27 Best 'The Lorax' Quotes By Dr. Seuss | Kidadl
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27 Best 'The Lorax' Quotes By Dr. Seuss

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'The Lorax' is a popular kids' book written by Dr. Seuss which was published in 1971.

It is a fictional story written in verse form and send a message about the devastating environmental effects caused by deforestation due to unethical logging. The most important character in the film is the Lorax himself, who is an orange bearded creature most famously known as the one who "speaks for the trees", which means that he is a defender of nature and all things green.

Such was the strength of its message, 'The Lorax' was even banned from shelves, because it portrayed the logging industry in such a negative light to a younger audience. Despite this, we still think it is a great book, so here is a list of a few best quotes from 'The Lorax.'

If you like our content, you can also check out these ['The Cat In The Hat' quotes] and 'Green Eggs And Ham' quotes to hear more from Dr. Seuss.

Quotes By The Once-ler From 'The Lorax' Book

Despite being banned, 'The Lorax' still has relevance in reality.

The Once-ler is the narrator of 'The Lorax', who is portrayed as the main antagonist in the book. If you are looking for some Dr. Seuss' Lorax quotes from 'The Lorax', you can have a look at this list of quotes by the Once-ler to begin with.

1. "I'm busy, I told him. Shut up, if you please. I rushed 'cross the room, and in no time at all, built a radiophone."

- The Once-ler.

2. "The Lorax said nothing. Just gave me a glance… just gave me a very sad, sad backward glance… as he lifted himself by the seat of his pants."

- The Once-ler.

3. "You're in charge of the last of the Truffula Seeds. And Truffula Trees are what everyone needs."

- The Once-ler.

4. "From outside in the fields came a sickening smack of an axe on a tree. Then we heard the tree fall. The very last Truffula Tree of them all!"

- The Once-ler.

5. "But now... that you're here, the word of the Lorax seems perfectly clear. Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."

- The Once-ler.

6. "And I first saw the trees! The Truffula trees! The bright-colored tufts of the Truffula trees! Mile after mile in the fresh morning breeze."

- The Once-ler.

7. "I laughed at the Lorax, You poor stupid guy! You never can tell what some people will buy."

- The Once-ler.

8. "Plant a new Truffula. Treat it with care. Give it clean water. And feed it fresh air."

- The Once-ler.

9. "Then I chopped down a Truffula Tree with one chop. And with great skillful skill and with great speedy speed, I took the soft tuft, and I knitted a Thneed!"

- The Once-ler.

10. "I put in a quick call. I called all my brothers and uncles and aunts and I said, listen here! Here's a wonderful chance for the whole Once-ler Family to get mighty rich!"

- The Once-ler.

11. "There’s no cause for alarm. I chopped just one tree. I am doing no harm. I’m being quite useful."

- The Once-ler.

12. "And all that the Lorax left here in this mess was a small pile of rocks, with one word…'unless.' Whatever that meant, well, I just couldn’t guess."

- The Once-ler.

13. "But the very next minute I proved he was wrong. For, just at that minute, a chap came along, and he thought that the Thneed I had knitted was great. He happily bought it for three ninety-eight."

- The Once-ler.

14. "How my business did grow! Now, chopping one tree at a time was too slow. So I quickly invented my Super-Axe-Hacker, which whacked off four Truffula Trees at one smacker."

- The Once-ler.

15. "And, in no time at all, in the factory I built, the whole Once-ler Family was working full tilt. We were all knitting Thneeds just as busy as bees, to the sound of the chopping of Truffula Trees. "

- The Once-ler.

16. "That was long, long ago. But each day since that day I've sat here and worried and worried away. Through the years, while my buildings have fallen apart, I've worried about it with all of my heart."

- The Once-ler.

17. "And I’ll never forget the grim look on his face when he heisted himself and took leave of this place, through a hole in the smog, without leaving a trace."

- The Once-ler.

18. "Grow a forest. Protect it from axes that hack. Then the Lorax and all of his friends may come back."

- The Once-ler.

More 'The Lorax' Book Quotes

'The Lorax' as a children's book has taught us a great deal more about the dying environment than any other book.

Here's a list of a few most important quotes by the Lorax, who is a guardian of the trees and speaks for the trees in the book. Some of these Dr. Seuss quotes and 'The Lorax' are hilarious, whilst others are profund.

19. "Where will they go? I don't hopefully know. They may have to fly for a month...or a year... To escape from the smog you've smogged up around here."

- The Lorax.

20. "Your machinery chugs on, day and night without stop making Gluppity-Glupp. Also Schloppity-Schlopp. And what do you do with this leftover goo?"

- The Lorax.

21. "My poor Swomee-Swans... why they can't sing a note! No one can sing who has smog in his throat. And so, said the Lorax, - please pardon my cough - they cannot live here. So I'm sending them off."

- The Lorax.

22. "I am the Lorax, he coughed and he whiffed... Once-ler! He cried with a cruffulous croak. Once-ler! You're making such smogulous smoke!"

- The Lorax.

23. "I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues."

- The Lorax.

24. "It's not about what it is, it's about what it can become."

- The Lorax.

25. "The old Once-ler still lives here. Ask him. He knows."

- The Lorax.

26. "The Lorax: Which way does a tree fall?

The Once-ler: Uh, down?

The Lorax: A tree falls the way it leans. Be careful which way you lean."

- 'The Lorax'.

27. "I am the Lorax who speaks for the trees, which you seem to be chopping as fast as you please!"

- The Lorax.

28. "He’ll tell you, perhaps... if you’re willing to pay."

- The Lorax.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 'The Lorax' quotes from the great book by Dr. Seuss, then why not take a look at these ['Charlotte's Web' quotes], or 'Where The Wild Things Are' quotes for more great book quotes?

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