17 Mr Bean Quotes | Kidadl
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17 Mr Bean Quotes

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The show first aired in the '90s starring Rowan Atkinson, a well-known pioneer of British comedy.

'Mr Bean' follows the life of a whimsical person, often regarded as a character of peculiar tastes. Mr Bean and his beloved stuffed toy Teddy live in an apartment in Highbury, London.

'Mr Bean', a British comedy show that first aired between 1990 and 1995 filled the lives of everyone with the perfect amount of light-hearted comedy, thanks to amazing and natural comic, Rowan Atkinson. Atkinson's nonverbal expression and way of saying funny things entertained both children and adults, giving everyone a hearty source of entertainment and the much-needed relief from the hardships of their hectic life. The visual comedian brought a smile to the face of even a dull person through his creative instincts.

Mr Bean seems to have difficulty understanding the conventional way in which the world works and thus, comes up with his own solutions to things one would typically not consider problems. Throughout the show, Mr Bean generally doesn't have much to say, except under circumstances in which it is absolutely necessary for him to speak. Most often than not, he speaks to Teddy; either telling Teddy, 'I will be right back' or calling out for Teddy thinking something bad has happened to him. The only other common quote from Mr Bean is 'No'. Despite playing a character with a teddy, Rowan Atkinson has popularly said 'I'm not a collector. I don't like the toy cupboard syndrome that causes so many good cars to evaporate'. Mr Bean's physical ability might be limited and he might not have a heroic body yet he has become a hero through his comic abilities. Eventually, 'Mr Bean' was turned into an animated series.

These quotes from the bizarre man creatively lead by Rowan Atkinson will make your day.

Funny Mr Bean Quotes

Even though Mr Bean generally doesn't have much to say, but when he does, it throws us down on the floor holding our stomachs and laughing. Here are some of Mr Bean's funniest dialogues.

"Airport Police Official: Everyone get down on the floor!

Lady next to Mr. Bean: Not you sweetie.

Mr. Bean: Right."

- 'Mr. Bean : The movie'.

"Who is that?"

- Mr Bean at a funeral, 'Mr. Bean'.

" Lt. Brutus: Mr. Bean, are you presently on any kind of medication?

Mr. Bean: Not that I know of.

Lt. Brutus: You certainly could use some."

- 'Mr. Bean : The movie'.


- 'Mr. Bean : The movie'.

"Waitress: You speak very good French.

Mr. Bean: Gracias."

- 'Mr. Bean's Holiday'.

Mr Bean Quotes About Life

One would never consider Mr Bean as the kind of individual to think much about life's principalities, you are sure to be surprised when I tell you that while being funny Mr Bean make you think deep by saying one simple word. Here are some of those.

"Well, hello. I'm Dr Bean. Apparently. And... and my job is to sit and look at paintings."

- 'Mr. Bean: The movie'.

"Brace yourself!"

- 'Mr. Bean: The movie'.

Mr Bean Quotes About Relationship

(Discover the hidden creative values of the main character in 'Mr Bean')

Mr Bean didn't have many good friends throughout the show. He was unable to form strong human connections. One of the sweetest relationships he has is with his teddy; and his girlfriend, other than that he is mostly awkward. Here is a specimen of Mr Bean's awkwardness.

"Um... so... um... what have I learnt that I can say about this painting? Um... well, firstly, it's quite big, which is excellent. Because if it was really small, you know, microscopic, then hardly anybody would be able to see it, which would be a tremendous shame. Um, secondly... and I'm getting quite near the end now of this analysis of this painting... secondly... why was it worth this man here spending fifty million of your American dollars on this portrait? And the answer is... um... well... this picture is worth such a lot of money because... it's a picture... of Whistler's mother. "

"And, as I've learnt by staying with my best friend, David Langley and his family, families are very important. And even though Mr Whistler was perfectly aware that his mother was a hideous old bat who looked like she had a cactus lodged up her backside, he stuck with her, and even took the time to paint this amazing picture of her. It's not just a painting. It's a picture of a mad old cow who he thought the world of. And that's marvelous. That's what I think."

- 'Mr. Bean : The movie'.

"David Langley: ..and what is this?

Mr. Bean: It's a poster."

-'Mr. Bean : The movie'.

"Classmate: Done your revision?

Mr. Bean: Oh yes...I've concentrated on trigonometry. I believe they concentrated on Calculus last year."

-'Mr. Bean : The movie'.

Mr Bean Quotes About Happiness

It is without a doubt that Mr. Bean gets into one embarrassing situation after another. The character is also extremely happy with his position at the gallery and enjoys his me-time with his teddy, he never fails to keep himself happy. This is a huge takeback for all of us, it tells us to enjoy the small things in life.

"David Langley: What exactly is your position at the gallery?

Mr Bean: I sit in the corner and look at the paintings."

-'Mr. Bean : The movie'.


-'Mr. Bean', Season 1, 'Do-It-Yourself Mr. Bean'.

"Doesn't time fly when you're enjoying?!"

-'Mr. Bean', Season 1, 'Do-It-Yourself Mr. Bean'.

Mr Bean Quotes About Friendship

Here are some Mr Bean quotes about friendship.

"Come on, everybody, it's gonna be great! Dr. Bean is a genius of the very highest order!"

- 'Mr. Bean : The movie'.

"Well, you're a braver man than me, and I single-handedly take on gangs armed with AK-47s..."

-'Mr. Bean : The movie'.

"Sabine: Who are you? Where are you going?

Mr. Bean: To the beach."

- 'Mr. Bean's Holiday'.

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Kidadl Team

The Kidadl Team is made up of people from different walks of life, from different families and backgrounds, each with unique experiences and nuggets of wisdom to share with you. From lino cutting to surfing to children’s mental health, their hobbies and interests range far and wide. They are passionate about turning your everyday moments into memories and bringing you inspiring ideas to have fun with your family.

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