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White Day

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Where is White Day observed?  

White Day is now observed internationally by many countries, but it is a holiday originating from Japanese culture. This day is widely observed in many Asian countries, including Japan, China, South Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam.

Who is White Day observed by?

White Day can be observed by anyone. This day was, at first, nation-specific, but now many countries worldwide have begun celebrating the day.

When did White Day first start?

This day was first started in 1977, by a confectionery company, as Marshmallow Day on March 14. Then in 1978, the first White Day was observed on March 14.

Who started White Day?

The National Confectionery Industry Association started White Day as an answer to Valentine's Day for boys. On this day, boys were supposed to pay back gifts, as on Valentine's Day, on February 14, they were presented with gifts from girls, so on White Day, it is their turn to shower their loved ones with gifts.

History And Timeline

White Day is a tradition started in Japan, but now many countries in East Asia observe it.

White Day is a day to gift chocolates and candy as a token of appreciation to girls; they could be friends, family, romantic partners, or colleagues. Now that we know what White Day is, let's look into some interesting history related to it.


First Valentine's Day In Japan

Japan started celebrating Valentine's Day in 1936, but it was not popularly celebrated in Japan at the time.


Valentine's With A Twist

In Japan, Valentine's Day was celebrated differently from the west, and it was seen as an opportunity for girls to present gifts to guys they liked and confess their feelings.


Marshmallow Day

A confectionery company based in Fukuoka named Ishimura Manseido sold marshmallows to boys on March 14, to gift to girls, and called March 14 Marshmallow Day.


White Day Became Popular

In the '80s, people included gifts other than marshmallows, such as flowers and chocolates, in their White Day gifts. White Day also became a popular holiday in other countries, such as South Korea and Taiwan.


Decrease In Spending 

In Japan in 2018, it was seen that the spending on White Day fell 10% compared to 2017. Japan Anniversary Association, which keeps track of the spending done on each holiday, released this data.

Traditions And Customs

The tradition of celebrating White Day is that guys gift girls chocolates, marshmallows, and candy. Earlier, White Day was about gifting girls only white-colored things, but nowadays, it is not a compulsion, and people can gift anything.

Candies, chocolate, marshmallow, and flowers are the most preferred gifts.

According to the custom followed in Japan, the 'honmei-choco' and 'giri-choco' are the types of gifts received by men on Valentine's Day, and when they return the favor, they are supposed to give back two to three times more than what they received, which is called 'sanbai gaeshi.'

Ways To Observe White Day

To observe White Day, gift something to every woman in your life who means something to you. Give away chocolates, marshmallows, or anything that has a meaning.

White Day is for your special someone and friends and coworkers. This day can be spent with anyone.

Treat your mother, sister, grandmother, friend, colleague, daughter, aunt, or anyone you like, with chocolates, flowers, or any sweet of their liking. Utilize this day to appreciate the presence of every female in your life who loves you, and whom you love.

Also, don't forget to shower your crush or someone you like with gifts and let them know how you feel about them.

You can also learn the tradition and culture of Japan to understand this holiday better.

Facts And Stats

A survey done in Japan states that 45% of men observe White Day, whereas 67% of women celebrate Valentine's Day.

The same survey also stated that 33% of men gifted girls cookies on White Day, and 11% of men gifted flowers.

South Korea also observes another day that falls a month after White Day, called Black Day. This day is observed by people who didn't receive any gifts or people who do not have a partner.

Honmei-choco is a gift received by a boy. It is a gift of affection, which means 'chocolate of love'.

Giri-choco is a gift received by a boy. It is a gift given without the intention of affection, and it means 'courtesy chocolate'.

Sanbai gaeshi refers to the gifts given by boys to girls, two or three times the amount of gifts they received. The term means 'triple the return'.

Jibun-choco is a term used when someone buys a gift for themselves. It means 'chocolate to self'.

Tomo-choco is a term used when gifts are exchanged between female friends. It means to gift chocolate to female friends.

FAQs About White Day

What do guys do on White Day?

A few countries observe White Day. In these countries, on Valentine's Day, girls present boys with gifts, and one month later, on White Day, boys present girls with gifts to return the favor. Guys can present gifts to friends, coworkers, and romantic partners.

Who observes White Day?

White Day can be observed by everyone, as it is a day to give gifts of appreciation to people around you. It can come with the expression of friendship, love, courtesy, and social obligation. However, it is mostly boys who observe this day, by giving gifts to girls.

Does the US observe White Day?

Yes, some people do observe White Day in the US. White Day is a Japanese-origin holiday, but many countries have adopted it now.

What are good White Day gifts?

White Day gifts could be anything, but some popular gifts are chocolate, marshmallows, and flowers.

Who started White Day?

National Confectionery Industry Association started this day in 1978, as a response for guys to Valentine's Day.

What does giving candy on White Day mean?

Presenting white candies to a girl on White Day means you like her. This applies not only to marshmallow, it could also be white chocolate or flowers, and means the same.

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When Is This Day Celebrated

Date Day
March 14, 2020 Saturday
March 14, 2021 Sunday
March 14, 2022 Monday
March 14, 2023 Tuesday
March 14, 2024 Thursday

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