52 Catchy Joker Nicknames | Kidadl
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52 Catchy Joker Nicknames

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Joker is one of the most famous figures not just in comics but also in cinema.

Ever since the release of 'The Batman' comic series, the Joker has become the most popular action villain and generated a fan following of its own. Joker, the main 'Dark Knight' antagonist, has been featured in animated series, movies, and video games and played by several famous Oscar-winning actors like Joaquin Phoenix, Heath Ledger, Mark Hamill, and Cesar Romeo.

Joker is an interesting and complex character that has attracted many people's interest. Even the Joker is unaware of his origins, except he has been in Gotham City for the longest time, and no one knows his real name. His past is considered multiple-choice, making him even more mysterious and intriguing.

One of the most popular ideas about the character's origin has been given by the writer Alan Moore in his comics 'The Killing Joke', where the Joker is known to be called Jack Napier, who became unhinged because of an accident he suffered.

The mysteries of Joker are so many that people want to know more about him and get to know who he truly is, which is what was done by Warner Bros. by creating a stand-alone movie about Joker, talking about his life and mental illness leading to him to become the way he became.

The character earned so much fame that the franchise introduced us to Harley Quinn, a female version of the super-villain and someone with amazing sass and personality whom we all love, also having a stand-alone movie to be watched and enjoyed by all. This way, the character of Joker, or its idea, has been ever present in so many comic books, live-action series, and films that the fascination never gets old, and it just might never get old.

If you are or know someone who is a big fan of Joker, you need to have some fun nicknames picked out for them. We are here to help by bringing out a list of great Joker nicknames for you and your friends. Please continue reading for some of the most popular Joker nicknames, including some funny, unique, adorable, smart, and creative nicknames. Choose from this amazing list or mix n match and get suggestions towards making some awesome joker nicknames!

Popular Joker Nicknames

With the Joker being this popular, there are bound to be many nicknames for the character. Check out these popular nicknames for Joker to pick out from and name your friends!

  • Caped Crusader - a fun name for an anti-villain.
  • Clown Prince - the ruler and leader of all; can be a cool way to name a Joker fan.
  • Harley Quinn - for the female Joker fan, a female super-villain name seems apt.
  • Jester - for the witty, funny, and humorous and is a cool name too.
  • Jokesmith - for the one who has got all the jokes and fun covered.
  • Joker-stein - just a creative name change from 'Frankenstein.'
  • Joker-Win - for someone who is made for the bright things and knows nothing but winning and succeeding at things!
  • Joker Poker - a cool rhyme never goes out of style, including when you nickname Joker fans.
  • Napier - inspired by Jack Napier, is considered the real name of Joker.
  • Riddle the Joker - a DC fan would know Joker says, riddle me this.
  • Trickster - for the one who has riddles and tricks up their sleeves, keeping you always on your feet.
  • The Joker-says - a fun and awesome nickname for a set of Joker fans always talking about Joker and DC and looking forward to new releases!
  • Wit - for the smart and witty Joker fan who loves to understand and relate to the character.

Funny Joker Nicknames

Just because the Joker is an antithesis of the name does not mean the nicknames have to be the same! Here are some funny nicknames for jokers, which are filled with wit and humor for friends who are funny and entertaining!

  • Humorist - this person knows just how to light up your day!
  • Joker Comedian - how fun would it be to see the Joker up on a comedy stage?
  • Joker Taliped - is just a fun and silly name which can be an inside joke.
  • Joker Tanned - this Joker fan has been spending a lot of time on the beach and the sun!
  • Joker Tariffless - is just one of those silly and entertaining names for a massive Joker fan.
  • Jokertesz - is just a fun way of calling on a Joker fan.
  • Joker the Teased - this one is silly and is always teased and made fun of, all in good humor, though!
  • Joker Trollopian - who said nicknames need to make sense, especially if they are based on the Joker!
  • Mr. Smile-a-Lot - the smile of Joker might be a little overwhelming, but not of your friend, which brightens your day!
  • Poker Joker - is one of those fun rhyming nicknames which are witty and interesting.
  • Prankster - this one has a mind full of ideas and pranks to play, and everyone has fun!
  • Quipster - just someone with some sass and energy to do amazing things and can make your days entertaining with humor and witty facts!
  • Tameable the Joker - this person needs to calm down because they are filled with massive energy.
  • Telegrammic Joker - is one of those silly nicknames which always make people wonder.

(No one knows the real name of Joker, and the mysterious persona of the character is what makes it popular.)

Adorable Joker Nicknames

For a fan of Joker, who is cute and adorable, we have a vast list of adorable joker nicknames laid out here for you to pick!

  • Fool Joker - this one knows how to make time fun with silly jokes and actions!
  • Joe - is just one of the small and simple nicknames to call a Joker fan.
  • Jokester - just someone who always is filled with fun jokes and humor.
  • Jomer - can be a cute name for a young DC fan, especially of the Joker.
  • Kidder - a cute way of nicknaming a prankster.
  • Lil' Joker - for the youngest friend who is a Joker fan.
  • MoJoker - is just a fun and adorable way for nicknaming a Joker fan.
  • Mr. Jokes - this one always has ways to lighten up any situation and make people happy with jokes!
  • Mr. Talkative Joker - for the Joker fan who is always excited and wants to talk about everything and never shuts up!
  • Puddin - is an adorable name that seems like something Joker can be called.
  • Teensy Joker - for the tiny, cute, and adorable Joker fan.
  • Wisecracker - this Joker fan is as wise and fun as the Joker itself.

Smart and Unique Joker Nicknames

Joker is a smart and unique character who intrigues everyone. A character deserves something out of the box and a name that stands out. Check out these unique nicknames for the Joker to pick from or take inspiration from your friends!

  • Ace of Knaves - this is just a pretty cool name to give to a Joker fan!
  • Card - a cool way of addressing a Joker fan based on a card deck.
  • Forsythe - this Joker fan is a man of peace and is calm, composed, and collected, always making the right and most brilliant decisions.
  • Joke Box - someone who is always filled with fun Joker references and cool, exciting, and witty things to make you smile and laugh and is an interesting take to the term 'Juke Box.
  • Joker Ochre - for the one who is a natural and always bees their honest self.
  • Joker Taillike - for someone who is a Joker fan and always got your back.
  • Joker Tanagrine - for the Joker, who is an avid bird watcher.
  • Joker-tastic - a combination of Joker and fantastic for the excellent and amazing joker fan you love!
  • Joker Telekinetic - for someone who is a Joker fan and understands and gets you even when both of you are away.
  • Joker Titianesque - for the mighty Joker fan with an amazing and mighty personality similar to the Joker.
  • Joker Titoist - a true principled Joker fan who is a lover of diplomacy and everything political.
  • Joker Thomistic - Just one of those nicknames which sound fun, smart, and very interesting!
  • The Tectonic - for the one who makes big decisions and acts on them and is a true risktaker.
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