Fun Eastern Yellow Robin Facts For Kids | Kidadl
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Fun Eastern Yellow Robin Facts For Kids

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The eastern yellow robin (Eopsaltria australis) is also called the eastern yellow-breasted robin because of its yellow-colored bosom. Its bill is black, its throat is white, and in-flight, you can see a pale off-white wing bar on it. The southern birds have an olive-yellow rump, while the northern birds are brighter yellow in color.

Here, we have many amazing and interesting facts about the eastern yellow robin that you will enjoy. Let's take a look at these facts and information, and if you enjoy these then, do read our facts about Indian robins and black robins.

Fun Eastern Yellow Robin Facts For Kids

What do they prey on?

Ants, bugs, spiders

What do they eat?


Average litter size?

2-3 eggs

How much do they weigh?

0.5-1 oz (14.1-28.3 g)

How long are they?

5.9-6.2 in (15-15.7 cm)

How tall are they?


What do they look like?

Gray back and head, yellow underparts

Skin Type


What were their main threats?

Gray Shrike-thrush, Black Rat, Australian Magpie

What is their conservation status?

Least Concern

Where you'll find them?

Rainforests, Gardens, Parks, Dry Woodlands


East And South-east Australia Coastal And Adjacent Areas









Eastern Yellow Robin Interesting Facts

What type of animal is an eastern yellow robin?

An eastern yellow robin is a species of bird that has a wide range of habitats.

What class of animal does an eastern yellow robin belong to?

The eastern yellow robin belongs to the class Aves. It is a species of bird coming from the genus Eopsaltria.

How many eastern yellow robins are there in the world?

The total number of eastern yellow robins present in the world is unknown, but their conservation status of Least Concern tells us their population is stable and has no major threat.

Where does an eastern yellow robin live?

The eastern yellow robin is found in East and South-East Australia.

What is an eastern yellow robin's habitat?

The eastern yellow robin (Eopsaltria Australis) has a wide range of habitats. It is found from dry woodlands to rainforests, parks, and gardens. Its range is mostly along with the coastal and adjacent areas. It prefers to live in fairly dark, shaded locations and has a wide range of habitats, including places like dry woodlands to rainforests, scrubs, parks, and gardens.

Who do eastern yellow robins live with?

Eastern yellow robins are monogamous birds. They form pairs and breeds together for life. It is very painful for them if you separate them from their partner in captivity. In the wild, it finds another partner only if its current one dies.

How long does an eastern yellow robin live?

The eastern yellow robin has an average life span of one year six months. The maximum it can live in the wild is 14 years and eight months. This depends on how well its surrounding area is.

How do they reproduce?

Eastern yellow robin breeds from July to January and the female yellow robins lay up to three clutches of eggs during the breeding season. Each clutch may have one to three eastern yellow robin eggs but the average is two eggs. The female takes the responsibility of building the nest and incubating the eggs.

The nest is built by weaving a cup of bark, grasses, and other vegetation. Spider web is used to bind together the nest, and it is lined with fine material and leaves so that it is comfortable for chicks.

What is their conservation status?

The eastern yellow robin has the conservation status of Least Concern. While its population is still unknown, scientists have assured that it is rising, and they do not face any grave danger or any major threats.

Eastern Yellow Robin Fun Facts

What do eastern yellow robins look like?

The eastern yellow robin belongs to the genus Eopsaltria, has a gray or black-colored head, and yellow underparts. It is a medium-sized robin, and the color of its bill is black. The northern birds are brighter yellow, while the southern birds have an olive-yellow rump. The color of its throat is white, and, in flight, you can spot an off-white wing bar.

Eastern yellow robins are native to eastern and southeastern parts of Australia.

How cute are they?

This robin is one of the more adorable ones. Its small size and light weight make it cute and pettable just like the Japanese robin. Many people keep it as a pet due to its cute appearance and jolly nature.

How do they communicate?

An eastern yellow robin sound is a bit squeaky, and an eastern yellow robin call consists of some scolding notes, a variety of high bell-like piping, and a repeated 'chop chop'. It is one of the birds that can be heard at dawn.

How big is an eastern yellow robin?

An eastern yellow robin is a small bird that is only about 5.9-6.2 in (15-15.7  cm) in length. Its most similar species, the pale yellow robin, is even smaller at only 4.7–5.3 in (12–13.4 cm) long. Other similar species like the western yellow robin are also smaller than the eastern yellow robin at 5.3-6 in (13.4-15.2 cm) long.

How fast can an eastern yellow robin fly?

The flying speed of this bird has not been recorded, so it is still unknown; but like other small birds, they are agile and fast. Due to their small size, they cannot fly for a very long period as it is exhausting for them.

How much does an eastern yellow robin weigh?

It is a very small and lightweight bird. Its weight is around 0.5-1 oz (14.1-28.3 g). The pale yellow robin and western yellow robin are also similar in weight as they also have a weight of 0.5–0.6 oz (14.1–17 g) and 0.7 oz (19.8 g) respectively.

What are the male and female names of the species?

The male and the female of the species do not have any specific names. They are only referred to as males and females.

What would you call a baby eastern yellow robin?

An eastern yellow robin baby is called a chick. Young chicks fledge in about 10-14 days, and until they leave the nest, are taken care of by both parents.

What do they eat?

These birds are mainly insectivores and feed mostly on insects like ants, bugs, spiders, moths, grasshoppers. Their favorite insects are beetles and weevils. Apart from insects, they eat fruits and seeds and, therefore, will happily eat seeds provided by a bird feeder. They pounce from a low perch in order to catch their prey.

Are they friendly?

Yes, these birds are friendly and calm. They do not attack any human or animal but may attack if someone gets near their nest during the breeding season. This shows how protective they get of their family.

Would they make a good pet?

yellow Robins are not suitable to be kept as pets as they are wild animals.

Did you know...

Eastern yellow robins are vocal birds that produce a variety of high bell-like piping and a repeated 'chop chop' sound. They are one of the birds that can be heard at dawn. They are known to catch insects by pouncing on them from a low perch or tree trunk.

Australian robins, like all other birds, are insectivorous. They feed on a beetle, larva, or other insects, and they also use the method of pouncing from a low branch to catch their prey.

Are eastern yellow robins native to Australia?

Yes, eastern yellow robins are native to Australia. They are found in eastern and southeastern Australia, and their range is usually along with the coastal and adjacent areas, but their range may expand to quite large distances inland in some areas.

Why is it called eastern yellow robin?

It is called an eastern yellow robin because of its location and appearance. This bird has a yellow-colored body with a gray or blackhead and is found in eastern and southeastern parts of Australia.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these eastern kingbird facts and hyacinth macaw facts for kids.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Eastern yellow robin coloring pages.

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