Easter Fun! How To Make Your Own Easter Egg Hunt Clues To Enjoy In The Garden | Kidadl
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Easter Fun! How To Make Your Own Easter Egg Hunt Clues To Enjoy In The Garden

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With Easter just a few days away it's a good time to start planning some egg hunt activities for the Easter weekend. Some of you may have been planning an Easter getaway or an outdoor family favourite such as the National Trust egg hunt for this weekend, but not to worry, you can still lay on a memorable hunt yourself at home that the kids will never forget. While you can just dot a few eggs around the living room, or garden if you have outdoor space, there are plenty of creative variations on the classic Easter hunt that you might not have thought of yet.

A traditional egg hunt on lockdown could be over in under two minutes depending on how much space you have, but we are going to give you a bit of inspiration for something a little more challenging. Don't worry if you don't have outdoor space, or if you have very limited space indoors, everyone can enjoy an Easter egg hunt no matter where they are.

We've made a list of Easter egg hunt ideas to help you plan a memorable Easter weekend your children will be sure to remember for years to come.

Treasure Hunt

How about drawing a map of your house and/or garden and marking the spots where you've hidden the Easter eggs? If you want to go the extra mile you could even have a go at ageing your map so that it really looks like an ancient pirate treasure map!

What you'll need:


tea bags


baking tray

How to do it:

-Draw your map on the paper. Draw in the key landmarks. Either use your imagination and turn the bath into a shark-infested lagoon, the fridge into an ice monster etc. or just put the key spots in as they are in real life. Draw a rough outline of your hunt space, and draw some dotted paths in from site to site if you want. Sketch in a compass as a bonus detail, and most importantly, make sure to mark the spots where eggs are hidden with an X!

-Boil some water and make a cup of black tea. Lay the map on a baking tray. Strain the teabag a bit and dab it all over the map so that it takes on that browned, aged look. You can even rub a bit of turmeric on it to give it a yellowish tinge if you want to push the boat out.

-Put the oven on a low setting and bake the map for five minutes or so, until it is dry.

-With a lighter, carefully burn the edges of the map and crumple it up a bit.

-The next step is to either leave it out for them to find, hand it to them or create another treasure hunt leading them to the treasure map!

Scavenger Hunt

An Easter scavenger hunt is a great way to have an exciting, challenging hunt without going overboard on the sugar consumption. Make a list of items that you've hidden around the house or garden and have your children search for the items on the list and trade them in for a grand prize at the end of the hunt. This is a great outdoor Easter egg hunt but also works perfectly inside.

What you'll need:

Items to hide such as a striped painted egg, a spotty painted egg, a chick toy, an image you've drawn or printed of a bunny, etc. You can also add items such as a dandelion, a daisy, a leaf etc if you have outdoor space.

A list you've printed out or drawn, listing all the items you've hidden.

Prizes , such as an Easter egg or chocolate bunny.

How to do it:

-Hand out the lists and send the children off to search for the items on the list. When they have all the items they can hand them over to you and you can give them their Easter eggs.

easter hunt in garden

Different Paths Easter Egg Hunt

An Easter egg hunt with a difference, this time you leave written Easter egg hunt clues lying around, but instead of putting one clue in each location, you leave two clues and your children have to choose which clue to follow. Your clues could take the form of Easter egg hunt riddles or straightforward directions.

What you'll need:



Plastic eggs/envelopes to hide clues in

How to do it:

-Write out your clues and place them in envelopes or eggs if you like. Put two in each location so the kids can choose which to take. One clue will lead to the fridge while one will lead to the sofa, for example. Which prize they eventually win will depend on which path their clues have taken them on.

Balloon Hunt

For the little explorers, balloon markers make hunting eggs a whole lot easier. Balloons and chocolate? Toddler heaven. This would make a great outdoor Easter egg hunt if you tie or anchor the balloons in place but would also work well inside.

What you'll need:

Chocolate eggs




How to do it:

-Blow up balloons and tie or tape in place marking the spots where you've hidden the eggs.

balloon hunt for easter

Adult's Easter Egg Hunt

To end our list, here's a hunt with a twist. Let the kids put on an Easter egg hunt for you! They can write things they want from you on pieces of paper, hide them in plastic eggs or envelopes, and hide them around your house or garden. There should be a time limit, and any eggs you don't manage to find in time are the requests you'll have to grant them. These could be things like a request to get out of washing up over the weekend, or to get to choose that night's film.

Let them come up with the clues - they could choose riddles, maps, blindfolding you and guiding you with verbal directions... just make sure to set a ground rule that the requests have to be reasonable!

For another egg hunt idea, why not join in on the #KidadlHunt! Print off our Easter egg colouring sheets here and stretch your creative muscles to decorate them. Stick them up all over your house and neighbourhood while you're on your daily walk - don't forget to use the hashtag #KidadlHunt in your photos on social media!

For more fun outdoor activity ideas, click here.

Written By
Eleanor Larbi

Eleanor lives in Brighton with her three year old daughter. They are always on the lookout for new experiences and environments to explore and exciting new activities to do together. One of their favourite ways to spend an afternoon is the cinema, you will always find them queueing for popcorn the minute a new kids’ film is released! They love getting the train to London in search of new activities and great places to eat. Eleanor is also training as a complementary therapist in her (limited!) spare time and is very interested in the practice of mindfulness.

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