The Ultimate Science Trivia Quiz: Can You Beat The Kids? | Kidadl
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The Ultimate Science Trivia Quiz: Can You Beat The Kids?

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Trivia science questions are both fun and educational, what more could parents want?

This trivia about science will help kids to develop their communication and concentration power, all whilst having fun! These good science questions and answers will also fuel your child's curiosity about the world around them.

With questions about the three main sciences (biology, chemistry and physics), these trivia quiz questions on science will teach kids new skill sets and ideas, so what are you waiting for? With easy science questions and harder trivia questions about science, kids will love testing their knowledge with this kids' science quiz!

For more science trivia, check out this biology trivia and anatomy trivia to get all your kids' science questions answered.

Animal Science Trivia

Do you think you know all about animal life? Here are some interesting science questions to answer all about the natural world!

1. Question: Which animal's eye is bigger than its brain?

Answer: An ostrich

2. Question: Do you know what a rhinoceros' horn is made up of?

Answer: Keratin

3. Question: Which animals' fingerprints are almost identical to humans?

Answer: Koala bear

4. Question: In which part of a shrimp's body, is its heart located?

Answer: Head

5. Question: Which animal bagged the Guinness Book of World Records title for the most fearless animal on earth?

Answer: Honey Badger

6. Question: Which sea creature is the favorite food of whales?

Answer: Krill

7. Question: Which mammal has the most substantial bite in the world?

Answer: Hippopotamus' bite is recorded as the most substantial bite among all mammals

8. Question: Which animal can stay alive without its head for a week?

Answer: Cockroach

9. Question: Which is the largest mammal?

Answer: Blue Whale

10. Question: Which animal's heart can be used as a replacement for a human heart valve?

Answer: Pig or cow

11. Question: Which animal helps to plant thousands of trees each year?

Answer: Squirrels

12. Question: What is the fastest land animal on earth?

Answer: Cheetah

13. Question: Which animal has three hearts, blue blood and nine brains?

Answer: Octopus

14. Question: The male members of which animal species are responsible for giving birth?

Answer: Seahorse

15. Question: Which animal is the closest living relative to a T-Rex dinosaur?

Answer: Chickens

16. Question: What is the first thing that baby caterpillars eat right after being born?

Answer: Their eggshells

17. Question: How do ants indicate that there is danger ahead to other ants?

Answer: They release warning chemicals

18. Question: What makes blood red?

Answer: Haemoglobin

19. Question: What is the average length of giraffe's neck?

Answer: Three meters

20. Question: What is the fastest two legged animal?

Answer: Ostrich

Science Questions For Kids About The Solar System

Space is one of the many unsolved mysteries of science.

This fun kids' science trivia quiz is all about the earth and our solar system. Find out how much you know about these interesting science questions and answers with this list of unique facts and trivia, full of good trivia questions and answers about space and planet earth!

21. Question: What is the age of our solar system?

Answer: 4.571 billion years old

22. Question: How much time does light take to travel from the sun to the earth?

Answer: Eight minutes

23. Question: Which planet is closest to the sun?

Answer: Mercury

24. Question: Other than the sun, which star is closest to earth?

Answer: Proxima Centauri

25. Question: The term asteroid was coined by who?

Answer: William Herschel

26. Question: Mars has how many moons?

Answer: Two

27. Question: Oberon and Titania are moons of which planet?

Answer: Uranus

28. Question: What are the three basic components of comets?

Answer: Ice, snow and dust

29. Question: What is the name of the largest volcano in our solar system?

Answer: Olympus Mons

30. Question: Currently, which spacecraft is monitoring Jupiter?

Answer: Juno

31. Question: After Neil Armstrong, who was the next person to land on the moon?

Answer: Buzz Aldrin

32. Question: How many years does it take Neptune to complete one revolution?

Answer: 165 years

33. Question: Which planet is the highest density in the entire solar system?

Answer: Earth

34. Question: Which element is found in abundance in the solar system?

Answer: Hydrogen

35. Question: What is the name of the largest moon present in our solar system?

Answer: Ganymede

36. Question: How much time does light take to reach pluto from the Sun?

Answer: Five and a half hours

37. Question: Which planet in the solar system reaches the coldest temperatures?

Answer: Neptune

38. Question: Where is the asteroid belt found?

Answer: Between Mars and Jupiter

39. Question: What two gases is  the sun mainly made up of?

Answer: Hydrogen and helium

40. Question: The spot observed on the surface of Jupiter is known as The Great Red Spot. What is it?

Answer: A massive storm in Jupiter's atmosphere

41. Question: Which four planets in the solar system have rings?

Answer: Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus

42. Question: The Soviet Union was the first country to launch a satellite to space. What was its name?

Answer: Sputnik

43. Question: What is the name of the most famous space telescope of NASA?

Answer: Hubble Space Telescope

Science Trivia Questions And Answers All About Scientific Inventions And Discoveries

Without inventions and discoveries, there would not be any scientific trivia! An invention or discovery is the term used to describe when scientist find new phenomena, tools or ideas. Do you want to test your knowledge about scientific discoveries with this quiz full of new science trivia? Take this hard science trivia test and see how you do, but don't worry there are funny science questions included as well!

44. Question: Do you know who discovered electricity?

Answer: Benjamin Franklin

45. Question: The bicycle was invented in which year?

Answer: 1817

46. Question: What was the first steam engine used for?

Answer: Draining mines

47. Question: Who invented the telephone?

Answer: Alexander Graham Bell

48. Question: With the help of which device can you make distant objects appear bigger?

Answer: Telescopes

49. Question: Patenting of ball bearing took place in which year?

Answer: 1794

50. Question: The father of plastic surgery is of Indian origin. Who is he?

Answer: Sushruta

51. Question: Luis Alvarez won a Nobel prize on what discovery?

Answer: Iridium Layer

52. Question: What was Galileo's invention in the world of science?

Answer: Thermometer

53. Question: Who produced the theory of the Big Bang?

Answer: George Gamow.

54. Question: The Nuclear Reactor was invented by which scientist?

Answer: Enrico Fermi

55. Question: Who is responsible for inventing the rigid airship?

Answer: G. Ferdinand Von Zeppelin.

56. Question: Which scientist synthesized the first fully artificial gene?

Answer: Hargobind Khorana

57. Question: Who invented the mobile phone?

Answer: Martin Cooper

58. Question: What is one of the most significant contributions of Ralph Baer?

Answer; The invention of video games

59. Question: Joseph Henry is credited for what invention?

Answer: Telegraph

Interesting Science Trivia About Gadgets

With the invention of new gadgets every day, everyone uses and experiences science in their day to day lives, many without even realising! Test your family's knowledge of science and teach with this fun science trivia for kids quiz!

60. Question: When did the data storage device, known as a compact device, first appear on the market?

Answer. 1982

61. Question: Which mobile phone company makes the iPhone?

Answer. Apple

62. Question: Who invented Apple's Wheel of Zeus? Hint: He's the co-founder of Apple!

Answer. Steve Wozniak

63. Question: Which optics cable is the size of one human hair?

Answer. Fiber optics

64. Question: The flexible photographic film was invented by who?

Answer. George Eastman

65. Question: Which hands free game system by Microsoft was equipped with a camera that detected and reacted to your every move?

Answer. Kinect

66. Question: This device of Logitech lets any TV with an HDMI port to be used for web browsing, video calling and more, what is it called?

Answer. Revue

67. Question: Which free application of Google lets the user capture a picture to search with rather than words?

Answer: Goggles

68. Question: What kind of image do the cutting edge cameras of Sony produce?

Answer: 3D

69. Question: OnLive is a subscription service. What is it for?

Answer: Video games

70. Question: What is the formal name of drones?

Answer: Unmanned aerial vehicles

71. Question: Who was the first woman to work on the development of computers?

Answer: Ada Lovelace

72. Question: Which scientist is responsible for breaking the German Enigma code with the help of a machine?

Answer: Alan Turing

73. Question: Quora is the largest open source website to ask questions. Who developed it?

Answer: Adam D'Angelo and ‎Charlie Cheever (two former Facebook employees)

74. Question: Who invented the first mobile phone and when?

Answer: Martin Cooper invented the first mobile phone in 1973

75. Question: In late 2006, which gadget that can be used as an e-book reader came to the market?

Answer: Amazon Kindle

Good Trivia Questions And Answers About Science And Plant Life

Plant science is an important element in any quiz on science.

Plants, just like animals, are an important part of this ecosystem and the whole planet. Let us take you through these trivia questions on science all about plant life. Learn all about how plants make their own food and the important role they play on planet earth. Are you ready for some interesting science trivia questions and answers?

76. Question: What is the male part of a plant?

Answer: Stamens

77. Question: Do you know the plant that chocolate comes from?

Answer: Cocoa beans

78. Question: How can we work out the age of a tree?

Answer: By counting the number of rings in the tree's stump

79. Question: Which part of a plant is used to transport water throughout its body?

Answer: Stem

80. Question: What is sprouting also called?

Answer: Germination

81. Question: What is the name of the female part of a plant?

Answer: Pistil

82. Question: What is the study of plant life called?

Answer: Botany

83. Question: What is the term for the process of transporting pollen from the anthers to the stigma of a flower?

Answer: Pollination

84. Question: What is the primary organ for photosynthesis that helps plants make food?

Answer: Stomata

85. Question: What is amber made of?

Answer: Fossilized tree resin

86. Question: What is the scientific term used for flowering plants?

Answer: Angiosperms

87. Question: Mimosa Pudica is the scientific name of which plant?

Answer: Touch-me-nots

88. Question: From which part of the plant is cotton extracted?

Answer: The fruit

89. Question: What are the conditions in which xerophytes live?

Answer: Hot and arid conditions

90. Question: In which zone of the earth is biodiversity the highest?

Answer: The Tropic Zone

91. Question: Why are plants green?

Answer: The presence of chlorophyll

92. Question: Which part of a plant grows first?

Answer. Roots

93. Question: What helps the seeds of a dandelion be dispersed?

Answer: The wind

94. Question: What is the powerhouse of a plant cell?

Answer: Mitochondria

95. Question: What is the type of reaction that happens in photosynthesis?

Answer: Oxidation-reduction reaction

Hard Science Questions

Let us dive into some more science quiz questions, scientist trivia and random science questions. These are some of the most interesting  questions in science, and they are the science trivia questions for kids that everyone tends to get wrong. So, for the ultimate test, let us see how many trivia questions and answers you know!

96. Question: Which is the most abundant gas present in the earth's atmosphere?

Answer: Nitrogen

97. Question: How much of earth is covered by land?

Answer: 29%

98. Question: What is the study of mushrooms called?

Answer: Mycology

99. Question: What two kinds of waves are observed during an earthquake?

Answer: Both longitudinal and transverse waves

100. Question: What is the type of energy found in an unlit match?

Answer: Chemical energy

101. Question: What is the acceleration of a free falling object on earth?

Answer: 9.8 m/s²

102. Question: What is the name of the phenomenon that occurs when light changes direction when leaving a medium?

Answer: Refraction

103. Question: Which element is used to find the presence of starch in potatoes?

Answer: Iodine

104. Question: What is the name of the most recent supercontinent?

Answer: Pangea

105. Question: What are the name of animals who are most active during dawn and dusk?

Answer: Crepuscular

106. Question: What is the term used collectively for plant and animal bodies?

Answer: Benthos

107. What waves do TV remote controls use?

Answer: Infrared waves

108. Question: The study of fossils is known as?

Answer: Paleontology

109. Question: What is the name of the living part of a cell?

Answer: Protoplasm

110. Question: Which element does a pencil contain?

Answer: Graphite

111. Question: In which matter are atoms most closely packed together?

Answer: Solids

112. Question: The value of Celsius and Fahrenheit are the same at what temperature?

Answers: -40 degrees

113. Question: Which planet has the largest number of moons?

Answer: Jupiter

114. Question: What is the full name of the abbreviation 'USB' in terms of computer science?

Answer: Universal Serial Bus

115. Question: Who was the scientist to discover radio waves?

Answer: Heinrich Hertz

116. Question: A chronometer is used to measure which scalar quantity?

Answer: Time

117. Question: Papillae are found in which part of the human body?

Answer: The tongue

118. Question: Who suggested the idea of a geodesic dome?

Answer: Buckminster Fuller

119. Question: Where was the World Wide Web invented?

Answer: Switzerland

120. Question: The term Jurassic Period is coined from what?

Answer: A mountain range

121. Question: Which substance turns litmus paper blue?

Answer: Alkali

122. Question: Seawater is purified by which method?

Answer: Distillation

123. Question: Which state of matter is related to Boyle's law?

Answer: The gaseous state

124. Question: What do fish use to breathe?

Answer: Gills

125. Question: JJ Thomson discovered which subatomic particle?

Answer: Electron

126. Question: Which scientist discovered X-Rays?

Answer: Wilhelm Roentgen

127. Question: Changes affecting the weather occur in which layer of the atmosphere?

Answer: Troposphere

128. Question: The phenomenon of two organisms deriving benefits from each other is known as?

Answer: Mutualism

129. Question: What is the common element in all acids?

Answer: Hydrogen

130. Question: In an electric bulb, what is the filament made of?

Answer: Tungsten

131. Question: What causes the green flame in fireworks?

Answer: Barium

132. Question: What is methane otherwise known as?

Answer: Marsh gas

133. Question: What is the unit used to measure sound?

Answer: Decibels

134. Question: How much does one fathom equal in feet?

Answer: Six feet

135. Question: In which unit is the speed of a ship measured?

Answer: Knots

136. Question: Who is the only woman to have won two Nobel Prizes in two different fields?

Answer: Marie Curie

137. Question: Which scientist discovered the main four moons of Jupiter?

Answer: Galileo Galilei

138. Question: Arthur Ashkin won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2018 for the invention of what?

Answer: Optical tweezers

140. Question: Kepler's planetary motion consist of how many laws?

Answer: Three

141. Question: How many watts are equivalent to one unit of horsepower?

Answer: 746

142. Question: For a petroleum fire, what type of fire extinguisher is used?

Answer: Powder

143. Question: What are the two major components of glass?

Answer: Silicates and sand

144. Question: Why is gypsum added to cement clinker?

Answer: To decrease the settling rate of cement

145. Question: To make prisms and lenses, what kind of glass is used?

Answer: Flint glass

146. Question: What are atoms composed of?

Answer: Nuclei and electrons

147. Question: Which isotope of hydrogen is also known as heavy hydrogen?

Answer: Deuterium

148. Question: In how many colors is the sunlight spectrum divided?

Answer: Seven

149. Question: Who developed the concept of inertia?

Answer: Galileo

150. Which American agronomist is also known as the Father of the Green Revolution'?

Answer: Norman Borlaug

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly trivia for everyone to enjoy! If you like our suggestions for science trivia that kids will lvoe, then why not take a look at this chemistry trivia or physics trivia too?

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The Kidadl Team is made up of people from different walks of life, from different families and backgrounds, each with unique experiences and nuggets of wisdom to share with you. From lino cutting to surfing to children’s mental health, their hobbies and interests range far and wide. They are passionate about turning your everyday moments into memories and bringing you inspiring ideas to have fun with your family.

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