Animal Facts | Kidadl
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Animal Facts

Did you know that a polar bear's fur isn't actually white? Or that an eagle's eyesight is up to four times sharper than a human's?

Get to know your beagle from your boxer, understand what makes a mammal a mammal, and find out just how much variety there really is in the world of insects with these animal facts. Unpack your curiosity as you dive into the secrets of the mysterious sea creatures that roam the deep and unearth the details of the millions of underground critters we share a planet with.

Whether feathered or furry, silky or scaly, winged or walking, there are estimated to be upward of 7 million animal species roaming the Earth alongside us — and we haven't even come close to discovering them all or learning the complexities of each one.

With fact files on hundreds of animals, you'll learn all about their habitats, feeding and mating patterns, and fascinating facts that'll blow your mind.

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Rock Kestrel

Nelson's Sparrow

Hazel Grouse

Swinhoe's Pheasant

Discover these cool pilotbird facts here at Kidadl.


Read Lincoln's sparrow facts to know more about the breeding season of these North American birds.

Lincoln's Sparrow

Read twite bird facts to learn more about the breeding season and breeding areas of these birds.

Twite Bird

Learn some Townsend's Solitaire facts with us today

Townsend's Solitaire

Read violaceous trogon facts to learn more about the trogon birds from the Central American and Amazonian forests.

Violaceous Trogon

Red-vented cockatoo facts are amusing for kids to read.

Red Vented Cockatoo

Thornbill facts you have never heard!


Cape Vulture