19 Princess Jasmine Quotes | Kidadl
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19 Princess Jasmine Quotes

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Kidadl Says

This wonderful article has been carefully researched and written to ensure that little Disney enthusiasts are taken into a magical world, the whole new world of Princess Jasmine while learning valuable life lessons. Who said learning can't be fun with your kids? Stick around to find out!

Create a happy world for your kids with these quotes!


The Disney movie, 'Aladdin' was first released in the early '90s, and it features a young princess, Jasmine.

The character was voiced by the American actress Linda Larkin in the musical. However, in the 2019 film Naomi Scott portrayed the role of Jasmine.

Although fictional, the character of Princess Jasmine is the daughter of the Sultan of Agrabah and the future Sultana of the kingdom, who is incredibly strong and independent. She has no fear of speaking her mind, regardless of her opponent, and she'll never stop defending the right thing. Weary of her life of being confined to the palace, she soon meets Aladdin, a thief, and a trickster, with whom she later falls in love. Together with the help of a genie, they save her kingdom when Jafar, the grand vizier, tries to usurp the king.

Despite being a supporting character, the princess shows major characteristics worthy of emulation in life. Despite being from a rich home, she is compassionate and feels things deeply. She is elegant, confident, and never loses her passion. Even when she speaks, her words are intelligent and full of wisdom. She doesn't confine her life to her comfort zone but breaks out of it to discover a whole new world beyond the walls of the palace.

Her sense of fashion, wittiness, charm, fierceness, and kind and caring heart make her the best princess. She is compassionate to everyone and everything, including nature in all its innocence, and just like the flower, she is delicate and beautiful.

After reading this far, it's time to see those Jasmine quotes we have been talking about. Sit tight as we go together into a whole new world.

Jasmine Quotes On Nature

Princess Jasmine is one of the Disney princesses closer to nature. Her pet was a tiger. Pretty fierce! Here are some Jasmine quotes on nature.

"I'm like a shooting star. I've come so far."

"Let the storm in, I cannot be broken."

"A whole new world with new horizons to pursue."

(Princess Jasmine quotes can instill a love for nature in kids, them a happier individual.)

Jasmine Quotes On Love

The sweet and magical love story of Jasmine and Aladdin isn't strange to many people. Here are some beautiful quotes that will melt your heart and make you happy.

"I choose you, Aladdin."

"I can't forget about my heart and how it felt to fall for you right from the start."

"Jasmine: Goodnight, my handsome Prince.

Aladdin: Sleep well, Princess."

-Princess Jasmine and Aladdin.

"I'll chase them anywhere. There's time to spare. Let me share this whole new world with you."

"If I do marry, I want it to be for love."

Jasmine Quotes On Life

Strong and determined was Princess Jasmine despite the strains, life tried to hold on her. These quotes will motivate and empower you as you read through. Read on!

"You can't keep me quiet."

"All I know is I won't go speechless."

"How dare you — all of you! Standing around deciding my future."

"The law is wrong.”

"Sometimes we only see how people are different from us, but if you look hard enough, you can see how much we're all alike."

"Princess Jasmine: [to Jafar] At least some good will come of my being forced to marry. When I am Queen, I will have the power to get rid of you.

Sultan: Well, now. That's nice. All settled then. Now, Jasmine, getting back to this suitor business. Jasmine? Jasmine!"

"I am not a prize to be won."

"Maybe I don't want to be a Princess anymore."

Jasmine Quotes On Joy

Princess Jasmine wasn't a sad girl; she was full of joy. Here are a few light-shedding quotes that will turn those tears into laughter.

"When I'm way up here it's crystal clear that now I'm in a whole new world with you."

"I’m sorry, Rajah, but I can’t stay here and have my life lived for me.”

"I can't go back to where I used to be."

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Kidadl Team

The Kidadl Team is made up of people from different walks of life, from different families and backgrounds, each with unique experiences and nuggets of wisdom to share with you. From lino cutting to surfing to children’s mental health, their hobbies and interests range far and wide. They are passionate about turning your everyday moments into memories and bringing you inspiring ideas to have fun with your family.

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