Top 9 Free Quizzes For The Whole Family To Enjoy | Kidadl
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Top 9 Free Quizzes For The Whole Family To Enjoy

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We know it's a cliche, but staying in is the new going out. It can be tricky to find something that the whole family can do in the evenings, where everyone can join in - there are only so many movie nights you can have in a week (check out our family film suggestions)! So, a quiz is the perfect solution - it gets everyone's brains ticking over, there's a variety of subjects so everyone in the family gets a chance to shine, and of course there is a chance of winning - and there's nothing like a bit of competition to pique everyone's interest. There are all kinds of quizzes popping up online - and many of them are devised so that the whole family can test their trivia expertise. So thinking caps on, here are some of our favourite online quizzes.

Living Room Pub Quiz

Where: Big Drop Brewing Co Facebook page

When: Tuesdays at 7pm

Despite the name, these live-streamed events are fine for under 18s. There is always a round that is more suitable for children - think Disney or Harry Potter - and then a couple of other rounds - recent examples include geography and music. The level of the quiz questions is what we would expect from a real-world pub quiz, and there's also a fun round where there's a chance to win a prize. Last time we looked the challenge was to put on as many jumpers as possible (just like Joey in Friends) and take a photo to send in. A fun way to entertain any kids who aren't interested in the quiz itself.

More than Just a Princess

Where: More than Just a Princess Facebook page

When: Disney quiz, Fridays at 6pm. Check the page for other quizzes

When she's not in Lockdown, Lauren Saddington brings magic and sparkles to lots of little girls and boys with her Princess visits to parties and special events. When she's not being Ariel or Elsa, Lauren is bringing her own magic to the living room with her free quiz games. Recent subjects have included 'Disney' and 'Movies' and next up is a 'Harry Potter' quiz, which she promises is going to be "extremely hard", even for superfans. Lauren keeps everyone happy by posing questions for kids and questions for adults, so you can play in two family teams at home if you want. Just be ready with a prize for the winner of this fun family quiz!

The Great Storybook Quiz

Where: Rainbow Factory Facebook Page

When: Mondays, 2.30pm

If you're trying to be creative with the family home schooling, you could say playing these quizzes ticks a box for literacy. Each quiz tests your knowledge of a story book - from the Gruffalo to Alice in Wonderland and everything in between, so covers all ages from preschoolers and up. Presented by the Leeds attraction The Rainbow Factory, which specialises in storytelling through the creative arts, each free live quiz runs for 30 minutes. Upcoming topics include Harry Potter, The Stick Man, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe and lots more.

Quick n Quirky Quiz

Where: The Flying Seagull Project on YouTube

When: Every Monday

Forget sitting down with a pencil and paper, it's time to get loud. This free, high-energy quiz has you up on your feet and answering true or false to most weird trivia questions, such as  are elephants good at jumping, or do polar bears have white fur. Hop to the right for false, to the left for true. Run by The Flying Seagull Project - a children's charity scheme - Ash has worked across the world with young people, play leading and entertaining children. He's full of fun and energy and you won't be able to resist joining in - kids and adults! And if you have some tricky questions, send them in and he'll use them in the next quiz - don't forget to let him know the answers too! Best for a younger family.

Spectacular Quarantine Quizes


When: Weekdays at 6pm, weekends at 1.30 and 6pm

Are you a massive Disney fan, or obsessed with The Lord of the Rings? These are the family quiz games for you. So far on the list are Marvel, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Friends and even Gavin and Stacey. Expect questions, creative challenges, and interactive games that give hour team the chance to win extra points. The quizzes last around two hours so aremore suited to  tweens and teens. Sign up to the list and the team will send out a link to the live stream closer to the time. They ask for a £5 donation for the charity, but only if you can afford it.

Child and parents participating in a quiz

The Quizmaster is always right

Where: On Soundcloud

When: Updated very day or so

If you would rather play screen-free quizzing games experience, this is the place for you and your family. Encourage listening with this quiz, which is divided into six rounds, each with 10 questions. Get everyone set up with six pieces of paper, with each page marked with the numbers one to 10, so they are ready to get answering the questions.  You can pause the quiz and swap sheets so you mark each other's answers. No cheating now! Expect rounds on sports, history, science and nature, computers and general knowledge. The questions are easy enough that you should all be able to get a good score, but not so easy that the more knowledgeable of you will find it boring!

Big Family Night in


When: Mon-Fri 6.30pm

If you were planning on going to a holiday park over Easter, you can recreate the atmosphere with this fun family quiz every night. The host is wonderfully inclusive, a bit camp and just what you would expect from the evening entertainment at a caravan park or holiday site. There's a great mix of 20 quiz questions on subjects such as films, Harry Potter, TV trivia, and music - and then there are chances to win some great prizes too. Each night there is a challenge - it might be dance routine to learn, or something to make. Send your videos and pictures in and you'll earn bonus points. Each night there are spot prizes such as Fastest Finger First, with prizes to be won. The big winner is announced on a Friday night, and with prizes such a £150, a £250 voucher for a Disneyland holiday, bakery hamper, and lots more up for grabs, it's really worth making the effort.

Harry Potter Book Quiz

Magic quill and parchment

Where: Molly Cockburn Facebook page

When: Every Wednesday at 1.30pm

Keen readers can check in to Molly Cockburn's quiz for Harry Potter nerds. Each week Molly (who usually can be found playing violin in the BBC Symphony Orchestra) is swapping music for magic as she waves her quill over her question sheet. One for keen fans, she has the best questions - including what piece does Ron play as in wizard chess and how many points does Dumbledore award Harry at the end of year feast. Could you answer questions like this? If the answer's yes, tune in each week when she will concentrate on the next book in the Harry Potter series. The entry with the highest score gets to write a question for the next week's quiz, so you can show off your in-depth knowledge of Potter trivia. The quiz lasts for half an hour.

Family Quiz Night

Where: Family Quiz Night Facebook Group

When: Thursday nights at 7.30pm

First things first. You'll need to go onto Facebook and join the group, using the link above. Then download the Zoom app onto your device of choice. There's a video explaining how to log in, so watch that first. Now you're ready to play one of the quizzes. You can choose whether host Natalie can see you or not while she tests your general knowledge - so now might be a good night for fancy dress!

We also have a few quizzes of our own for you to check out! Take a look at our Science Quiz, Emoji Quiz, Mammals Quiz and Flags Quiz.

Written By
Naomi MacKay

Mum of one teenage boy, near Leighton Buzzard, Beds. Born and raised in the Home Counties, Naomi has explored much of London, along with Beds, Herts and Bucks, with her son and husband. When she’s not driving to various skateparks around the UK, Naomi loves finding somewhere new to explore or a new activity they can all try.

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