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Fun Robin Facts For Kids

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Robins have been identified and divided into several categories. However, the two main distinctions consist of the American robins (Turdus migratorius) and the European robins (Erithacus rebecula). Robins belong to the family of thrushes and just like the nightingales of the thrush family, they are a delight to the ears when it comes to singing a song. A robin's song can make you feel happy and refreshed after a tiring day of work. You just need to get lucky enough to trace a robin crooning softly in the spring season, while you comfortably huddle up and sip on your tea or coffee enjoying the sunset with an uplifted mood and their melodious song!

The populations of robins across the world are increasing by the day and beholding a robin bird during the spring season is not an uncommon sight. These birds can be easily located in gardens, lawns, backyards, while also in dense forests, woodlands, and shrubs in the wild. Especially, the American robins are pretty common among the North American birds. If you stay somewhere in Canada, you can find these North American birds nesting in trees or looking for some worms in your garden. Although robins are migratory birds, some North American robins choose to stay back during fall and winter, while the others migrate. An inherent characteristic feature of the robins is that they generally do not move in flocks (except when they are migrating).

If you enjoy these robin facts then also read through some interesting facts about purple finch and American kestrel.

Fun Robin Facts For Kids

What do they prey on?

Earthworms, insects, small reptiles

What do they eat?


Average litter size?

3-6 eggs

How much do they weigh?

2.7-3 oz (77-85 g)

How long are they?


How tall are they?

8-11 in (20-28 cm)

What do they look like?

Orange, brown, reddish-orange, red

Skin Type


What were their main threats?

Foxes, Snakes, Cats, Squirrels, Other Birds Like Eagles, Raven

What is their conservation status?

Least Concern

Where you'll find them?

Grasslands, Forests, Shrubs, Backyards, Lawns, Tall Trees


Canada, Pacific Coast, American Robin - North America, Mexico European Robin - Europe




American robin - Turdus European robin - Erithacus




American robin - Turdidae European robin - Muscicapidae

Robin Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a robin?

A robin is a bird.

What class of animal does a robin belong to?

Robins belong to the class of Aves.

How many robins are there in the world?

Robins are pretty abundant worldwide and they have been categorized into several sub-species. The major divisions of the bird species are the American robins and the European robins. Since robins normally live in the wilderness, the accurate number of robins in current existence cannot be ascertained. However, a rough estimate has been made about the population of the American robins that ranges approximately around 310 million. This implies that American robins do not belong to the category of threatened species and with each passing day they are becoming quite abundant.

Where does a robin live?

Robins can be traced in the dark woods, shrubs, grasslands, and deserted forests where they feel less threatened from adversity. They can also be found in the backyards and lawns.

What is a robin's habitat?

A robin habitat is mainly in forests and dense woody areas filled with trees, thick bushes, and shrubs while it can also be found looming around and digging in lawns, backyards, and fields in search of food. Currently, the populations of robins and their different sub-species are rising, making it easy to find them more near human settlements, also.

Who do robins live with?

American robins live on their own, except when they are engaged in the breeding and nesting cycle. They live in their own territories and migrate in flocks during winter.

How long does a robin live?

On average, a robin can live up to two years in the wild. However, the age of the oldest bird living in the wilderness has been recorded at 13 years and 11 months.

How do they reproduce?

The males of the species generally engage in courtship where they sing and try to woo the females. The male birds tag along with the females for a single breeding and nesting cycle and change partners with every spring. After the breeding session completes, the females have a nesting period of 12-14 days. Generally, the female birds lay eggs every morning after completion of the incubation period. Unlike other birds, the female birds do not give birth at sunrise - they have a feast on worms and then give birth. The males and females stick together for almost an entire breeding season and might end up raising two to three broods a year. The reproduction cycle ends with the arrival of hatchlings. The clutch size generally consists of three to six eggs.

What is their conservation status?

As per the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List, robins fall under the category of species Least Concern. American robins can easily be located in the forests of North America and hence, are not a reason for major concern.

Robin Fun Facts

What do robins look like?

Robins are beautiful birds. They come in shades of orangish-red, brown, orange with a white throat streaked with black spots, their heads are also black. The color of the females is duller although they look quite identical to their masculine counterparts. They have a medium build and are covered with feathers.

Robin perched on a cherry tree

How cute are they?

Robins look extremely cute as they come in vibrant shades and colors, but their appearance might be deceiving as they can prove to be aggressive.

How do they communicate?

A robin's song is the most important part of communication. A robin's song is used to mark territories and entice the female counterparts. Apart from this, they interact with different vocalizations like shrill cries, whistles, howls, clicks, whistles, and other sounds.

How big is a robin?

A robin is a medium-sized bird. It is smaller than birds like hawks and eagles, while it is larger than hummingbirds. American robins have an average length of around 8-11  in (20-28 cm).

How fast can a robin fly?

Although robins are not as fast as the peregrine, they can reach a speed range of 20-36 mph. These birds can fly at a pretty high speed when they migrate from one place to another during the harsh times of winter.

How much does a robin weigh?

Robins come with an average weight. Their medium-sized body does not make them too heavy. Generally, a robin weighs between 2.7-3 oz (77-85 g).

What are their male and female names of the species?

No separate names have been attributed to the male and female birds of the species. Generally, a male is called a male robin, while a female is simply regarded as a female robin.

What would you call a baby robin?

A baby of a robin can be called a hatchling or nestling. Sometimes, these babies are also called chicks to keep it short and sweet.

What do they eat?

Robins are omnivores. They mainly feed on earthworms, insects, and smaller reptiles like small snakes. A robin diet also incorporates fruits like berries.

Are they friendly?

Robins project a separate behavior when they are around human habitation as compared to their rivals or predators. It is commonly believed that a robin's joyful appearance might be misleading because they have the potential to show high amounts of aggression and violence. They are known to fight till death! However, robins are friendly with humans, as these birds can be traced in backyards or lawns around gardeners looking for some earthworms. They might even accept food from your hand! Nevertheless, they can be ruthless towards their opponents. It can be said that the robins are selectively friendly.

Would they make a good pet?

It is unknown whether robins can make good pets or not. Although they might appear friendly and even take food from your hand, they might not prove to be the best pet. Moreover, birds need their free-spirited nature and so, they must not be caged. A robin is very unlikely to return to the same spot as pigeons. However, they might appear when loved ones are near when reared as a pet.

Did you know...

Here are some robin facts for kids.

Did you know that a robin feeds its baby every half an hour till sunset?

You can hear the males of the species sing happy and sweet songs when the sun goes down every day.

Robins belong to the family of thrushes. Nightingales and blackbirds are their relatives.

Robins have severe rivalry among the males and guess what is their bone of contention? Songs!

On 15 December 1960, the red robin was pronounced as the national bird of Britain.

The robins' body acts as a self-insulator during winter times.

Robins have specialized diets according to the seasons, that is, they are known to feed on earthworms, caterpillars, and insects during fall and winter seasons, while during spring and summer, they indulge in a rich fruit diet of berries mainly.

Male robins are lovers at heart! They know how to impress and court their mates by crooning sweet melodies, bringing their favorite food, puffing up, and dancing merrily. However, the males do not stick to a single mate. They change their mate after every spring cycle.

Robins sing not only to woo the female birds but also to mark their territories. They might share space with their mates, but not with other males. They are known to ward off their territories from potential threats of other males of the species.

What is a robin a sign of?

Robins have been considered a sign of death, rebirth, and most importantly, the coming of the spring season. The Bible considers the robins as a sacred bird, symbolizing selflessness. Especially, a robin with a red belly finds a special significance in Christianity. As the myths would have it, the red hue in its belly was a result of the fire it was in trying to protect Jesus Christ with selfless love (by preserving divinity and the higher truth). The bird has been attributed several multicultural meanings through ages.

Why are robin eggs blue?

One of the mindboggling robin bird facts is that the color of its eggs is blue! As science would explain it, the eggs are blue because of the pigment called biliverdin that is present in the eggshells. It is considered that a healthy female would lay an egg with a high biliverdin content that is responsible for a rich bright blueish hue in the eggs.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds including short-eared owl, or great crested flycatcher.

You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one on our robin coloring pages.

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