What To Pack For A Teddy Bear’s Picnic | Kidadl
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What To Pack For A Teddy Bear’s Picnic

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When the weather’s this good, there’s nothing better than a good old-fashioned picnic. We may not be able to travel to a park but a little trip to the garden can be just as fun! To help you make the most of your time out in the sunshine, we’ve come up with a guide on the 10 things you need to pack for the perfect teddy bear's picnic.

1. A Picnic Blanket

No picnic blanket? No problem! Table cloths, old sheets and big towels work just as well. All you need is something to lay out on the grass for you all to sit on and lay your food out on.

2. Something To Drink

If you’re feeling fancy, make up a jug of your favourite flavour squash and garnish it with fresh fruit and mint. If you don't have these on hand, just fill a big water bottle with your drink of choice instead. Grab some cups and bendy straws if you have them and you’re all set.

3. Healthy Snacks

Why not make up a bowl of fresh fruit - strawberries are the classic option but anything from peaches to pineapple work just as well. We love preparing PB&J apples, veggie-packed pasta salads and carrot sticks with hummus too. Yum!

4. A Few Less-Healthy Snacks

Turn the picnic into a sweet feast with a home-baked treat. Maybe go for chocolate chip cookies or a freshly-decorated tub of fairy cakes. We don't know why, but things always taste extra sweet when they're enjoyed out in the sunshine!

bowl of strawberries on picnic blanket

5. A Picnic Basket

If you want an authentic picnic experience you'll need a big hamper or basket to carry all of your food in, but if you don't happen to have one of those lying around your house, you could always bring the food out to the garden on a dinner tray instead!

6. Napkins

Somehow picnics always get a bit messy, but that's all part of the fun! Bring napkins along so that you can wipe any sticky fruit juice off your hands before diving into the cake tin for another tasty treat...

7. Personalised Decorations

Make your picnic extra special with some decorations. Lay out balloons, pick some flowers, maybe even create your own bunting. Don’t forget to take photos when it’s all laid out properly!

8. Party Games

While you’re all outside enjoying the sun, why not play a game together? You could do anything from I Spy to Bring a deck of cards or a board game to pass the time. If not, why not play a game of cloud spotting? Lie down on your backs, look up at the clouds and see what shapes and pictures you can spot.

9. A Perfectly Prepared Playlist

Before you head outside, ask your family what their favourite songs are and prepare a playlist on their phone or tablet filled with all your favourite tracks. Add a few extra summery songs to really get into the sunny spirit and you're ready to go.

10. Your Favourite Teddies

Finally, what’s a teddy bear’s picnic without your favourite soft toys? Bring all your fluffy friends along so that they can enjoy the sun too.

Written By
Georgia Stone

Georgia is originally from Essex but moved to Switzerland as a child, attending an international school and igniting her love for experiencing the world and its cultures. She later moved back to the UK to study French with Film Studies at King’s College London. She took a break to enjoy a patisserie-filled year abroad in Paris. Shortly after graduating, she started as an intern at Kidadl in a small team of five, progressing with the company as it grew, to where she sits now as Digital Content Manager. Since returning to the UK permanently, she has been known to take ideas from Kidadl for things to see and do close to home and make the most of London’s incredible travel connections to explore further afield.

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