Fun Archaeornithoides Facts For Kids | Kidadl
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Fun Archaeornithoides Facts For Kids

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The Archaeornithoides genus fossils from the late cretaceous period served as one and the only evidence to depict extremely small theropods. This carnivore has been studied through only one specimen found from the Gobi Desert region of Mongolia. Archaeornithoides directly translates to 'shaped like an ancient bird' as it was probably a relative of the bird-like theropods family.

The remaining fossils, as evidence, offered great insight into learning bout this species from the cretaceous reign, but the fossils also allowed a different perspective with the help of featured damages present on the rear part of the skull. The damage is supposedly caused by teeth from another mammal. Theories claim this fossil may have been through the digestive tract of another mammal, proving the earliest instance of any mammal consuming a dinosaur. As compared to other dinosaurs of the same family, Archaeornithoides carried a small stature and similar features speculating it to belong to any established genus, but further studies proved it to be entirely different from any other genus found, making it extremely hard to study for paleontologists.

Fun Archaeornithoides Facts For Kids

What did they prey on?

Fish, birds, or smaller dinosaurs

What did they eat?


Average litter size?


How much did they weigh?


How long were they?

1-2 ft (0.3-0.6 m)

How tall were they?


What did they look like?

Bird-like dinosaurs

Skin Type


What were their main threats?

Possible predation by mammals

Where were they found?

Terrestrial habitats











Scientific Name

Archaeornithoides deinosauriscus

How scary were they?


How loud were they?


How intelligent were they?


Archaeornithoides Interesting Facts

How do you pronounce 'Archaeornithoides'?

Archaeornithoides is pronounced as 'Ar-kay-or-nif-oy-deez'.

What type of dinosaur was Archaeornithoides?

Archaeornithoides belong to the therapods genus and troodontidae family. The family consisted of flying bird-like dinosaurs.

In which geological period did the Archaeornithoides roam the Earth?

Archaeornithoides roamed Earth in the upper cretaceous period of the cretaceous ecosystems.

When did the Archaeornithoides become extinct?

The therapods Archaeornithoides were extinct until the end of the late cretaceous.

Where did Archaeornithoides live?

Archaeornithoides fossils were found in  Ömnögovi (Mongolia), and the creature supposedly roamed in Asia.

What was Archaeornithoides‘s habitat?

Archaeornithoides resided in terrestrial environments.

Who did Archaeornithoides live with?

Archaeornithoides supposedly lived with dromaeosaurid and troodontid dinosaurs.

How long did Archaeornithoides live?

The lifespan of Archaeornithoides is yet to be found.

How did they reproduce?

Archaeornithoides were oviparous and birthed offspring by laying eggs.

Archaeornithoides Fun Facts

What did Archaeornithoides look like?

Archaeornithoides remains excavated from Mongolia included only fragments of the dinosaur head, which were compared to have bird-like features, giving it a place as one of the closest relative to paravian theropods.  Archaeornithoides was said to have an ancient bird appearance.

Archaeornithoides fossil evidence includes only a skull.

*We've been unable to source an image of Archaeornithoides and have used an image of T-Rex instead. If you are able to provide us with a royalty-free image of Archaeornithoides, we would be happy to credit you. Please contact us at [email protected]

How many bones did Archaeornithoides have?

Archaeornithoides fossils simply consisted of a small head fragment, roughly estimating a 0.16 ft (0.048 m) head. The skull fossils supposedly belonged to a juvenile Archaeornithoides consisting of paired maxillae, palate bones, a partial jugal, and dentaries comprehended with unserrated teeth.

How did they communicate?

There is no information on the communication method of the Archaeornithoides.

How big were Archaeornithoides?

The only remaining fossils of Archaeornithoides included skull fragments which roughly estimated to a length of 0.16 ft (0.048 m), with a complete height of 1-2 ft (0.3-0.6 m), quite smaller than other Troodontidae such as Sinovenator. The genus allegedly was among the smallest Mesozoic birds.

How fast could Archaeornithoides move?

Archaeornithoides' movement features and speed are yet to be ascertained.

How much did Archaeornithoides weigh?

The lack of new fossils other than fragments of the head makes it difficult to comprehend the weight of an Archaeornithoides.

What were the male and female names of the species?

Only one specimen of Archaeornithoides has been found by paleontologists, making it difficult to differentiate between the possibility of any male or female Archaeornithoides.

What would you call a baby Archaeornithoides?

Archaeornithoides are known as Juvenile Archaeornithoides.

How aggressive were they?

Archaeornithoides remains featured a set of unserrated teeth that may not have been capable of tearing apart tough skin. Hence, these species may not have been extremely aggressive.

Did You Know...

Archaeornithoides was found in a Polish-Mongolian paleontological expedition carried out in 1965 in the Bayn Dzak region of Gobi Desert, Mongolia.

Gobi Desert is also known as Mongolia's fossil heritage as diverse species have been recovered from the palaeontological research run across the Gobi region. The addition of 'deinosauriscus' in Archaeornithoides' name occurred due to its small size. Andrzej Elzanowski was behind reporting the unusual find of Archaeornithoides.

Clark and colleagues' study and speculation on the unusual marks present on Archaeornithoides remains caused the birth of a theory stating Mesozoic mammals feeding on dinosaurs.

Archaeornithoides were omnivores and seemingly ate small birds, shrubs, or fish. They are not known to eat mammals. It is not known when exactly their fossils were discovered.

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