Lesser-Known Facts About Gideon In The Bible For Kids | Kidadl
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Lesser-Known Facts About Gideon In The Bible For Kids

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Gideon rallied the Israelites against their common foes and overcame them with God's help.

The mighty warrior is mentioned among the heroes of faith. Like many of us, Gideon questioned his own skills- in fact, he had been through so many setbacks and disappointments that he even put God to the test three times.

In comparison to some of the other judges who ruled Israel, Gideon seemed to get a lot of attention in the Old Testament, with more than two chapters devoted to him. Readers may be shocked to find a timid character in the story, despite the fact that he is known as Israel's best judge. After his wartime heroics, Gideon's life transforms as he worked as a Judge in Israel for forty years. The land was at peace throughout his tenure as Judge. He had 70 sons and countless daughters from his many wives.

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Why did God choose Gideon?

The life of Gideon begins with God permitting the Israelites to be ruled by the Midianites for seven years.

The Israelites were not ideal people, and they strayed from the worship of true God on a regular basis, many had started to worship the Baals' cult of local gods. In this case, he enabled the Midianites to grow so powerful that the Hebrews were terrified of them. Since God had made the Midianites so strong, the Israelites were dwelling in the caves and cliffs of their land, according to the Book of Judges. Midianites and their supporters would come to Israel during harvest season and seize the people's crops. Before stealing the crops, they would camp out on the land, kill all the livestock, and harass the residents. Worse, the Midian planned to pillage and destroy the area.

Gideon was threshing wheat when an angel of the Lord appeared to him. Gideon was contacted by an angel of the Lord who informed him of God's plan to use him to save Israel from the hands of Midianites.

Gideon received the angel's greeting but he refused to believe the angel, claiming that his clan was the lowest among his people and that he was their weakest member. God convinced him that he was more powerful than he imagined. Gideon was entrusted with saving the people of Israel by leading them against the Midianites. Gideon was still skeptical and demanded proof, so he put meat and bread on a rock, which the angel touched with a rod. The food was then consumed by flames. Following this, Gideon constructed an altar there. God appeared and instructed Gideon to tear down his father’s altar to Baal and to construct one in his honor.

God was patient with Gideon since he had been selected by God to destroy the Midianites, who had ravaged Israel's territory with their raids. Gideon was repeatedly informed by the Lord of what his strength would achieve through him. Gideon was an appropriate medium for the Lord's amazing operation of deliverance because he was aware of his own frailty and the huge task ahead of him.

A leader does not always have to be the most daring or outgoing. Gideon is an example of how God works through believers who come from the least of the least. God compels us to face our fears full-on while we're fleeing from them.

How old was Gideon when God chose him?

God picked Gideon, the son of Joash, to be Israel's deliverer. Because he was afraid of the Midianites, Gideon hid in a winepress during the wheat harvest to extract the wheat from its husks.

The Angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon as he was threshing wheat and commanded him to go fight the Midianites. The exact age of Gideon is not listed in the Bible. However, it is reported that Gideon died of old age.

Read on to find out unknown facts about Gideon.

The Story Of Gideon

Gideon may have already distinguished himself in the fight against the Midianites, but he now receives a Divine mandate to lead the people.

After threshing his own small harvest in a secret location to avoid the Midianites' greed, he was shocked by a visit from an angel while at work. Regardless no matter how this story and its miraculous events were interpreted, there is no doubt that the call for Gideon was divine, and that the voice that spoke to him was the voice of Lord.

Gideon's call and first commission are intertwined. He is immediately told to demolish his father's Baal altars at Ophrah, to construct a Yahweh altar there, and to offer one of his father's bullocks as a sacrifice. There's no reason to think of this as a follow-up to Gideon's call. It is rather the start of instruction, and it is crucial to the story's truth since it mirrors the line of all doctrine to God's prophets and reformers to begin their task at home. The period of time between this domestic scene and the actual campaign against the Midianites is impossible to pinpoint. Even rallying the people of Gideon's own clan is likely to have taken months. The fact is that the story's subsequent events are considerably muddled by what appears to be a double narrative with minor but discernible changes. Despite this, it is still feasible to piece together a coherent description of what happened.

Gideon went by night to the edge of the Midianite camp, where he heard the telling and interpretation of a dream that greatly encouraged him and led him to strike an immediate war at his enemies- the Midianite kings. Having thus reduced the army and having the assurance that the Lord would deliver the forces of Midian to him and his small band.

Gideon gathered a massive army from the surrounding tribes. Gideon's 300-man army is likewise pursuing the enemy. The small army was commanded to attack at night. Midianites shouted out and fled for the fear of Gideon when they heard the trumpets and saw the torches around their camp. Many of the remaining 15000 enemy men died in the end, also bringing death to the two kings of Midian.

Gideon is asked to be their king and create a ruling dynasty by the people of Israel, who are grateful for the victory and had great faith in him. He politely declines their offer, pointing out that they already have a king. Gideon had faith in God and regarded God as the real victor in the battle

He judged Israel for 40 years, and the land was at peace. After Gideon's death, Israel's people shifted their attention to other gods once more.

Gideon Meaning In Bible 

Gideon's story is worth reading. Gideon is a Hebrew name that means 'one who rips to pieces'.

Ophrah, in the Valley of Jezreel, was the hometown of Gideon. Gideon's family was low. Joash, a Manasseh tribesman, was his father. Joash was an idolater, and the entire clan offered sacrifices to Baal. Gideon spent 40 years of his life as a farmer, military leader, and judge in Israel. He had 70 unidentified sons in addition to Abimelech.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for facts about Gideon in the Bible then why not take a look at facts about Daniel in the Bible or Abraham facts.

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