Birds Of North Carolina: Fascinating Bird Facts For Kids | Kidadl
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Birds Of North Carolina: Fascinating Bird Facts For Kids

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North Carolina is a place full of wild birds, and here we will learn about some fantastic species of birds in the region.

Some of the birds in the state live all year long, while other species are known to be migratory and only live there part-time. North Carolina is home to at least 470 species of birds, and we will look at some of them in this article.

North Carolina is an excellent place for birds to settle in with perfect landforms, vegetation, and climate. As a result, North Carolina is home to a remarkable variety of birds, with over 80 % living in eastern North America. However, there are some bird species used as game birds. The United States is famous for bird-watching, and there are a lot of tourist activities in the state for these events. From different waterfowls on the coast in winters to many migrant birds, North Carolina has it all and is one of the places to spot many different birds.

Numerous garden birds and songbirds occupy most of North Carolina, though, in North America, the House Sparrow and European Starling arrived later. They are considered common birds now in the area and are commonly seen in bird feeders and backyards. The range of the species is also quite extensive.

Common birds seen in the area include the American Goldfinch, Blue Jay, Carolina Chickadee, Northern Cardinal, Gray Catbird, Barn Swallow, Pine Warbler, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Carolina Wren, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, White-breasted Nuthatch, Tufted Titmouse, and White-throated Sparrow.

The Northern Cardinal is the official North Carolina bird of the state. The gamebirds of the area include geese, gulls, terns, different species of ducks, egrets, pelicans, herons, and Osprey. Among birds of prey, species most common to North Carolina are the Sharp-shinned Hawk, Cooper's Hawk, and Northern Goshawk. However, these are just three, and there are many other species like Bald Eagles.

Read on more to find out a lot of information on the birds from North Carolina. If you enjoyed this article, why not also read about what do caterpillars eat and birds of Minnesota here on Kidadl?

What birds of prey are native to the foothills of North Carolina?

There are 28 species of birds of prey in North Carolina alone. You will find birds like eagles and kites easily.

Due to the different habitats and fauna in the region, many birds of prey are attracted to the state. These deadly efficient hunters use flying abilities and sharp eyesight to attack from above or take smaller birds in flight. The following list details the various birds of prey found in North Carolina.

Owls: There are nine species of owls among the birds of North Carolina. The largest among them is the Great Horned Owl which is 26 in (66 cm) length and has a wingspan of 62 in (157.4 cm). There are smaller ones, too, with the Northern Saw-wheat Owl being the smallest with a wingspan of 21 in (53.3 cm). Other species of owls in the state include the Eastern Screech Owl, Snowy Owl, Barn Owl, Burrowing Owl, Barred Owl, Short-eared Owl, and Long-eared Owl.

Hawks: There are nine species of hawks present in the state of North Carolina. The Osprey or Fish Hawk is the largest species of hawk in the region. The Osprey grows up to 26 in (66 cm) length with a wingspan of 67 in (170 cm). The smallest hawk in the state is the Sharp-shinned Hawk, which is 13 in (33 cm) length and 26 in (66 cm) wingspan. The other species found in the region are the Broad-winged Hawk, Northern Goshawk, Red-tailed Hawk, Red-shouldered Hawk, Cooper's Hawk, Rough-legged Hawk, and Swainson's Hawk.

Eagles: There are only two species of eagles found among the birds in North Carolina. They are the Bald Eagle and the Golden Eagle. The Golden Eagle grows up to 33 in (83.8 cm) with a wingspan of 87 in (221 cm). The Bald Eagle is a little larger, with a length of 35 in (88.9 cm) and a wingspan of 90 in (228.6 cm). The Bald Eagle is an endangered species, while the Golden Eagle is common throughout the range.

Vultures: Many vulture species like the Turkey Vulture, also known as the Turkey Buzzard, are abundant in the state. This bird is the most abundant vulture in the whole country. The bird somewhat resembles a wild turkey and hence the name. The bird has a pinkish beak, a red bald head, and a black body. The Black Vulture is rarely seen in the state.

Eight other Carolina birds fall under the category of birds of prey. They include the White-tailed, Swallow-tail, and Mississippi species of kites; and four falcon species, namely the Peregrine, Merlin, Gyrfalcon, and the American Kestrel. A small hawk called a Northern Harrier is also found in the state.


What kind of birds lays white and speckled brown eggs in North Carolina?

Robins lay white-colored eggs with light brown speckles. But you might know that American robins lay blue eggs.

Although much is unknown, house sparrow eggs are also white or gray and have brown spots or speckles. These eggs are laid in the early spring and summer period in nests.

What small birds eat the yellow petals of Zinnia flowers in North Carolina?

Many birds feed on the yellow petals of Zinnia flowers. Small birds like sparrows, cardinals, and Finches feed extensively on these.

Backyard birds refer to the numerous birds that are attracted to the flowers in your yard. Flowers such as the Purple Coneflower, Sunflower, Black-eyed Susan, Bee Balm, Larkspur, Fuchsia, Salvia, Coral Bells, and Zinnia are favorites of birds. They will attract a lot of them into your gardens. Zinnia is easy to grow, and birds love it. You can plant it on the ground or in a tub. Hummingbirds are always attracted to the small yellow flowers inside the bright petals, while Goldfinch birds will tear the petals to get the seeds inside. Sparrows will also eat the seeds, and you can attract the birds to your bird feeders by putting these seeds in them.

There are a lot of birds of prey in the area, and you might be able to watch some fly over, be it a smaller kite or a larger bald eagle.

What kind of birds chirp at night in eastern North Carolina?

Birds are not nocturnal and mostly sing in the day and sleep at night. However, some species do the opposite.

We have all heard the stories and poems of the Nightingale bird singing haunting and mournful songs. The male of the Nightingale bird sings both during the day and night for hours at a stretch. Other birds chirping at night include the Mockingbird, owl, and Whip-poor-will.

In North Carolina, there are a lot of nocturnal birds, including birds like Whip-poor-will, Common Loon, Barred Owl, Great Horned Owl, Hermit Thrush, and Northern Mockingbird. Some Song Sparrows might also sing at night. Bird identification becomes easier for bird-watching enthusiasts if we know where and when to look for these birds.

What big birds can you find in North Carolina?

There are many species of birds of prey like eagles and vultures that are bigger and therefore dangerous for smaller birds.

There are two species of eagles found in the range. While the golden eagle is found throughout the state, the bald eagle is endangered and scarce in population. The bald eagle is the larger of the two, with a wingspan of around 90 in (228.6 cm). The largest owl in North Carolina is the Great Horned Owl, which has a wingspan of 62 in (157.4 cm). North America is full of large and small birds, and as a bird watcher, you will be fascinated by the wide range at the display.

Did you know?

There are various other species of backyard birds in North Carolina known to us that you will love to see as a bird-watcher. These birds are not mentioned anywhere in the article, so here we are helping you with bird identification for your next trip to North Carolina. Here is a list of some of the backyard birds of the region.

Northern Cardinal: The Northern Cardinal is one of the most common birds seen in the region. Bright red in color, both the male and female birds have a crest on the head, which helps identify them in a forest full of animals. Their beak is short and pink, and the females are paler but still have that red hue in the wings and tail. They have a black mask around their eyes and beak and enjoy eating black sunflower seeds.

Tufted Titmouse: The Tufted Titmouse is also a widespread bird species seen at bird feeders and backyards. They also have mohawks or crests on top of their heads and enjoy feeding on sunflower seeds. They are silver-gray in color and have a black patch above their beaks.

Carolina Chickadee: Carolina Chickadee is a small bird with solid white cheeks, blackish gray wings and back, and a white belly. They are common and always available to feed at the bird feeders. They will enjoy being fed a mix of seed blends and sunflower seeds.

Blue Jay: Blue Jays flock to many bird feeders and are very common in all of North America. The large blue crest on the top of the head, feathers marked with blue on the top and white on the bottom is a common feature seen in these birds. The wings are barred blue, black, and white. They will feed on sunflower seeds along with many other items.

Eastern Bluebird: Like many other North American birds, the Eastern Bluebird is also present in North Carolina. An Eastern Bluebird has a rusty reddish-orange belly and is colored blue on top. They won't be seen much in feeders; however, they will come to your backyard. In the breeding season, you can even try mating a pair in your birdhouse. They enjoy feeding on mealworms.

American Crow: The American Crow is a common sight in both the city and the countryside. The loud caw from this large bird is commonly heard all over the state. They will eat grains, carrion, small mammals, insects, and seeds. This bird is not very common in feeders.

Mourning Dove: The Mourning Dove is the most common backyard bird widespread in the lower states of the United States. Mourning Doves can be identified by their small round heads and long pointed tails. Their beaks will be small and slender, and their tails have white edges. They have soft brown plumage with black spots on the wings. They eat seeds and can frequently be found around bird feeders.

American Robin: The American Robin is found in the northern United States during spring and summer and is a winter guest in the south. This bird is larger than the red-winged blackbird but smaller than a mourning dove. It has a long tail, and the body is very plump. Their beak is straight and curved at the tip. The American Robin has a rusty orange breast and gray-brown underparts. It will eat worms and other invertebrates found in the lawn of your house. It may also feed on fruits from feeders and the ground.

Eastern Towhee: Eastern Towhee is a large ground-dwelling sparrow. These birds are larger than house finches and have a large head and a long rounded tail. Their bill is short, and their plumage is black above with a white belly and rusty colored sides. The females are however much paler than males. They eat insects primarily in the summer months and add berries and fruits to their diet in winter. They will mainly feed on the ground under the bird feeders.

Downy Woodpecker: The Downy Woodpecker is a larger bird than a house finch but has a much shorter tail. Downy Woodpeckers have large black and white striped heads and short beaks. Their wings are black with white spots, and they have a white back. The males have a red spot at the back of the head, while the females lack this feature.

House Finch: The House Finch is one of the smaller birds found at bird feeders and in the area. They have a medium build and a rounded head. Their beak is short and conical in shape. The birds have brown and gray bodies with streaks on the sides, a pale underbelly, and the males have red crowns on their heads.

Yello-rumpled Warbler: The Yellow-rumped Warbler is a visitor to this state in the winter season. This bird is typically seen on treetops and weedy areas in the southern US during the long winter months. The size of these birds is small; however, they are larger than chickadees yet smaller than House Finches. Their tail is shorter, and they have almost no neck. The Yellow-rumped Warbler has a plump body and a pointed, slender, short, and straight beak. The bird has different plumages in the breeding season when the upper parts are blue-gray in color with black chest and sides. The rump is yellow, and there is the same coloration on the sides. In winter plumage, the body is gray-brown above and pale cream below. White tail corners are also seen while in flight. This bird feeds on insects in the summer, switching to fruits and berries in the winter. They are attracted to feeders, specifically suet feeders.

Many other birds are found in North Carolina, including the White-breasted Nuthatch, Brown-headed Nuthatch, Carolina Wren, Red-bellied Woodpecker, American goldfinch, and White-Throated Sparrow, to name a few.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for birds of North Carolina, then why not take a look at what do cockroaches eat or why do dogs howl at night.

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