The World Leisure Day | Kidadl
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The World Leisure Day

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Where is World Leisure Day celebrated?

It is celebrated in the US.

Who is World Leisure Day celebrated by?

This is celebrated by people of all ages.

When did World Leisure Day first start?

This day started on April 16, 2021.

Who started World Leisure Day?

World Leisure Organization started the celebration of World Leisure Day.

Laboratory of Management of Leisure Experiences is one of the supporting founders of the day

History And Timeline

Leisure provides the experience of enjoying life with no worry, this was a shared experience that everyone wanted to have. With rising work stress, this day was an initiative to improve health and have a better day. Let us understand the origin of leisure.

Mid 19th Century

Increased Leisure Activities

Why did Americans work so long? As the question gave rise to many leisure activities like bowling, archery, and singing, clubs were now the place to spend time.

Late 19th Century

Similar Leisure Patterns

Entertainment, sports events, theater, music halls, and cinema were fun activities of leisure that became popular in British cities, Western Europe, and North America.

20th Century

Leisure Is Fun

The rise of the elite in spending leisure time rapidly increased, and the reflection of wanting a better life and leisure experience grew among the common masses.


World Leisure Day

The first edition was organized by the World Leisure Center of Excellence/Universidade de São Paulo with the Laboratory of Management of Leisure Experiences and Serviço Social do Comércio.

Traditions And Customs

Leisure time involves activities like spending time on passion projects or hobbies. The earlier idea of leisure was to go to clubs and restaurants, watch movies or theaters, sing and dance on different occasions, and fests with our friends and family. These activities evolved through time in other countries.

Ways To Observe World Leisure Day

The importance of having leisure time in life was studied by intellectuals who found that leisure experience can improve health, professional excellence, and mood. Therefore, the initiative was taken up to start leisure studies and understand how productive activities and learning through leisure can improve management decisions.

Facts And Stats

  • This day was initiated as its first pilot project in 2021 by the World Leisure Organization.
  • The central theme of this day was 'leisure for a better life'.
  • World Leisure Center of Excellence/Universidade de São Paulo with the Laboratory of Management of Leisure Experiences and Serviço Social do Comércio jointly organized the inaugural event.

FAQs About The World Leisure Day

What is the significance of World Leisure Day?

The aim is to bring awareness through events about having a better life and improving health.

What is the World Leisure Organization?

It is a nonprofit organization formed in 1952 to promote the importance of leisure in life.

What are the four types of leisure?

The four types are casual leisure, serious leisure, casual reading, and project-based leisure.

Why is it called 'leisure'?

The term leisure is to have free time and do something of your choice.

How does this day affect people psychologically?

It relieves stress and boosts positive hormones.

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When Is This Day Celebrated

Date Day
April 16, 2020 Thursday
April 16, 2021 Friday
April 16, 2022 Saturday
April 16, 2023 Sunday
April 16, 2024 Tuesday

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