Outdoor Play & Gardening For Kids | Education | Kidadl
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Outdoor Play & Gardening For Kids

Make the most of any outdoor space you have at home with these great garden ideas to try as a family, from seed planting and nature crafts to outdoor games and sports.

A father and son at an outdoor garden. Image
Gold balloons spelling out 'dad' in capital letters.

Make Dad's Day: 8 Things To Do On Father's Day In Lockdown

Games to play in the park encourage creativity.

Imaginative Fitness: How To Keep The Kids Active With Creativity

April offers many riches in terms of the wildlife on your doorstep.

The Best Wildlife For Kids To Spot In April

Are there fairies at the bottom of your garden or local park?

A Walk In The Park Through The Eyes Of A Fairy-Obsessed 5-Year-Old

Spring officially begins in the Northern Hemisphere on 20 March most years.

22 Fresh Family Ideas For Spring

Plan the perfect Mother's Day picnic with our top tips.

11 Tips For A Mother's Day Picnic

You don’t need to go to the woods, or visit the coast to see wildlife.

How To See Wildlife Without Leaving Your Home

dad helping his son to ride a bike without stabilisers

Top Tips To Help Your Child Cycle Without Stabilisers

Despite the second lockdown restrictions, there are still many outdoor activities and things you can do at home to enjoy.

9 Things You Can Still Do Safely Under Lockdown

Fairy doors can be found all over the country.

Help Us Create A Map Of Fairy Doors

Family smiling as they ride their bikes.

13 Best Cycling Resources For Your Next Family Ride

Half term is a fun time for families to enjoy time together and explore the great outdoors.

Why October Half-Term Is Brilliant, And How Everyone Can Enjoy It