International Day Of Acceptance | Kidadl
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International Day Of Acceptance

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Where is the International Day Of Acceptance celebrated?  

The day is celebrated across the globe as the awareness regarding acceptance has spread everywhere, and people are now becoming more accepting.

Who is the International Day Of Acceptance celebrated by?

The International Day of Acceptance is celebrated by anyone who wishes to celebrate people with disabilities and spread awareness of the importance of all lives.

When did International Day Of Acceptance first start?

The day was initiated in 2010, a year after Annie Hopkins passed.

Who started the International Day Of Acceptance?

Stevie Hopkins, the brother of Annie Hopkins, helped start this day in honor of his sister's work with people with disabilities. 

History And Timeline

"A Couple Playing Basketball - International Day Of Acceptance "

There is nothing more inspiring than seeing your friends succeed. Read how Annie Hopkins, a person with a disability, contributed tremendously toward changing the perspective that people have of disabilities or people with a disability.


3E Love

In 2004, the journey of 3E Love began, when Annie Hopkins designed the 'Wheelchair Heart' symbol.


Founding Of 3E Love

3E Love is a social experiment to change the stigma around disabilities. It was started by the siblings, Annie and Stevie Hopkins, in 2007.


Creation of YouTube Channel

Annie Marie Hopkins created her self-titled YouTube channel to spread awareness of the 3E Love movement.


Death of Annie Hopkins

Annie Hopkins passed away on January 20, 2009, due to unexpected complications from Spinal Muscular Atrophy and a simple operational procedure.


Initiative of the Day of Acceptance

The friends and family of Annie Hopkins came together to celebrate the first Day of Acceptance in her memory. The 3E Love and Wheelchair symbol became internationally recognized as a sign of love, strength, and hope.

Traditions And Customs

Every year on January 20, people from around the world come together to celebrate the International Day of Acceptance.

The 3E Love community shares stories about accepting people with a disability to honor the memory of Hopkins. Inspirational stories are circulated to encourage society and teach the entire community to be more accepting of people of all abilities.

Ways To Observe Or Celebrate International Day Of Acceptance

To observe the International Day of Acceptance, you can spread the world through your social media handles. You can post a photo with the hashtag #DayOfAcceptance on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. You can also change your profile picture to show support for the day.

The least you can do on this day is to be kind and supportive to all people. You could volunteer to spend time with people who need support in various ways.

You can buy and gift merchandise for the families of people with disabilities. You can organize theaters or small drama clubs to showcase celebrated films that show how important it is to accept everyone of all abilities.

Facts And Stats

International Day of Acceptance has been celebrated every year on January 20, since 2010.

The wheelchair and love symbol was created by Annie Hopkins when she was in her college days.

Annie Marie Hopkins had a tattoo of the wheelchair symbol on her shoulder.

FAQs About International Day Of Acceptance

What is the significance of the International Day Of Acceptance?

The International Day of Acceptance is celebrated to recognize and accept people living with a disability.

How is the International Day Of Acceptance different from World Patient Safety Day?

The primary difference is that while the International Day of Acceptance encourages us to accept, embrace, and empower people with disabilities, World Patient Safety Day focuses on challenges regarding patient safety. Both days intend to spread awareness of the treatment and are of those in need.

How does this day affect people psychologically or emotionally?

The symbol of acceptance, a wheelchair shaped as a heart, ignites hope in the hearts of people with different abilities, demonstrating acceptance. Celebrating this day can help to reduce the social stigma that is unfortunately attributed to disabilities. Showing acceptance of all people, regardless of their abilities, can be hugely important to the betterment of society.

What is the history and origin of the International Day Of Acceptance?

The event honors the late Annie Hopkins, a notable voice for the social rights of people with disabilities, who founded 3E Love and created the symbol of acceptance, the wheelchair heart. Annie Hopkins' brother, Stevie Hopkins, initiated an annual event to commemorate her life and work.

What is special about the International Day of Acceptance?

Living life with a disability can be easier when a person, their family and friends, and the community embrace the person as they are. Social acceptance helps them feel empowered in society.

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When Is This Day Celebrated

Date Day
January 20, 2020 Monday
January 20, 2021 Wednesday
January 20, 2022 Thursday
January 20, 2023 Friday
January 20, 2024 Saturday

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