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Fun Hound Dog Facts For Kids

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A Basset Hound dog is a breed of hunting dog used by hunters to chase and track animals. Basset Hounds are generally used for hunting. They were bred mostly for the purpose of hunting. Within this group of dog species, a great deal of diversity can be observed, both behavioral and physical hunting dogs, where a history of hunting assistance often being the only common bond among some of the hounds. They have a great sense of smell, which helps them in tracking scent due to which they have been used widely as hunting dogs. Hounds should be kept safe from bloat-like issues.

The Dachshund might seem to be out of place in this group, even though they are origins of hounds, due to its background as a digger accustomed to chasing foxes and badgers underground. This would, more logically, make it a terrier breed. The law enforcement generally assigns Basset Hounds to track fugitives or missing persons. The speedy sighthounds have been considered as one of the oldest breeds of domestic dogs. Also, Saluki and Pharaoh Hounds' origin, in particular, can be traced back to antiquity. These dog species are known to have long and cute ears. They are popular as dog pet species due to their friendly nature.

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Fun Hound Dog Facts For Kids

What do they prey on?

Starch rich-diet

What do they eat?


Average litter size?


How much do they weigh?

Male: 55–75 lb (25-34 kg) Females: 45-65 lb (20.4-29.5 kg)

How long are they?

Up to 31.9 in (81 cm)

How tall are they?


What do they look like?

Black, brown, red-white

Skin Type


What were their main threats?

Health Issues

What is their conservation status?

Least Concern

Where you'll find them?

Asian Mountains And Homes As Pet


India And America









Hound Dog Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a hound dog?

Hound dogs are a type of dog species, from the genus Canis, domesticated descendant of the wolf. Although they’re purebred dogs, you may find Bassets in shelters or in the care of rescue groups. The hound group includes both sighthounds, such as the Afghan Hound and Irish Wolfhound, and scent hounds, like the Bloodhound and the Beagle.

What class of animal does a hound dog belong to?

Hound dogs belong to the class Mammalia, from the phylum Chordata.

How many hound dogs are there in the world?

In the United States alone, the AKC's dog breed list currently includes 190 dog breeds. Worldwide, the FCI lists 360 officially recognized breeds. The exact number of Basset Hounds hunting dogs is still unknown.

Where does a hound dog live?

They were found in the Asian mountains as sighthounds, who relied on their excellent vision to spot prey, and speed to catch it. As pets, they are raised at homes.

What is a hound dog's habitat?

Hound dogs are usually accommodated and raised as pets at homes. But these dog breeds need company most of the time and you cannot just leave them in your garden until you are back. Physical activities are highly preferred by these breeds. To keep them healthy as pets, you can arrange plenty of physical activities and exercise for them, if you don’t have a backyard. Athletic activities are also arranged by people for the dog to keep them fit and active.

Who do hound dogs live with?

Basset Hounds, also known as hunting dogs are a species of hound dogs, which were bred to be pack dogs, they typically get mixed along with other family pets of various species. Bassets dog breed need human companionship and don't do well when left alone for long periods of time. Basset dog breed is kept in pairs or groups so both of them can look after each other all the time. Some of these hounds are pack hounds who work in a group while others work individually.

How long does a hound dog live?

Basset, Afghan Hound, Beagle, or all hound dog breeds have a lifespan of 10 -13 years if protected from all health hazards. The smaller dogs often live over 15–16 years, while the medium and large size ones typically survive for 10 to 13 years, and some giant dog breeds like Mastiffs, often only seven to eight years. The latter reach maturity at a slightly older age than smaller breeds as the giant breeds become adults around two years old compared to the other breeds which attain maturity normally around 13–15 months.

How do they reproduce?

The basset dog reaches sexual maturity in around six months to one year for both males and females, although for some large breeds this can be delayed up to two years of age. Upon reaching sexual maturity, females will start menstruating and become estrous, mentally and physically receptive to copulation. Due to the fact that the ova survives, and can be fertilized for a week after ovulation, more than one male can sire the same litter. In Basset Hound dogs, fertilization typically occurs after two to five days after ovulation, wherein 14–16 days after ovulation, the embryo attaches to the uterus and after seven to eight more days, a heartbeat is detectable. Roughly 58-68 days after fertilization, with an average of 63 days, females give birth to puppies, although the length of gestation can vary. On average, they give birth to six puppies. Some females of this breed may not be able to deliver the baby normally and may require a Caesarean section.

What is their conservation status?

There are different breeds in the same genus dogs. The Bloodhound breed of dogs is ironic that this sad-faced jowly dog is actually very gentle and affectionate. Only 77 Bloodhounds were registered in 2015, according to The Telegraph. The Otterhound breed of dogs, bred to hunt has a population of around 600 across the world, and just 34 were registered in 2015. Some breeds are becoming extinct while some are of Least Concern.

Hound Dog Fun Facts

What do hound dogs look like?

These dogs have large ears, with hanging skin. They have brown, small eyes which gives it somewhat gloomy appearance. Their skin folds show elasticity by hanging with layers on their head. These dog breeds are also known as family dogs, they need a companion to live with, alone survival for them is not possible. The big, boisterous, lovable hounds can jump a 5 ft (152.4 cm) fence and they need a lot of athletic activities, which might account for why they are losing popularity. The weight differs between the male and female, where males weigh 55–75 lb (25-34 kg), and females weigh 45-65 lb (20.4-29.5 kg).

It has a large nose which is marked for the scent of any interesting smell. Their long ears help them detect low sounds, which cannot be heard by humans. This is generally due to the presence of plenty of olfactory cells in them. Some of them have a body feature of short legs and stout looks, which makes them highly vulnerable to obesity. They shed their long and soft coat regularly. Generally, their body coloration is brown or black, but some breeds are tricolored, with white and red combinations.

Hound Dog

How cute are they?

The hound's breed consists of so many other groups of dogs. Beagle is known as the hounds of America which are around 20-30 lb (9-13.6 kg) in weight. The smart and sassy beagle is well-loved, they are of a perfect size which makes them even cuter. Energetic and easygoing, beagles enjoy company, making them ideal family dogs. They are also fairly low-maintenance as far as grooming and other care. Because of their strong nose they can smell anything that is kept far away, hounds can be helpful in tracking to have around on a ranch or a farm, and they're also very intelligent.

How do they communicate?

Communication behaviors of hounds include eye gaze, vocalization, body posture (including movements of bodies and limbs), facial expression, and gustatory communication (scent, pheromones, sound, and taste). Hound's stubborn personality is quite difficult at first, but later they make a good pet as they are intelligent and learn things in several days.

How big is a hound dog?

Hounds breed are usually 12–15 in (30.5-38.1 cm) in length and females are around 11–14 in (28-35.6 cm) in length, but their puppy is small in size. These hounds have an average similar size to the Corgi Husky mix.

How fast can a hound dog run?

The running speed of these dogs differ and the definite speed is unknown.

How much does a hound dog weigh?

Male hounds weigh around 55–75 lb (25-34 kg) whereas female hounds weigh 45-65 lb (20.4-29.5 kg).

What are the male and female names of the species?

As a dog species, the males are known as dogs while females are known as bitches.

What would you call a baby hound dog?

The young of hounds are known as a puppy.

What do they eat?

Breed of hounds dog has been described as omnivores, similar to humans, some breeds of dog bred to hunt, produce amylase in their saliva and are classified as having a high starch diet. However, dogs can only produce bile acid with taurine and they cannot produce vitamin D, which they obtain from animal flesh. Also, these dogs require arginine to maintain their nitrogen balance, like cats. These nutritional requirements keep them halfway between carnivores and omnivores. As they are active in athletic they need a healthy diet and to avoid health problems. Sometimes, they prey on birds and rats.

Owners should keep hounds aware of bloat health issues as it is life-threatening and stands for describing the condition of GDV (gastric dilatation and volvulus). Some health problems can put their life in danger.

Are they slobbery?

Basset hound dog breeds have a big tendency to drool and slobber, especially when eating and drinking. They become more slobbery when it is hot outside.

Would they make a good pet?

Yes, hounds would make a good pet as they are smart, adorable, and protective of their owner. Hounds are the best to be kept as a pet as they become very friendly and are well behaved if properly trained and fit into your family with comfort. When these dogs are kept as pets the owners should keep them away from health issues like bloat problems. If given proper training and exercise, this group of hunting breed can be among sporting dogs. They are quite an active breed of dog and not lazy.

Did you know...

They are very stubborn and it becomes difficult to train them. Proper training is required to train hounds breed who are kept as pets and hunting companions.

The ears of hound dogs help them to hear a higher frequency of sound than that of humans.

Different types of the hound dog

The AKC recognizes the hounds' group, but one thing they all have in common is their love of the hunt, because of the incredible diversity within the group, one hound does not fit in all, the Afghan Hound. There are various groups and associations that are engaged in breeding hounds to hunt. Special training is provided to them for this. Bloodhounds, Wolfhound, Beagle, Basset Hound, Pharaoh Hound, Scottish Deerhound, Irish Wolfhound are some different types of hound dogs.

Temperament and characteristics of hound dogs

In order to do their job successfully, a hounds breed needs certain key skills that owners will soon see reflected in their dog's personality. Once the hound dog breeds scent or hears any sound they will chase it without getting distracted, which the owners may feel frustrating. Hounds will totally ignore them when chasing scent or sound. Hounds hunt for their prey until and unless there are larger predators that hunt the same thing.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these Bluetick Coonhound interesting facts and Pocket Pitbull facts pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable hound dog coloring pages.

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