60+ Sai Baba Quotes From The Spiritual Indian Saint | Kidadl
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60+ Sai Baba Quotes From The Spiritual Indian Saint

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Sai Baba is known for his teachings on love and compassion towards all, regardless of the religion they were born into.

Little is known about Sai Baba's origins, except that he came to Shirdi, a small town in Maharashtra, India, where he lived the simple life of a saint. Owing to this, he is regarded as 'Shirdi Sai Baba' by all his followers.

Although not available in any scriptures written by him, Sai Baba's teachings were duly written down by his followers and are currently the only source of his wisdom, and where all Sai Baba quotes are found. He is considered to be both Hindu and Muslim and was successful in bringing the members of both communities in accord with one another. His teachings were primarily to lead a life of virtue and love towards everyone, all while living humbly within the community.

Here are some spiritual Sai Baba quotes to fill your life with love and simplicity. If you love these Sai Baba quotes and are looking for more spiritual quotes, do check out these Sadhguru quotes and [Yogi Bhajan quotes] too.

The Best Shirdi Sai Baba Quotes On Life

Are you ready to discover some meaningful Sai Baba quotes? These compelling spiritual Sai Baba quotes will help remind you of the values of life.

Shirdi Sai Baba after a few years, moved into a Mosque named Dwarkamai.

1. "Gain and loss, birth and death are in the hands of God."

-Sai Baba.

2. "Life is a challenge. Meet it."

-Sai Baba.

3. "The life ahead can only be glorious if you learn to live in total harmony with the Lord."

-Sai Baba.

4. "Remember my child that whoever comes into your life has past connection with you."

-Sai Baba.

5. " God permeates all."

-Sai Baba.

6. "You may feel lost and alone, but Sai knows exactly where you are, and he has a good plan for your life."

-Sai Baba.

7. "The wise are cheerful and content with their lot in life."

-Sai Baba.

8. "When you see with your inner eye. Then you realize that you are God and not different from him."

-Sai Baba.

9. "Death and life are the manifestations of God’s activity. You cannot separate the two."

-Sai Baba.

10. "Do not be obsessed by the importance of wealth."

-Sai Baba.

11. "Choose friends who will stick to you till the end, through thick and thin."

-Sai Baba.

12. "When God takes everything from you and makes you empty then don’t be upset because God is going to give new life to you… and he will start giving all the things to you."

-Sai Baba.

13. "Life is a mosaic of pleasure and pain – grief is an interval between two moments of joy."

-Sai Baba.

14. "The darkness of many years in your life will now disappear."

-Sai Baba.

15. "When you believe that everything happens in your life... good or bad, according to the will of God, you will always be satisfied."

-Sai Baba.

16. "If you do not want to part with what you have, do not lie and claim that you have nothing, but decline politely saying that circumstances or your own desires prevent you."

-Sai Baba.

17. "Our life is like a block of ice which is melting away every moment. Before it spends itself, devote it to the service of others."

-Sai Baba.

18. "What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get."

-Sai Baba.

19. "Other people’s acts will affect just them. It is only your own deeds that will affect you."

-Sai Baba.

20. "Education in human values is designed to prepare everyone for this life of dedicated service."

-Sai Baba.

Inspirational Quotes By Shirdi Sai Baba

Sai Baba has been a guiding light for many spiritual people's lives. When your life is a challenge, here are some Sai Baba quotes to show you the way.

21. "Why fear when I am here?"

-Sai Baba.

22. "You must be a lotus, unfolding its petals when the sun rises in the sky, unaffected by the slush where it was born or even the water which sustains it."

-Sai Baba.

23. "However distant my people may be, I draw them to me just as we pull a bird to us with a string tied to its foot."

-Sai Baba.

24. "Whosoever puts their feet in Shirdi soil; their sufferings will forever come to an end."

-Sai Baba.

25. "What is our duty? To behave properly. That is enough."

-Sai Baba.

26. "There is a wall of separation between oneself and others and between you and me. Destroy this wall!"

-Sai Baba.

27. "If a devotee is about to fall, I stretch out my hands to support him or her."

-Sai Baba.

28. "There shall be no want in the house of my devotee."

-Sai Baba.

29. "If formless meditation is difficult, then think of my form just as you see it here. With such meditation, the difference between subject and object is lost and the mind dissolves in unity."

-Sai Baba.

30. "Harsh words cannot pierce your body. If anybody speaks ill of you, just continue on unperturbed."

-Sai Baba.

31. "All gods are one. There is no difference between a Hindu and a Muslim. Mosque and temple are the same."

-Sai Baba.

32. "Those who think that Baba is only in Shirdi have totally failed to know me."

-Sai Baba.

33. "The Moral Law is inexorable, so follow it, observe it, and you will reach your goal: God is the perfection of the Moral Law."

-Sai Baba.

34. "However oppressed and troubled one may be, as soon as he steps into the Mosque, he is on the pathway to happiness."

-Sai Baba.

35. "I am the slave of those who hunger and thirst after me and treat everything else as unimportant."

-Sai Baba.

36. "You see, mysterious is the path of action; Though I do nothing, they hold Me responsible for the actions which take place on account of destiny; I am merely its witness."

-Sai Baba.

37. "Whatever you do, wherever you may be, always bear this in mind: I am always aware of everything you do."

-Sai Baba.

38. "If you seek my advice and help, it shall be given to you at once."

-Sai Baba.

39. "He is also most merciful; Neither am I God or the Lord; I am His obedient servant and remember Him often. He, who casts aside his egoism, thanks God and trusts Him entirely, will have his shackles removed and will thus obtain liberation."

-Sai Baba.

40. "Wealth is really a means to work out dharma. If one uses it merely for personal enjoyment, it is vainly spent."

-Sai Baba.

Famous Quotes By Shirdi Sai Baba

These Shirdi Sai Baba quotes are known to all his followers worldwide.

Shirdi Sai Baba said that those who burn incense sticks on Thursdays, their desires will be fulfilled.

41. "Though I be no more in flesh and blood, I shall ever protect my devotees. I shall be with you the moment you think of me."

-Sai Baba.

42. "I shall be ever active and vigorous even after leaving this earthly body."

-Sai Baba.

43. "Unless a man discharges satisfactorily and disinterestedly the duties of his life, his mind will not be purified."

-Sai Baba.

44. "Not living for food, but living for the sake of an ideal, that is the goal of education."

-Sai Baba.

45. "I am ever living to help and guide all who come to me, who surrender to me and who seek refuge in me."

-Sai Baba.

46. "To every one of us there must come a time when the whole universe will be found to have been a dream, when we find the soul is infinitely better than its surroundings. It is only a question of time, and time is nothing in the infinite."

-Sai Baba.

47. "This joy and this sorrow is due to opinion which is mere illusion and is ruinous."

-Sai Baba.

48. "In whatever faith one worships me, even so I render to them."

-Sai Baba.

49. "If we see all actions as God’s doing, we will be unattached and free from karmic bondage."

-Sai Baba.

50. "God is the sole Dispenser and Protector− always think of Him; He will take care of you. Surrender to His feet with body, mind, wealth and speech, and then see what He does."

-Sai Baba.

51. "I have to take care of my children day and night and give an account to God of every paisa."

-Sai Baba.

52. "You should be blessed when you will renounce all attachments, conquer lust and serve God."

-Sai Baba.

53. "Selfless service alone gives the needed strength and courage to awaken the sleeping humanity in one's heart."

-Sai Baba.

54. "People abuse their own friends and family, but it is only after performing many meritorious acts that one gets a human birth. Why then come to Shirdi and slander people?"

-Sai Baba.

55. "To God be the praise. I am but the slave of God. Without God’s permission, nothing can be done by me."

-Sai Baba.

56. "Hands that serve are holier than lips that pray."

-Sai Baba.

57. "Unless egoism and greed is dropped, avarice got rid of, and the mind made desireless, self-realisation is not possible."

-Sai Baba.

58. "Even a well-read person who is not free from the desire of the fruit of his actions, is useless and cannot get self-realisation."

-Sai Baba.

59. "Man seeks to change the foods available in nature to suit his tastes, thereby putting an end to the very essence of life contained in them."

-Sai Baba.

60. "Our Karma is the cause of our happiness and sorrow; therefore put up with whatever comes to you."

-Sai Baba.

61. "Man learns through experience, and the spiritual path is full of different kinds of experiences. He will encounter many difficulties and obstacles, and they are the very experiences he needs to encourage and complete the cleansing process."

-Sai Baba.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Sai Baba quotes, then why not take a look at these Paramahansa Yogananda quotes or [Swami Vivekananda quotes] for more inspiring quotes?

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Kidadl Team

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