30 Pink Flower Names For A Perfectly Pretty Garden | Kidadl
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30 Pink Flower Names For A Perfectly Pretty Garden

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If you're looking to spruce up your outdoor space with different shades of pink flowers, we can help you.

Did you know that pink flowers have long been a symbol of love and thankfulness? You can plant endless pots with beautiful pink flowers that will make your balcony or porch look pretty in pink.

The beautiful pink color of pink flowers can be attributed to the presence of anthocyanins, which are colored pigments found in plants. Some pink flowers include Begonias, Dahlia, Dianthus, Tulips, and many more as you will see on this list.

Luckily, most pink flowers are low maintenance. You don't need extensive gardening skills to keep them alive. You can either plant the flowers by type, season, or according to mood. These pink blossoms are not the prisoner of certain weathers!

If you love all things floral, why not check out these names meaning rose and these flower names for boys too?

Popular Pink Flowers

Find different pink flower types here.

If you need inspiration for different types of pink cut flowers, late spring flowers, or full sunflowers, then check out our list of the following types of flowers. Light pink roses, known as Rosa 'New Dawn', are one of the most popular pink flowers, they flower pink rose flowers with green foliage.

1. Azalea (Rhododendron): symbolizes femininity, blooms mostly in spring.

2. Begonias (Begonia): commonly grown indoors as houseplants.

3. Butterfly Bush (Buddleia): also known as ‘Pink Delight’, this plant symbolizes new beginnings.

4. Calla Lily (Zantedeschia Aethiopica): symbolizes innocence and beauty, blooms in late spring.

5. Carnation (Dianthus Caryophyllus): they symbolize gratitude and memory, blooms in late spring through summer.

6. Cherry Blossom (Prunus): this pink plant blooms in spring.

7. Chrysanthemum: believed to have medical properties that aid in relieving pain and sore throats.

8. Dahlia (Dahlia): have unique curved up petals, symbolize grace and kindness, bloom in late spring.

9. Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-Sinensis): they symbolize beauty and femininity, bloom in summer.

10. Hollyhock (Alcea rosea): symbolize fruitfulness and motherly love, blooms in summer.

Unique Pink Flowers

Similar to red flowers, pink flowers have become popular around the globe.

These unique pink flower names will make a lovely addition to your garden.

11. Rosepink (Sabatia angularis): bears pink flowers that bloom in July and August.

12. Creeping Phlox: blooms in mid to late spring, symbolizes agreement.

13. Dianthus: bloom in early spring and summer, symbolizes romance.

14. Camellia: grow in humus-rich soil.

15. Orchid (Orchidaceae): symbolizes luxury, blooms in spring and fall.

16. Rocktrumpet (Mandevilla): these plants grow best in full sun rather than shade.

17. Rose (Rosa): represents beauty and love, blooms from mid-spring to fall.

18. Rose Milkweed: they give off a lovely vanilla fragrance, symbolize connections.

19. Spanish Lavender: they bloom between late summer and early fall, symbolizes grace and elegance.

20. Queen Of The Prairie: blooms in early to mid-summer, symbolizes feminine beauty.

Wild Flowers With Interesting Names

Here are some pink (and some more colorful) wildflowers to beautify your garden even further.

21. Beach Sand Verbena: bloom throughout California, Oregon, and Washington.

22. Common Yarrow: come in pink, white, and yellow.

23. Desert Sand: blooms in spring to fall in the Americas and Asia.

24. Hooker's Onion (Allium Acuminatum): found in Washington and southeast Arizona.

25. Geyer's Onion: found in woodland and low foothills areas in the southwest US, blooms in summer.

26. Largeflower Onion: blooms in spring and summer in the US.

27. Nodding Onion: blooms in late summer, native to Missouri.

28. Red Windflower: native to the Mediterranean region, blooms in summer.

29. Swamp Onion: blooms in late spring in the Pacific mountain region.

30. Zion Milkvetch: prominently found in Zion National Park, blooms in summer.

Kidadl has lots of great baby names articles to inspire you. If you liked our suggestions for pink flower names then take a look at these names that mean pink or rose, or these 1960s names for your flower child.

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