Teren is not only a popular first name but also the last name. It originated from a few English people. The meaning of Teren has different meanings. The meaning of Teren is that it was used for a person who was a dweller by the river Trent. Teren's name can also have the meaning of the earth. Ultimately if thought through, both the meaning leads us to a kind of identical meaning. If we estimate that Teren is someone you call someone who lives near the banks of the river Trent, it can also be said that they came from the earth of the same river. The name has quite a poetic meaning to it. The river Trent, however, wasn't named after something specific, and not much origin of the name is conjectured. Terence can be a variation of the name Teren. A famous American rapper is also by the name of Teren Delvon Jones, and Teren Oddo is also an American photographer. Teren Santoro is a character written by Marie Lu in the book 'The Young Elites'. Ren can be a suitable nickname for anyone named Teren. People named Teren usually claim to be balanced and play peacemaker roles in the lives of people they care about. In earlier days, there were 29 military records available with people with Teren as their last name.
Spelling of Teren
T-E-R-E-N , is a 5-letter male given name.