50+ Best Weather Jokes And Puns To Make You Laugh Out Cloud | Kidadl
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50+ Best Weather Jokes And Puns To Make You Laugh Out Cloud

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Whether you're loving the current weather or not, at least it provides plenty of material for jokes!

If you or the kids are looking for some new content to get the house giggling, you're in the right place - from weather puns to jokes about rain, we've rounded up 45 hilarious jokes about the weather that you've absolutely got to 'sky' out at home!

Question and Answer Weather Jokes

Classics that will have the whole family laughing - you'll absolutely love these funny weather jokes.

1) What does a cloud wear under his raincoat? Thunderwear!

2) What did the tornado say to the sports car? Want to go for a spin?

3) What did one volcano say to the other volcano? I lava you.

4) What falls but never hits the ground? The temperature.

5) Why did the man only wear one boot into town? He heard there would be a 50% chance of snow!

6) What happens when it rains cats and dogs? You might step in a poodle!

7) What’s a tornado’s favourite game? Twister!

8) How does the rain tie its shoes? With a rainbow.

9) What goes up when the rain comes down? An umbrella!

10) Why shouldn’t you start a fight with a cloud? He’ll storm out on you.

11) What did one lightning bolt say to the other lightning bolt? You're shocking!

12) What did the hurricane say to the other hurricane? I have my eye on you.

13) What do you call a grizzly bear caught in the rain? A drizzly bear!

14) What happens when winter arrives? Autumn leaves!

15) Why is Britain the wettest country? Because royalty has reigned here for years.

16) How does a thunderstorm catch fish? With a lightning rod!

17) When does it rain money? When there's a change in the weather.

18) What's a king's favourite weather? Hail!

19) What is the opposite of a cold front? A warm back.

20) Why should you avoid tornado chasers? Because they’re always passing wind.

21) What did Mrs Claus say to Santa Claus when he asked what the weather forecast for Christmas Eve was? It look like rain, dear!

22) What do you get if you cross a shark with ice? Frostbite.

23) What is the worst type of weather to hire for a job? Lightning because it's always on strike!

24) What do you have to do to win gold at the weather forecasting competition? You have to beat the raining champion!

Laughing at a weather joke

Knock Knock Weather Jokes

If knock-knock jokes are your thing, you'll have 'clouds' of people gathering around to hear these ones!

25) Knock, knock!

Who's There?


Accordion who?

Accordion to the weather report, it's going to snow tomorrow!

26) Knock, knock!

Who's there?


Butter who?

Butter bring an umbrella, it looks like it might start raining!

27) Knock, knock!

Who's there?


Emma who?

Emma bit cold out here -  can you let me in?

28) Knock, knock

Who’s there?


Scold who?

Scold outside.

29) Knock, knock!

Who's there?


Hurricane who?

Hurry! Cane you run away from the storm?

30) Knock, knock!

Who's there?


Lettuce who?

Lettuce in, it's raining outside.

31) Knock, Knock!

Who's there?


Freeze who?

Freeze a jolly good fellow!

32) Knock, Knock!

Who’s there?


Alaska who?

Alaska my mom if I can play in the snow.

33) Knock, knock

Who’s there?


Snow who?

Snow use. I forgot my name again.

Weather Jokes that could make a snowman laugh

Weather Puns

Bad weather may not be very funny, but these weather-related puns certainly are - go ahead, take the room by storm and see for yourself!

34) Coming up with weather-related puns is a breeze.

35) The hottest day of the week is Sun-day.

36) Lightning storms can be very striking.

37) I tried to catch some fog, but I mist.

38) Winter puns are snow joke!

39) You don't like my puns? How cold!

40) Rain doesn't fall...it raindrops!

Laughing at weather jokes outside

Weather One-Liners

One-liners can be some of the funniest jokes out there. Try out some of these, and see if you can get your audience giggling!

41) Local weather reports say there won't be any rain for a year, but I drought it.

42) Did you hear of the story of the tornado? There's a twist at the end!

43) When it rains chickens and ducks, you could say it's fowl weather.

44) It was so cold, one man fell out of bed and broke his pyjamas!

45) The weather forecast was for freezing cold hail, and sure enough, it was an ice day.

46) It was a terrible summer for Humpty Dumpty, but he certainly had a great fall.

47) It was so cold outside that hitchhikers were holding up pictures of thumbs!

48) It only rains twice a year in London: August through April and May through July.

49) One raindrop turned to the other and said, "Two’s company. Three’s a cloud."

50) You need to try meditating during a storm. It's a really in-lightening experience.

51) If you think raining cats and dogs is bad, you should see hailing taxis!

Written By
Rachel Garner

Rachel grew up in Switzerland and currently lives in north-west London. She is an avid reader, writer, and a real foodie and loves discovering new hotspots and trendy places to go in the city. She also enjoys planning days out for her family, she especially loves taking her little cousins swimming and to the park. When she has some free time she loves going to concerts, baking, or visiting her family at their home in Essex. She can sometimes be found travelling a bit further than Essex and loves meticulously planning and researching a trip before heading off to explore new places in Europe and further afield.

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