50 Cofagrigus Nicknames | Kidadl
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50 Cofagrigus Nicknames

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Cofagrigus is a gold-plated sarcophagus like a Ghost-type Pokemon with a blue headpiece, slanted red eyes, a vicious grin, numerous teeth, and four long shadowy arms.

Cofagrigus, introduced in Generation V with the Pokemon Black and White games, has a simple face of Yamask's mask that appears prominently in his head. White, sharp fangs create a taunting smile, and striking patterns veil the coffin made of pure gold.

Gold pieces like gold nuggets are Cofagrigus's favorite food. Cofagrigus catches robbers trying to steal gold and jewels in the tombs and ruins. As their bodies are covered in pure gold, grave robbers mistake them for coffins. Cofagrigus had a bad word in the name, and due to censoring of 'offensive names,' if Cofagrigus lacks a nickname, it cannot be traded on the Global Terminal. From Generation VII, Pokemon does not have the Pokedex entries for Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl, or Legendary Arceus.

Funny Cofagrigus Nicknames

Here are some funny nicknames for Confagrigus.

1.  Anubis - God in Egyptian mythology who leads the judgment.

2.  Beast - Any nonhuman animal.

3. Cairo - The Conquerer.

4.  Cleopatra - Egyptian queen renowned for her beauty and violence.

5.  Coffin - Box in which dead body is cremated.

6.  Corpse - Dead body of a human being.

7.  Egypto - Egypt is known for mummies.

8. Luxor - The Forts, from the Roman castra.

9.  Freakish - Something with an abnormal appearance.

10.  Macabre One - Someone connected with death.

Weird Cofagrigus Nicknames

Do you think nicknames for Cofagrigus will be strange? Check out some more nicknames for Cofarigus.

(As nicknames, you can choose nicknames like Monet and Dali and creative nicknames like Runescape and Barnabus.)

11.  Bane - A cause of great distress.

12.  Brusque - Brusque is mean and rude in their manner of speech.

13.  Cursedmumy - Its the curse of mummies, cast upon anyone who disturbs the mummy of an ancient Egyptian

14.  Death - End of life.

15.  Demon - A Devil or an evil spirit.

16.  Eerie - Something that is strange and frightening.

17.  Evil - Extremely sinful and wicked.

18.  Fiend - An evil spirit.

19.  Ghoulish - Something that resembles a phantom, especially one supposed to rob graves.

20.  Grim - Gloomy and very serious.

21.  Tutankhamun/King Tut - Tutank ankh amen /King Tut is a famous mummy whose tomb was also filled with treasures.

22.  Undead - Technically dead but still alive, like a ghost.

23.  Undertaker - One who prepares dead bodies for cremation and makes arrangements for funerals.

24.  Vampire - A creature who feeds on blood.

25.  Zombie - A frightening creature that is a dead person brought back to life without human qualities.

Cute Nicknames for Confagrigus

Here are some short and cute nicknames.

26.  Ancient One - Fictional character in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.

27.  Ankh - Egyptian origin name that means a symbol of life.

28.  Keeper Of The Casket - One who guards the box of jewels, gold nuggets, and valuable objects.

29.  Monster - A horrible creature or an extremely cruel person.

30.  Nightmarish - Something resembling a terrifying nightmare.

31.  Osiris - Powerful or Mighty.

32.  Pacal/Pakal - It means Sheild.

33.  Phantomb - Phantomb combines Phantom, i.e., a ghost, and tomb.

34.  Pharaoh - Pharaohs are ancient Egyptian rulers.

35.  Saqqara - An enormous, historic burial site in Egypt.

Best Cofagrigus Nicknames

Keep scrolling for the best nicknames.

36.  Angel of Death - An angel who collects souls at death.

37.  Devil -  The supreme spirit of evil.

38.  Emperor of the Dead - 'The ruler of the dead.'

39.  Gloomy One - Having an appearance that's frowning or scowling.

40.  God of the Tombs - God of the dead.

41.  Grave-keeper - One who attends the Graveyard.

42.  Gruesome One - Someone who is extremely unpleasant.

43.  Horrific One - Someone bad and shocking.

44.  Lord of the Tombs - Someone of high rank having power over tombs.

45.  Master of the Dead -  Conqueror of Death.

46.  Ruler of the Dead - Leader of the dead.

47.  Satan - Prince of evil spirits.

48.  Sentinel of the Dead - Guard to watch the dead.

49.  Sinister One - Someone or something that threatens misfortune.

50.  Skeletal One - Someone that resembles the bony framework to protect internal organs.

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