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Discover the origin, meaning and pronunciation of the name Amelia.

Coming from the Old High German name 'Amalia', Amelia is taken from the Germanic word for work: ‘amal’. The meaning of the name Amelia is ‘to work’, ‘to do activity’ or ‘to perform labour’. Saint Amelia is one of the most well-known saints of all time and was the patron of the fishermen and the farmers. She was a mother to five other saints, known as Gudula, Reineldis, Amebert, Pharaildis and Ermelindis. She and her brother Roden were known for their strong Christian faith and their lifelong devotion to Jesus Christ. It is said that Saint Amelia arrived in Temse, a city in Belgium, on the back of a fish. Legends say that the prince, who was named Charles, pursued her for several years. Trying to escape his pursuits, Amelia broke her arm, which miraculously healed later. Another well known Amelia is Amelia Earhart, who was the first woman to fly solo over the Atlantic.


Amelia is most often associated with the gender: female.

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Spelling of Amelia

A-M-E-L-I-A , is a 6-letter female given name.

Origins Of Amelia


Locations featuring Amelia

Amelia Court House
Amelia Earhart Birthplace
Amelia's Bistro

Songs About Amelia

Amelia (Mazurca)

Amelia (Radio Edit)


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