50+ Best Bruce Springsteen Quotes That Are Born To Run | Kidadl
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50+ Best Bruce Springsteen Quotes That Are Born To Run

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Known for his various songs on love and peace, living the lavish life, he has many love quotes and sayings. This musician - singer - songwriter has a long branch of fans panning globally.

Bruce Springsteen has had a solo career and was also past member of the band "E Street Band" along with Garry Tallent, Clarence Clemons, Vini "Mad Dog" Lopez, and David Sancious  the singer- songwriter for Lucky Town.

Springsteen became politically active in the later years even campaigning for Obama’s second term. His Autobiography came in 2016 titled “Born to Run’’ which became a NY Times best seller. If you love the classics, you may check out the articles about [Beatles Quotes] and [Elvis Quotes].

Famous Bruce Springsteen Quotes

Here are some of Bruce Springsteen lyrics quotes for you to enjoy. Look at these quotes by Bruce Springsteen

1. "Blind faith in your leaders, or in anything, will get you killed."

2. "Getting an audience is hard. Sustaining an audience is hard. It demands a consistency of thought, of purpose, and of action over a long period of time.’’

3. "Talk about a dream, try to make it real."

4. "I have spent my life judging the distance between American reality and the American dream."

5. "You can't be afraid of getting old. Old is good, if you're gathering in life. Our band is good at understanding that equation."

6. "The best music is essentially there to provide you something to face the world with."

7. “Someday we'll look back on this and it will all seem funny.”

8. “Walk tall, or baby don't walk at all."

9. “The great challenge of adulthood is holding on to your idealism after you lose your innocence.”

10 “It ain't no sin to be glad you're alive.”

11. “We honor our parents by carrying their best forward and laying the rest down. By fighting and taming the demons that laid them low and now reside in us.”

12. “I think that is what film and art and music do; they can work as a map of sorts for your feelings.”

Bruce Springsteen Love quotes

The famous singer- songwriter - musician often spoke of love in his work. Each and every album of his would kick records. Take a look at these Bruce Springsteen quotes about love.

13. "I looked at myself, and I just said, 'Well, you know, I can sing, but I'm not the greatest singer in the world. I can play guitar very well, but I'm not the greatest guitar player in the world.' So, I said, 'Well, if I'm going to project an individuality, it's going to have to be in my writing."

14. "We all have stories we're living and telling ourselves."

15. "The past is never the past. It is always present. And you better reckon with it in your life and in your daily experience, or it will get you. It will get you really bad."

16."Adult life is dealing with an enormous amount of questions that don't have answers. So, I let the mystery settle into my music. I don't deny anything, I don't advocate anything, I just live with it."

17. "If you're good, you're always looking over your shoulder."

18. "You can't have a United States if you are telling some folks that they can't get on the train. There is a cracking point where a society collapses."

Quotes From Bruce Springsteen

We have heard his music, we have seen him jump in the river, now we see some Bruce Springsteen quotes by this rockstar. Read below some of the Bruce Springsteen quotes on love for each other by him.

Bruce Springsteen is a well-known song writer.

19. "You make your music, then you try to find whatever audience is out there for it."

20. "I believe when your children are born that you are reborn in some fashion."

21. "At the end of every hard day, people find some reason to believe."

22. "There have been a lotta tough guys. There have been pretenders. And there have been contenders. But there is only one king."

23. "Sometimes I do an automatic song, songs that you don't really think about, or work on. You just look back and it sorta surprises you."

24 "Well I got this guitar and I learned how to make it talk."

25 "I think politics come out of psychology."

26. "The E Street band casts a pretty wide net. Our influences go all the way back to the early primitive garage music, and also, we've had everything in the band from jazz players to Kansas City trumpet players to Nils Lofgren, one of the great rock guitarists in the world."

27. “You're always in a box, and you're an escape artist if you do what I do - or if you're a creative person, period. You build your box, and then you escape from it. You build another one, and you escape from it. That's ongoing.”

28. "It’s not the time in your life, it’s the life in your time."

29. "My greatest fear was that success was going to change or diminish that part of myself."

30. "The future is now. Roll up your sleeves and let your passion flow. The country we carry in our hearts is waiting."

Bruce Springsteen Song Quotes

Bruce Springsteen continues to live in family-owned horse farm in Colts Neck Township and a home in Rumson in New Jersey. As his children grew older, he decided to move back to raise them away from the paparazzi.  His personality and opinions come out strong in every song this ambient songwriter musician portrays, his voice has won over people.  Let’s look at some Bruce Springsteen lyric quotes and Bruce Springsteen quotes to honor this singer's name .

31. "Well the cops finally busted Madame Marie for telling' fortunes better than they do

This boardwalk life for me is through"

You ought to quit this scene too

- Fourth of the July, Asbury Park (Sandy): (1974)

32. "It's a town full of losers

And I'm pulling out of here to win."

- Thunder Road (1975)

33. "The highway's jammed with broken heroes on a last chance power drive

Everybody's out on the run tonight

but there's no place left to hide."

Born to Run: (1975)

34. "When the change was made uptown

And the Big Man joined the band"

- Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out

35. "Poor man want to be rich,

rich man want to be king

And a king ain't satisfied

till he rules everything."

- Badlands

36. "Like a river that don't know where it's flowing

I took a wrong turn and I just kept going."

- Hungry Heart

37. "Spend your life waiting, for a moment that just don't come. Well, don't waste your time waiting"

- Badlands

38. "Everybody needs a place to rest. Everybody wants to have a home"

- Hungry Heart

39. "You can't start a fire without a spark"

- Dancing in the Dark

40. "Put your makeup on fix your hair up pretty and meet me tonight in Atlantic City"

- Atlantic City

41 “Did you hear the cops finally busted Madam Marie for tellin’ fortunes better than they do?”

- 4th July, Asbury Park (Sandy)

42.  "In Candy’s room there are pictures of her heroes on the wall/ But to get to Candy’s room/ You gotta walk the darkness of Candy’s hall”

- Candy’s Room

43. "I had skin like leather and the diamond-hard look of a cobra”

- 'It’s Hard To Be A Saint In The City'.

44. “A dream of life comes to me/ Like a catfish dancin’ on the end of my line”

- 'The Rising'.

45. “So you been broken and you been hurt?/ Show me somebody who ain’t/ Yeah, I know I ain’t nobody’s bargain/ But hell, a little touch-up and a little paint…”

- 'Human Touch'.

46. “They died to get here a hundred years ago; they’re dyin’ now/ The hands that built the country we’re all trying to keep down”

47. "Now some folks are born into a good life/ Other folks, they just get it any way, anyhow”

- 'Darkness On The Edge Of Town'.

48. "You've got to learn to live with what you can't rise above"

- 'Tunnel Of Love'.

49. “God have mercy on the person who doubts what he’s sure of”

- 'Brilliant Disguise'.

50. “Is a dream a lie when it don’t come true, or is it something worse?”

- 'The River'.

51. "She went away, she cut me like a knife

Hello beautiful thing, maybe you could save my life."

- 'Girls In Their Summer Clothes'.

53. "As the red sun sets in the ocean, I start to come alive’’

- 'Sleepy Joe’s Cafe'.

54. "Drive fast, fall hard, I’ll keep you in my heart

Don’t worry about tomorrow, don’t mind the scars

Just drive fast, fall hard."

- 'Drive Fast (The Stuntman)'.

55. "You know I always liked that empty road

No place to be and miles to go

But miles to go is miles away

Hello sunshine, won’t you stay?’’

- 'Hello Sunshine'.

56. "As I drove, there was a chill in the breeze

And leaves tumbled from the sky and fell

On a road so black as I backtracked

To the Moonlight Motel."

- 'Moonlight Motel'.

57. "Maps don’t do much for me, friend

I follow the weather and the wind."

- 'Hitch Hikin'.

58. "Well I found me a little girl and I settled down

In a pretty little house in a pretty little town

We got married and promised never to part

And little by little we drifted from each other's heart.’’

- 'Stolen Car'.

Best Quotes About Bruce Springsteen

Did you know: Bruce Springsteen always had a fun stage trick while performing his romantic songs he would call one female from the audience to the stage - he knew how to win hearts with his songs beating records every year, strong lyrics paved his success story.  

Bruce Springsteen is an iconic musician and songwriter.

59. "Last Thursday, at the Harvard Square theatre, I saw my rock'n'roll past flash before my eyes. And I saw something else: I saw rock and roll future and its name is Bruce Springsteen. And on a night when I needed to feel young, he made me feel like I was hearing music for the very first time."

- Jon Landau, 'The Real Paper'. (1974)

60. "I couldn't believe how happy his music made me and how good it was. He's a gift, and I didn't know. I mean, I knew 'Born in the USA' and 'Glory Days,' but I didn't know that he covered so much ground, and there was something in his music that touched what I was going through, the process of falling back in love with my America."

- Brandon Flowers, Frontman for rock band 'The Killers'.

62. "The reason I’m running for president is because I can’t be Bruce Springsteen."

- President Barack Obama

63. "Whenever I see Bruce Springsteen do anything, he empties the tank. Every time. And the beautiful thing about this man is he empties that tank for his family, he empties that tank for his art, he empties that tank for his audience, and he empties it for his country."

- Jon Stewart

64. “I listen to a lot of Bruce Springsteen. I’m a bit of a fanatic. I am pretty much always in the mood to listen to him.”

- John Gallager

65. “Springsteen had such an influence on our home. My father gave me, I believe it was for Christmas, a Bruce Springsteen songbook for the piano and on it was ‘Thunder Road,’ which is my favorite Bruce Springsteen song.”

- Lady Gaga

We hope you loved these Bruce Springsteen quotes. Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Bruce Springsteen quotes, then why not take a look at Bob Dylan quotes, or [Queen quotes].

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