12 Best Parent-Facing Pushchairs For Your Baby | Kidadl
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12 Best Parent-Facing Pushchairs For Your Baby

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Deciding on which pushchair to buy for your baby can be a challenge.

Just the choice of going for parent-facing or forward-facing can be a struggle in itself. You may be stuck in the debate of whether your baby would rather be looking around, or looking at you.

Research has found that parent-facing pushchairs are great for both young babies and parents. Eye contact is not only important for the development of your baby, but it's also reassuring, comforting, allows you to communicate, share moments with them, and let them know you're there. A parent-facing pushchair will also allow you peace of mind, and you're able to see if everything is okay, if your baby has fallen asleep, if a sock has slipped off - and so on.

Experts say that up until about nine months, your little one may be best suited to a parent-facing pushchair whereas after that they may want to start looking around more in a forward-facing one. If you're not quite ready for a forward-facing pushchair but are ready to move on from prams for babies, we've got plenty for you to check out.

From adjustable to reversible so you can have both options - we've rounded up 12 of the best safe, comfortable, and easily manoeuvrable parent-facing pushchairs of 2020!

If you like these suggestions and are looking for more baby inspiration, why not take a look at our best swivel car seats or our  12 best baby high chairs?

Our Top Choice

Cuggl Beech Pushchair - Argos‍

This black and silver Cuggl Beech pushchair is an incredibly popular choice amongst parents with great reviews. The two-in-one parent and world facing pushchair has an easily reversible seat, a detachable front bar, a reclining backrest, and an adjustable footrest and handlebar for ultimate comfort and convenience. The extendable hood is great to protect your little one from all kinds of weather, and the elasticated basket under the seat can be used for storage for all your bits and bobs. With linked brakes, front-wheel suspension, lockable front wheels, and a 5-point harness - the pushchair is both smooth and safe, and folds easily when you need to store it away. It also won bronze for the 'Best Pushchair' at the Mothers and Baby awards.

  • Price: £129.99
  • Weight: 11kg
  • Age: Birth-15kg

Best For A Light Stroll

Bugaboo Ant Stroller - Kiddies Kingdom‍

This black Bugaboo stroller (also available in two other colours) is extremely light and compact, and can even be folded down small enough to use as carry-on luggage/pulled along in trolley mode. The all-wheel suspension makes for a smooth and easy ride with one hand manoeuvrability, whether you go for a parent or forward-facing view and the seat itself can be reclined to five different positions - when it's fully upright it's built to help your baby develop good posture. The extendable UPF50+ hood will not only protect your child but is also made from 50% recycled materials, and all fabrics can be machine washed when dirty. Additionally, the pushchair is travel system compatible with adaptors sold separately and is compatible with many well-known car seat brands.

  • Price: £299
  • Weight: 7.2kg
  • Age: Birth-22kg

Best For Families On A Budget

Joie Mirus Scenic Stroller - Halfords‍

If you're after a relatively cheap parent facing pushchair that has everything you could possibly need, then this Joie Mirus stroller is the one for you. With a stylish black and grey design, it not only has a reversible (and adjustable) seat but also a simple auto-gravity folding mechanism (free-standing when folded and also fits well in a small car boot), all-wheel suspension for comfort, and a UPF 50+ sun canopy to protect babies and children from the weather. Also included is a large storage basket, a front swivel wheels lock, and even a tray for parents with a cup holder and extra storage.

  • Price: £110
  • Weight: 7.49kg
  • Age: Birth-17.5kg

Best Reversible Stroller

Cybex Eezy S Twist Pushchair - Online4baby‍

This super-compact fashion-edition Cybex pushchair comes with a real twist - the seat itself. Unlike most reversible pushchairs, this seat doesn't need to be lifted on and off, it easily rotates 180° whilst still attached (but please remove your baby first!). The pushchair itself is very easy to manoeuvre whether you're on flat or bumpy paths and has a handy four-wheel suspension built-in and multiple reclining positions for ultimate comfort during the ride. With just one hand you'll be able to fold down the pushchair,  and you'll be pleased to know that it's the perfect size for hand luggage on the majority of airlines and will fit even in small boots making it a top pushchair for travel. It's even car seat compatible provided you use the relevant adaptors!

  • Price: £129
  • Weight: 7.7kg
  • Age: up to 17kg

Best Lightweight Walker

Combi Urban Walker‍

This lightweight Combi parent-facing walker can be reversed with a quick flip of the handle and easily converted into whichever way you want it to face. It features a one-hand open and fold collapse function and can even support itself when standing folded up as it's so compact - ideal for boots of small cars or small storage closets. The reversible pushchair has padded handles meaning that you can manoeuvre with comfort, and a five-point safety harness to protect your baby. The seat itself is super-simple to adjust and can be reclined in several positions, and has its own safety bar that your baby can either hold on to or so that they can sit up whilst still being protected and restrained. There's also a 95% UV resistant hood to stay safe from all kinds of weather, a large basket for storage, and an easy hand brake for when stood still.

  • Price: £224.99
  • Weight: 7.2kg
  • Age: Birth-20kg

Best For A Stylish Trip

My Babiie MB400 Pushchair - Online4Baby‍

From the Billie Faiers signature range comes the modern and stylish My Babiie pushchair. Made with fashionable fabrics in either grey, pink, rose gold, or green - the seating unit can also be made to be either forward-facing or parent-facing. It features both front and rear suspension with single front wheels and a smart braking system - making it both easy to manoeuvre and light to push. The handlebar can be adjusted to suit the height of you whether you need it taller or shorter, and the seat itself can be reclined in several positions included lie-flat which is perfect for younger babies. The pushchair also has a large hood that can be extended to protect your little one from any weather, and the entire thing can be easily folded into a compact and easy to carry item.

  • Price: £199.95
  • Weight: 9.3kg
  • Age: Birth-15kg

Best Three-In-One Pushchair

Cosatto Giggle Mix‍

With the option of four different patterned hoods that can be changed easily to suit your mood, preference, or from child to child, this convertible three-in-one pram for baby and pushchair is sure to tick all of your boxes. You can use the pram for your newborn, and then further bond with them thanks to the parent-facing pushchair when they're a bit older and ready to sit up. When they're ready to start discovering the world more, the seat can also be turned outwards. The Cosatto pushchair folds compactly for easy storage and to fit in any size car boot - it's also lightweight, has smooth suspension, and convenient swivel wheels. The seat is super comfortable and can be adjusted however you'd like, whilst the spacious basket can be used for all your bits and bobs. With a UPF 100+ hood and an adjustable handle for any height of parents - you'll be able to manoeuvre with ease and enjoy the stroll.

  • Price: £399.95
  • Weight: 12kg
  • Age: Birth-15kg

Best For Flexibility

Quinny Zapp Flex Stroller - Kiddies Kingdom‍

Whether you choose this stroller in grey or any of the other four colours available, you'll certainly be impressed with it. With excellent grip and easy steering thanks to the handlebar, you and your little one are in for a flexible and comfortable ride. The pushchair has the option of either parent or forward-facing, folds compactly for when you want to store it, can be steered with one hand, and can be easily cleaned thanks to the water-resistant materials used. The extendable hood will keep your baby protected from all kinds of weather, has a two-way reclining seat, and is suitable for those aged six months and older. As an added bonus, if you'd like to use the stroller with your newborn, you can purchase an additional carrycot to be connected to it!

  • Price: £199
  • Weight: 8.8kg
  • Age: 6 months-15kg

Best For An Easy Walk

Easywalker Mosey+ Single Pushchair - Online4Baby‍

Available in the colours blue, green, or grey and suitable from birth - the Mosey+ pushchair is a great choice for both parent and baby. It has three reclining positions from upright to totally flat and uses soft and water repellent materials for comfort and convenience. The seat has a five-point harness for safety, folds easily with just one manoeuvre, is light and sturdy, has an SPF 50+ canopy, and can face either the parent or the world at your discretion. It also has an adjustable footrest, foam-filled tires, and rear-wheel suspension for a super-smooth ride. Even the handlebar is adjustable to suit your height - so you can move with ease!

  • Price: £299.95
  • Weight: 11kg
  • Age: Birth-20kg

Best For A Variety Of Ages

MyChild Floe Pram & Pushchair - Argos‍

This soft-bodied pram for babies can be easily converted into either a parent or forward-facing pushchair - meaning that newborns to toddlers can enjoy this without having to purchase additional products. The seat can be adjusted to different positions such as completely flat for a cosy nap, or up in seat mode (for 6 months and older) to look around. The pushchair is lightweight and easy to manoeuvre, folds easily, and remains stationary with the lockable swivel wheels. It also features a bumper bar, a large shopping basket, a five-point harness for safety, an adjustable footrest for larger children, a hooded rain cover, a mattress for the pram, and a handle height for parents of 102cm.

  • Price: £194.99
  • Weight: 8.3kg
  • Age: Birth-15kg

Best For Growing With Your Baby

Britax Römer B-AGILE M Pushchair ‍

This Britax Romer pushchair is great for everyday usage and looks super stylish. It features a slim design that's easy to move around and carry, and a simple one-hand fold manoeuvre that means you'll never be struggling with the compact size.  It's worth noting that a purchase of a front-facing carrycot is needed for this to be used in parent-facing mode, but it's such a great pushchair that we couldn't leave it off the list. The freestanding buggy is small enough for easy stowing and has plenty of great features such as a soft padded lie-flat seat for ultimate comfort, a large hood with UPF 50+ protection from the sun, and even a viewing window, dual suspension wheels, a spacious basket for storage, foot support, a padded handle, and front swivel puncture-free wheels. There's also an adjustable safety harness for your little one's security and a cup holder for your convenience. The black design looks very sleek and is an excellent buy!

  • Price: £199.99
  • Weight: 10kg
  • Age: Birth-22kg

Best For Bumpy Journeys

Kinderkraft Freedom Bird All Road Pushchair - SmartKidStore‍

With a handy click and fold system, this stylish pushchair is easy to operate and features large rubber wheels and shock absorbers for a smooth journey whether you're in the city or out on country paths. The seat itself is reversible and can be folded out flat if wanted, and the large rain cover hood is made with a waterproof UPF 50+ material to ensure that your little one is protected by all kinds of weather. For extra safety, there's a built-in mosquito net and a 5 point safety harness - and even a cup holder for you.

Kidadl Best Buys selects the top parent-recommended products across the web for families of all ages and sizes. If you liked our suggestions for forward-facing pushchairs, you should take a look at our best baby bath seats and supports, or our best baby booster seats!

  • Price: £179
  • Weight: 11.6kg
  • Age: Birth-15kg
Written By
Rachel Garner

Rachel grew up in Switzerland and currently lives in north-west London. She is an avid reader, writer, and a real foodie and loves discovering new hotspots and trendy places to go in the city. She also enjoys planning days out for her family, she especially loves taking her little cousins swimming and to the park. When she has some free time she loves going to concerts, baking, or visiting her family at their home in Essex. She can sometimes be found travelling a bit further than Essex and loves meticulously planning and researching a trip before heading off to explore new places in Europe and further afield.

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