30 Best Louis L'Amour Quotes From The Western-Novel Writer | Kidadl
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30 Best Louis L'Amour Quotes From The Western-Novel Writer

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Louis L'Amour was one of the best American writers, famous for western novels.

Louis L'Amour (1908- 1988) was an American author and exposed the American frontier days in most of his writings. He is the first littérateur to receive the Congressional Gold Medal.

People loved the way he presented the stories. Most of the books he has written were made into films. He wrote more than 100 books.

Some of the best Louis L'Amour quotes about love, knowledge, and good beginnings can enlighten your day. If you love reading them, check out the quotes of [Thomas Wolf] and Stephen King.

Louis L'Amour Quotes On Marriage

Read the famous Louis L'Amour quotes about riding off into sunset and his quotes on marriage and others to inspire you.

1. "The Apache don't have a word for love, he said.

Know what they both say at the marriage? The squaw-taking ceremony?

Tell me.

Varlebena. It means forever. That's all they say."

- Louis L'Amour, 'Hondo'.

2. "The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail. Travel too fast, and you miss all you are traveling for."

- Louis L'Amour.

3."A mind, like a home, is furnished by its owner, so if one's life is cold and bare he can blame none but himself."

- Louis L'Amour.

4."The sunset was spectacular. The sky streaked itself with rose and the region of the sun became an indescribable glory. All my life I have used words, and yet I find times when they are totally inadequate."

- Louis L'Amour.

Famous Louis L'Amour Book Quotes

Author Louis L'Amour, loved books.

Louis L'Amour was one of the famous writers of western fiction. Read the inspiring quotes about books that enrich us with knowledge.

5. "No one can "get" an education, for of necessity education is a continuing process."

- Louis L'Amour.

6. "Once you have read a book you care about, some part of it is always with you."

- Louis L'Amour.

7. "Books are the building blocks of civilization, for without the written word, a man knows nothing beyond what occurs during his own brief years...."

- Louis L'Amour.

8. "Reading without thinking is nothing, for a book is less important for what it says than for what it makes you think."

- Louis L'Amour.

9. "For one who reads, there is no limit to the number of lives that may be lived, for fiction, biography, and history offer an inexhaustible number of lives in many parts of the world, in all periods of time."

- Louis L'Amour.

Most Popular Louis L'Amour Quotes

Here are some of the quotes to determine how a man's existence is shaped by the environment and all things around him.

10. "I'm actually writing history. It isn't what you'd call big history. I don't write about presidents and generals...I write about the man who was ranching, the man who was mining, the man who was opening up the country."

- Louis L'Amour.

11. "Lie to a liar, for lies are his coin; steal from a thief, for that is easy; lay a trap for the trickster and catch him at the first attempt, but beware of an honest man."

- Louis L'Amour.

12. "Up to a point a man's life is shaped by environment, heredity, and movements and changes in the world about him; then there comes a time when it lies within his grasp to shape the clay of his life into the sort of thing he wishes to be."

- Louis L'Amour.

13. "Only the weak blame parents, their race, their times, lack of good fortune, or the quirks of fate. Everyone has it within his power to say, this I am today, that I shall be tomorrow. The wish, however, must be implemented by deeds."

- Louis L'Amour.

Louis L'Amour Quotes On New Beginnings

Louis L'Amour quotes always inspire and motivate the readers.

When you feel everything has come to an end, it is the knowledge that comes to your rescue. Read the best Louis L'Amour quotes about starting a new, better tomorrow.

14. "I would not sit waiting for some vague tomorrow, nor for something to happen."

- Louis L'Amour.

15. "One could wait a lifetime, and find nothing at the end of the waiting. I would begin here, I would make something happen."

- Louis L'Amour.

16. "One can be so overwhelmed by the forest as to miss seeing the trees."

- Louis L'Amour.

17. "Knowledge was not meant to be locked behind doors. It breathes best in the open air where all men can inhale its essence."

- Louis L'Amour.

18. "Too often I would hear men boast of the miles covered that day, rarely of what they had seen."

- Louis L'Amour.

19. "If you want the law to leave you alone, keep your hair trimmed and your boots shined."

- Louis L'Amour.

20. "I wonder why it is the man who pleads for mercy never gives it."

- Louis L'Amour.

Louis L'Amour Quotes On Death

Louis L'Amour tried to pass down the knowledge through his writings. Read some of the quotes about good beginnings and endings.

21. "A good beginning makes a good end."

- Louis L'Amour.

22. "No memory is ever alone; it's at the end of a trail of memories, a dozen trails that each have their own associations."

- Louis L'Amour.

23. "Nobody got anywhere in the world by simply being content."

- Louis L'Amour.

24. "To make democracy work, we must be a notion of participants, not simply observers. One who does not vote has no right to complain."

- Louis L'Amour.

Louis L'Amour Quotes About Riding For The Brand

Read the best quotes from 'Riding for the Brand: A Western Trio' by author Louis L'Amour.

25. "Warm sunlight lay upon the hacienda called Casa Grande. The hounds sprawling in drowsy peace under the smoke trees scarcely opened their eyes when the tall stranger turned his horse through the gate."

- Louis L'Amour.

26. "No man can save his brother's soul, or pay his brother's debt."

- Louis L'Amour.

27. "Next to the Bible more great men had read Plutarch than any other book."

- Louis L'Amour.

Louis L'Amour Sackett Quotes

Find out more about the writings of author Louis L'Amour. For the time being, read his best 'Sackett' quotes.

28. "We Sackett boys never killed anything we didn't need to eat unless it was coming at us. A mountain man tries to live with the country instead of against it."

- Louis L'Amour.

29. "My folks built blood into the foundations of this country and I don't aim to see them torn down for no reason whatsoever."

- Louis L'Amour.

30. "Only, the way I figure, no man has the right to be ignorant. In a country like this, ignorance is a crime."

- Louis L'Amour.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 30 Best Louis L'Amour quotes from the western-novel writer then why not take a look at Zadie Smith quotes or Warsan Shire quotes.

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