The Value Of Discipline In The Modern World | Kidadl
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The Value Of Discipline In The Modern World

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When you hear the word discipline, what comes to mind?

It might conjure up images of a strict teacher when you were a student at school or someone with a rigid sense of self-control who has mastered the art of self-discipline. Discipline has many connotations, and its essence is important, from childhood right the way through our lifetime.

The importance of discipline is far-reaching across our lifespan and for people everywhere, though have you ever considered how disciplined you are? Perhaps you have already seen our types of behavior and [types of punishment] parenting articles. So, let's take a look at discipline's importance in life and why it is an integral part of professional, social, and academic success for you, and your kids.

Why Is Discipline Important?

Learning the importance of discipline is essential for many reasons. Predominately it helps bring stability and structure to our lives. Without it, we would simply be in chaos. It teaches us the importance of being responsible and how to be respectful of our actions. Rules are inevitably the basis of any society in the world. Put it this way, without discipline; everyone would do as they please and not give a hoot about others. Life discipline promotes the good in human behavior to make a better society and a pleasant environment for everyone to live harmoniously.

Top athletes have spent years training and mastering self-discipline, and you can too.

Think of leading athletes, the importance of discipline is the foundation block on which many sports have been created for thousands of years. In sporting life, everyone has to play by the rules, and that's why we have umpires and referees. The best performing athletes also have to train super hard to make the grade, show self-control, and align what they value to succeed. While many of us may have hated gym class in school, it's true in a sense that it really does help shape our character.

There are two primary forms of discipline in life: self-discipline and external, which means following society's rules and laws. In the educational setting, there is also preventative, supportive, and corrective discipline, which we will explore below.

The Value Of Discipline In Life

The value of life discipline within our lives is far-reaching, from our private lives to our professional working life. Discipline is important as it helps us understand what is right from wrong and adhere to our society. Psychologists often refer to discipline as a type of mind training, which helps shape our moral character. It helps us keep orderliness and achieve success.

Self-discipline means the ability to control yourself or work hard without relying on others to tell you to do so or what is important. Successful people are often considered highly self-disciplined. If you take a look through some of the world’s top CEO's you can bet your last dollar they have a pretty good routine and repeatedly show that they are highly disciplined. Whether that's waking up routinely at five a.m. and going for a jog or saying no to social after-work drinks so they can get ahead of the game, success and self-discipline go hand in hand. Self-discipline creates a habit, and successful people discipline themselves to work towards their goals.

We all know the feeling when there are just so many distractions around us in life, whether that's social media or mounting household chores. When you have your goals in mind, a good self-discipline level will help you focus on what's essential and achieve each step to get there. Ultimately it enables you to get things done, from the small tasks to the big important goals in life you wish to achieve.

Discipline in life really helps you to become the best version of yourself. You can work at whatever your goals are daily, and when you do something consistently over time, you improve.

The Value Of Discipline In School

In school there are several different forms of discipline.

The value of discipline in academic life is carried on with us into the world of work and leading our own homes and families as adults. When students work toward academic goals, they see the fruits of their labor. What's more, students following classroom rules are those who listen and can keep up with the lesson. They will perform well and get better grades, leading to more success.

Learning the value of discipline in student life is a valuable lesson all children develop at a young age. This may include tasks such as working towards exams or even completing homework promptly. Kids are taught from a young age that doing their best in their academic life is important, and that we will face the consequences if we don't study or follow the class rules.

Preventative Discipline In Students

This means the rules and expectations the class teacher sets out for the students' school life. Clearly explaining expectations is a core part of the preventative form of discipline. The key goal of preventive discipline is to give proactive support to any emerging potential disruptive behaviors by defining to the class what behaviors are expected and defining those that are not appropriate. This might be as simple as a list of class rules such as no talking in class, no mobiles, and what kind of language is expected. Preventative discipline also identifies the consequences, so the student knows what is in store should they not follow the rules.

Supportive Discipline In Students

Even the best preventative strategies can fall apart from time to time, especially over an entire school year. If a student violates a rule, the class teacher may show supportive discipline by offering them a choice to correct the behavior or a reminder of the consequence should they persist. It's often known as a verbal warning. It's very different from punishment as this form of discipline offers the student the opportunity to correct their behavior and suggests how they can. For example, if the class teacher has told all the students to find their place, and one student remains wandering away from their desk, the teacher may say, "I have already asked everyone to sit down. We need to begin, so can you find your seat now, or I will keep you after the lesson." Reminders and non-verbal communication such as pointing also fall under supportive discipline.

Corrective Discipline In Students

This type of discipline refers to the scenario when a student has failed to correct their behavior, after teaching staff may have tried many supportive discipline strategies. Corrective discipline is ultimately the consequence the student has to face, and there's a wide variety of consequences in schools. Examples may be lunchtime detention, time out, or a suspension, depending on the student's age. It would have been explained to the student why they have reached such a consequence.

Mastering Time Management

Being disciplined means understanding important priorities within school life. This may come at a sacrifice for a student’s social life. Still, it's also a valuable lesson on managing time, particularly when it comes to assignments and exams. If students are not disciplined, they may waste time on irrelevant tasks or procrastinating. Equally, it helps relieve stress within a student's life, as pulling an all-nighter before an imminent deadline and not having enough time can be a highly stressful event. How we learn to manage time impacts all aspects of our lives, from getting ready for an event to going to work.

Ultimately, being disciplined has its importance across the life span and the values we adopt. If you found this article helpful, then why not take a look at our guide to table manners for kids or our guide to [taking care of grandparents]?

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Kidadl Team

The Kidadl Team is made up of people from different walks of life, from different families and backgrounds, each with unique experiences and nuggets of wisdom to share with you. From lino cutting to surfing to children’s mental health, their hobbies and interests range far and wide. They are passionate about turning your everyday moments into memories and bringing you inspiring ideas to have fun with your family.

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