Deeksha Kamath | Kidadl
How to help families in Ukraine

Deeksha Kamath

With a Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture from the Manipal School of Architecture and Planning, Deeksha embodies innovative thinking. A creative, analytical, and goal-oriented individual, she prides herself on her excellent organizational and management skills. A keen observer, she channels her creative energies toward editing articles to ensure copies are clear, concise, and well-researched. During her undergraduate course, she’s made it to the Top 50 at the SundarBari International Student Design Competition and was the winner at the Toy Make-a-thon, Innovation Centre, Manipal. A polyglot, Deeksha speaks five languages, including English, Hindi, Konkani, Kannada, and French. You’ll find her engaged in creative pursuits like sketching, painting, photography, or embarking on a new travel adventure when she's not working.