different places ranging from being rare in some places to being found in abundance in others. Coatis are generally rare animals in the United States. Throughout Central America, their population status varies from rare animals to common. However, their rarity has indicated a great reduction in their numbers.  

Where does a Coatimundi live?

The areas where a coati (Nasua) can be found cover an extensive range, including both the Americas. Some species have escaped to Europe where they have produced for them a breeding zone. In America, the range of coatis extends from South to North, covering almost all the parts of Central America. In North America, coatis are found in the Arizonian region and the south-western United States. From there it reaches Central America by covering many parts of Mexico. Coatis are also found in Panama and in the areas that lie to the west of the Andes Mountains in South America. They are also widely available in Colombia.

What is a Coatimundi's habitat?

The habitat of a coati is highly diversified. They are found covering an extensive region and can adapt to any kind of environment in which they reside. The groups of coatis are found mainly in the continents of America. The most preferable habitat of a coati would be tropical rainforests and woods. Although not impossible but they are found very rarely in areas like savanna grasslands and desert regions. Coatis are also found in elevated mountain woods containing pine and oak plantations. In these places, the fur coat helps them to keep warm.

Who do Coatimundis live with?

Coatis are not solitary animals, except adult males. They live in groups called bands, which are of a medium to large size. Each coati group, or band, contains 15-20 individuals. These extremely social animals hold a record of having more than 150 members in a single band. The coati bands mostly contain females and their young. After becoming an adult, males leave their bands and stay alone. They join the females and their young ones in a group again during the mating season.  

How long does a Coatimundi live?

The lifespan of a coati (Nasua) in the wild can vary between seven to 10 years. When held captive, a coati can live for around 15 years.

How do they reproduce?

The breeding season of coatis begins with the start of the rainy season. In some places, they mate between the months of January and March, while in the other areas the mating months may last from October to February. The solitary adult males return to a band during this breeding season where the females stay with their young. The species of coatis follow a polygamous breeding system within their males and females. After getting impregnated, the females isolate themselves and nest in a tree or rocky niches. The gestation period in females lasts about 11 weeks. After giving birth to three-seven kittens the females join the band with their young ones after a period of six weeks. Coatis can reach sexual maturity at two years old.

What is their conservation status?

Coatis (Nasua) are enlisted under the category of Least Concerned animals in the IUCN Red List. However, the numbers have started to decline rapidly in its habitable areas. Their conservation does no face any immediate danger but overhunting calls for conservation plans to save the coati population.

Coatimundi Fun facts

What do Coatimundis look like?

Coatimundi is similar to the size of a housecat

Coatimundis, also known as coatis, are small mammals. Their head is slim and slender in shape. The nose of a coati is the most highlighted feature of the face. It is flexible, elongated, and turned upward down which makes it unique. The ring-tailed animal flaunts a black or brown fur coat and the tail is white in color. Coatis use their unique and long ringed tail for balancing their body as well as signaling. The feet in the front have long and curved claws, unlike the back feet that are equipped with comparatively shorter claws. Their long snout resembles the snout of a pig. The double-jointed ankle of a coatimundi is extremely flexible and they can climb trees very easily.

How cute are they?

Although they appear small in size, a coati can be very dangerous and aggressive. Their small body dimensions make them look cute. The furry texture makes them look like a dog from a distance.

How do they communicate?

The sounds made by a coati to communicate its moods include grunting, snorting, and chirping. Different types of sounds are emitted during different situations. One sound can also express emotions, for example, coatis make a different chirping sound when they are happy or when the individual gets angry. They make a grunting noise while they dig holes using their claws. This forest animal can also use different kinds of postures to convey their messages. The mammals recognize each other through scent, voice, and looks.

How big is a Coatimundi?

The coatimundi animal is a wild one living in tropical forests. They are not very big individuals. The length of the body of an adult coati starting from the head to the tail base ranges between 13 - 27 in (33 - 69 cm). Their height is almost 12 in (30 cm) measured at the shoulder. The size of male coatis can be twice the size of a female coati. This species is similar in size to a housecat. The sizes here correspond to the size of the representative species, the white-nosed coatis. The mountain coatis are comparatively smaller in size.

How fast can a Coatimundi move?

Coatis have sharp claws with which they climb trees. They can also run quite fast, however, their exact speed has not been calculated.

How much does a Coatimundi weigh?

The weight of an adult coatimundi or coati varies between 4 lb-18 lb (2 kg-8 kg).  

What are their male and female names of the species?

There are no specific names for the males and the females of the species. They have a famous nickname called the 'hog-nosed raccoon' for their long snout. The only difference between them is the larger body size of the males than the females.

What would you call a baby Coatimundi?

A baby or a young coati is called a kitten. They become a part of the coati band after six to seven weeks of their birth.

What do they eat?

Coatis are omnivorous in nature. Their diet includes food both from the ground as well as from forest canopies and sometimes climbing trees to obtain the food. Ground litter, fruits, and invertebrate animals like tarantula constitute the main part of their diet. They also prey on some vertebrate species such as small birds, rodents, lizards, crocodile eggs, and bird eggs. They have a very sharp sense of smell, which helps them to track their prey easily and assists in unearthing invertebrates.

Are they dangerous?

Coatis are small but are predators. If coatis socialize from a very young age without any hindrance, they can indeed turn out to be dangerous and violent. When they feel threatened, they can become quite aggressive. To protect themselves from their predators, coatis use their sharp canines and strong claws without any hesitation. A fidgeting or a scurrying coati can give you deep scratches and wounds.

Would they make a good pet?

Coatis are found to be common pets in many parts of South, Central, and North America. Coati as pets only includes white-nosed coati (Nasua narica) and South American coati. Mountain coatis are very rarely held in captivity. Coatis might tend to be wild animals and training or controlling them can turn out to be difficult. They require a spacious place to live in so they can live freely but to be safe, they should be kept under surveillance. This animal can be toilet trained as well as litter trained. In Texas, the coatimundi is protected by Texas Parks and Wildlife.

Did you know...

The males and the females of this wild species mate on a tree to avoid any disturbances.

What is the difference between a coati and a coatimundi?

There are no such differences between the two species, coatis and coatimundis. However, a small difference in their habitats is available. The coatimundi has a ring-shaped tail and they are restricted to South American lands, while coatis are found all over America, from the US to Argentina.

How long does a coatimundi live?

The ring-tailed coatimundi has a varied lifespan from when it lives in the forest to when it is held captive. When a coati stays in the wild, its average lifespan varies from seven to 10 years. In captivity, a coati can live as long as 16 years.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other mammals including the anteater and the plains zebra.

You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one of our Coatimundi coloring pages.

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