Fun Euhelopus Facts For Kids | Kidadl
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Fun Euhelopus Facts For Kids

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Euhelopus means good marsh foot was the first dinosaur investigated in China by Wiman. It was also explored by Wilson who was the first female paleontologist. They stated that the length of these dinosaurs 433 in (11 m) including the tail. These are confirmed to be one of the greatest dinosaurs of history. Paleontologists found many holotype skulls and scattered bones which specifies that they had big heads and long tails, with pillar-like legs. Their forelegs were quite strong which helped them to walk or run fast. Their tail was like the third leg.

They were from Sauropoda clade and also clades like Dinosauria, Saurischia, Sauropodomorpha. These Sauropods could lay 15 - 40 eggs at a time. These reptiles were very commonly found in Liaoning, Shandong and Xinjiang from China. They lived in the grassy lands. These Helopus were herbivores and only had plants and leaves in their diet. They lived on the earth from the late Triassic to the late Cretaceous.

Fun Euhelopus Facts For Kids

What did they prey on?


What did they eat?


Average litter size?


How much did they weigh?

33,069-44,092 lb (15,000 – 20,000 kg)

How long were they?

433 in (11 m)

How tall were they?


What did they look like?

Grey and green

Skin Type

Small scales

What were their main threats?

Natural disasters

Where were they found?












Scientific Name

Euhelopus zdanskyi

How scary were they?


How loud were they?


How intelligent were they?


Euhelopus Interesting Facts

How do you pronounce 'Euhelopus'?

The pronunciation of Euhelopus would be as 'you-hel-oh-pus' which means 'good marsh foot'. It is from the Sauropoda clade named by Wiman. The first female paleontologist Alice Wilson also explored this holotype skull reptile.

What type of dinosaur was an Euhelopus?

Euhelopus is a Sauropod genus dinosaur from the Berriasian and Valanginian stage of before time cretaceous from China. They were herbivores and have long forelegs. This is the first dinosaur species discovered in China. These Sauropods have a complete skulls. These Sauropods were recognized through their head and partial bones.

In which geological period did the Euhelopus roam the earth?

These reptiles were found 133-145 million years ago in many areas of China.

When did the Euhelopus become extinct?

The Helopus dinosaur became extinct a very long time ago. They were unearthed up to the late Cretaceous that is nearly 145 million years ago. They become extinct because of natural disasters and habitat destruction like the bearded dragon.

Where did an Euhelopus live?

The Euhelopus dinosaur was Sauropoda clade, were observed in many regions of China, such as Liaoning, Shandong, and Xinjiang. These dinosaurs are also known as marsh foot and they are stated to be herbivorous. Thus they are found in the grassy lands.

What was an Euhelopus' habitat?

The Helopus dinosaur was terrestrial herbivores and are thus found in terrestrial habitats in many regions of Asia. Jurassic dinosaurs are first discovered in China. They preferred the grassy lands which are clear by their diet like a frilled lizard.

Who did an Euhelopus live with?

By description, Euhelopus were unearthed solitary brood. They liked to spend their own time in their habitat. These reptiles were not so aggressive, unlike small sand lizards.

How long did an Euhelopus live?

Euhelopus zdanskyi roamed on earth nearly 133-145 million years ago. The last Euhelopus is called Titanosauria, which spread over of the world by the last stages of the Jurassic period.

How did they reproduce?

Just like any other dinosaur or the modern reptiles, the Sauropoda reproduce by laying eggs. Many descriptions are there which tells that any other brood dinosaurs must have mated to continue the growth of their offspring.

Euhelopus Fun Facts

What did an Euhelopus look like?

Euhelopodidae are also called good marsh foot, these dinosaurs are from Dinosauria, Saurischia, Sauropodomorpha, Sauropoda, Macronaria, Titanosauriformes, Somphospondyli clade. These species are classification is done by taking into account their skull and partial skeleton. These look like a Sauropod. Its holotype skull defines that this dinosaur as a Euhelopodidae dinosaur. These are green and brown with scales on their body like water dragons.

This dinosaur Euhelopus had muscular legs, and long neck with scales on its body.
We've been unable to source an image of Euhelopus and have used an image of Nemegtosaurus instead. If you are able to provide us with a royalty-free image of Euhelopus, we would be happy to credit you. Please contact us at [email protected].

How many bones did an Euhelopus have?

A complete Euhelopus skeleton was rarely found in fossils from history. But it is assured that Sauropods are one of the greatest dinosaurs of history. They generally contain 14 rod-shaped bones in their long tail. They contain a large amount of bone count but it is hard to specifically tell the number as the total skeleton is never discovered. Their partial skeleton can give us an idea of their huge size.

How did they communicate?

Dinosaurs communicate with each other for various reasons. They call for each other through making different sound, they use their visibility power for searching and seeing the others, they convey for mating also during their mating season. They use every other normal way to communicate like any other species of dinosaur.

How big was an Euhelopus?

Euhelopus zdanskyi are one of the largest species that have been walked on the earth till now. They were Sauropods which 33,069-44,092 lb (15,000 – 20,000 kg) in weight, 433 in (11 m) in length including their long tail. The scattered skeleton is the classification that assures the length of this dinosaur.

How fast could an Euhelopus move?

This dinosaur from late Jurassic has really strong pillar-like legs which helps them to run extremely fast. They have thick forelegs, which accelerate them faster than the other dinosaur species.

How much did an Euhelopus weigh?

These Euhelopus zdanskyi are one of the biggest dinosaur found from history, these holotype skull 'march foot' weigh 33069-44092 lb (15,000–20,000 kg). These Helopus had long neck and pillar-like legs. Their forelegs were very strong and they also had a long tail.

What were the male and female names of the species?

According to descriptions, there is such a specific name for the male and female Helopus. The name Euhelopus means good marsh foot, named by Wiman.

What would you call a baby Euhelopus?

There is no specific description for the name of a baby Helopus. They are named Euhelopus zdanskyi by Wiman. He found the scattered skeleton of Helopus and after the classification said that they belong to early age dinosaurs from late Jurassic.

What did they eat?

From many description, we can see that the Euhelopus zdanskyi are herbivore and their diet contain only plants. They ate leaves and other herbivores diets an early age. The history of Euhelopus environment was described by the Euhelopus skull and partial bones from many areas in China.

How aggressive were they?

No, these reptiles were no much aggressive, but in the history as Wiman discovered the first Euhelopus in China, the bones and skull and the structure of the dinosaur can show many perspectives. It can tell us that maybe they were browsing from the tall trees, they were in a mating posture, or maybe they could be aggressively attacking their rival.

Did you know...

Some scientists also confirmed that these dinosaurs can rear up using their hind legs and tail (third leg) as a tripod.

What does the name 'Euhelopus' mean?

This reptile was named by Wiman in China. This was found nearly during the early to the late period of Jurassic and early age of Cretaceous. The name Euhelopus means 'good marsh foot'. These are typical herbivore diets attaining reptiles.

What fossils is the Euhelopus known from?

The fossils of this reptile were from many areas of Asia. By the early period of Cretaceous, it was spread through out the world. The Euhelopus period could be from the late Triassic to late Cretaceous. The fossils like skull, partial bones were scattered in Algeria, Antarctica, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Egypt, England, France, Germany, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mongolia, Morocco, Niger, North Africa, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Tanzania, Tunisia, United Kingdom, Uruguay, USA, Uzbekistan, Wales, Zimbabwe from time to time in history.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly dinosaur facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these Ctenochasma facts and Eodromaeus facts pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Euhelopus dinosaur coloring pages.

We've been unable to source an image of Euhelopus and have used an image of Saltasaurus instead. If you are able to provide us with a royalty-free image of Euhelopus, we would be happy to credit you. Please contact us at [email protected].

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