27 Cute Ladybird Crafts For Preschoolers | Kidadl
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27 Cute Ladybird Crafts For Preschoolers

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Making ladybirds is a great idea to encourage young children to recycle and reuse common household items like paper plates, toilet roll tubes, egg cartons and more!

If you love doing crafty things with your kids, you'll enjoy these simple craft ideas on how to create your favourite little red and spotted friends. We've included crafts appropriate for different ages and crafting abilities, as well as some that are easy, cheap and mess-free.

So, if you're looking to get stuck into some ladybug craft to make some presents, decorations or toys - you're in the right place!

Suncatcher ladybug craft

This adorable window decoration would make the perfect sunny summer addition to a ladybug loving child's bedroom - perfect for young children.

You'll need:

  • White A4 paper
  • Black card or paper
  • Red tissue paper
  • White tissue paper or paper plates
  • Optional googly eyes
  • Blue-tack

Fun step-by-step guide:

  • Using your white A4 paper, cut and stick a ladybug shape from the black card to form your base. This is open to interpretation but could just be an oval shape with a line down the middle and one to make the head. Then, using the black card, make some circles for the dots - these will be attached later.
  • Next, rip up your red tissue paper into small pieces and collage them onto the template that you've made.
  • Once you've got a red ladybug taking shape, you're ready to add the dots and the features. We also suggest adding some little accents of white to give it some shine to the eyes etc.
  • When your lady bug is finished, you will be left with a lovely opaque craft that is ready to be blue-tacked to the window (remember to put the blue-tack under the black areas so that it doesn't interrupt the beautiful light display coming through the red!).

Egg carton ladybug crafts for kids

Egg cartons are a great material to use if you go through a lot of eggs in your household (since we've all been baking excessive amounts).These egg carton ladybug are so fun and easy to make - ideal for kids aged 3-5.

You'll need:

  • An egg carton
  • Some extra cardboard such as a cereal box
  • Red paint
  • Black and white markers
  • Glue/PVA

Fun step-by-step guide:

  • Firstly, cut out the cups from your egg carton, so that you have 6 little cups. Then, once out, trim around the edges so that it lies flat.
  • Next, you're ready to paint each of the egg carton cups red.
  • Once they're covered in red (the kids probably will be too at this point), leave them to dry for a while.
  • Using your black card (or black painted cardboard), cut the antennae, eyes and legs.
  • Then finish them off with your black and white markers, by drawing their facial features and dots. Then you've got 6 little ladybug crafts ready to go.

YouTube Tutorial craft

If you prefer to watch a tutorial of someone making some ladybug crafts, you should try this amazing video of a DIY recycling idea. During this video, 'Handmade4all' will show you how to make an adorable ladybug out of a plastic spoon and other common wasted household bits.

Ladybird recycled bottle family

This craft idea can be a cute ongoing project for kids of all ages to get involved with. We think that encouraging recycling is a great thing to do at any age - so, why not start making things out of your old drinks bottles?

You'll need:

  • To collect and clean bottles of all sizes
  • Red and black paint
  • Black card
  • Black pipe cleaners
  • Glue (ideally a glue gun)
  • Scissors

Fun step-by-step guide:

  • When your family have finished with their bottle of Coca-Cola or similar, use some scissors to trim off the bottom of the bottle (about 8cm tall) - this will then make the ladybug’s body.
  • Then, paint the whole thing red and set it aside to dry.
  • Once dry, use your black paint to make the head of the ladybug and set it aside.
  • Whilst that is drying, cut out your dots from the black card so that it is ready to attach, and also cut two small pieces of the black pipe cleaner off.
  • To finish - glue the cutout dots to the body, as well as attaching the two bent pipe cleaner antennae to the head.
  • When you've finished one - why not try making another out of a different size bottle, or perhaps a different colour? Before you know it, you'll have a family of ladybug bottles.

Recycled ladybug golf balls

These cute garden ornaments are a little more permanent than the previous ideas and are better suited to older kids who have a passion for making.

You'll need:

  • Wire from a coat hanger
  • Golf balls
  • A plastic bottle
  • A glue gun
  • Acrylic paints in red and black

Fun step-by-step guide:

  • Start by painting your golfball completely black using your acrylic paint. Then set aside to dry.
  • Then, cut your legs and antennae using the wire - which will also need to be painted in black.
  • When they're both dry, you can attach the two together using the glue gun.
  • After creating your basic frame, you can start making the delicate wings. Cut two teardrop wing shapes out of a plastic bottle and paint them red with black spots. Then attach them to the body using your glue gun with the two points nearest to the head.
  • Finally, to create the head, use one of the bevelled parts of the bottom of the bottle - cut it out, paint it black and attach it. When this is done, you've got your very own waterproof ladybug which will look great outside or stood on a windowsill!

Feeling inspired? We've got so much more to give:

Written By
Annabelle Beaumont

Originally from Bournemouth, Annabelle spent her childhood travelling and exploring. She moved to Bahrain at the age of 13 and then to London at 19 where she attended Chelsea College of Arts, UAL. She loves all things creative - especially if they involve recycling materials, as this is what she is most passionate about. Aside from art, Annabelle also enjoys walking her dogs and cooking for friends and family.

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