Global Community Engagement Day | Kidadl
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Global Community Engagement Day

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Where is Global Community Engagement Day celebrated? 

Global Community Engagement Day takes place on January 28, across the world.

Who is Global Community Engagement Day celebrated by?

Global Community Engagement Day is celebrated by organizations, residents, cultural groups, and governments.

When did Global Community Engagement Day first start?

The first Global Community Engagement Day was held on January 28, 2018.

Who started Global Community Engagement Day?

An organization in Australia called Engage 2 Act started the day to spread awareness about the importance of community engagement.

History And Timelines

Community-based programs include a wide variety of courses and activities, in which the organizations and individuals support each other for a win-win situation.

Global Community Engagement Day was started by an Australian organization that aims to bring people together to talk about social issues in the community. 

The '30s

Earliest Community Development

The earliest community development approaches were developed in British East Africa and Kenya.

The '80s

Expansion In Community Organizing

Researchers observed pronounced expansion of community organizing during the mid-'80s.

The '90s

Public Participation In Decision Making

This decade witnessed rapid development in facilitating formal decision-making.


Spread Of Dragon Dreaming Project

Project management techniques spread to 37 countries.


The Best Community Engagement Leader Poll

The Australian agency hosted a social media poll to find the most inspiring community engagement practitioner.

Traditions And Customs

Community engagement is working together with different groups to identify specific issues that are important for the groups' well-being and address them. On this day, people take part in activities to improve public engagement in decision-making and promote harmony. 

Ways To Celebrate Global Community Engagement Day

You can celebrate this day by organizing events and celebrating with fellow community members. Planning a get-together and asking your coworkers and business leaders about community engagement can be a good way to appreciate this day. You can post on social media about the day's importance and enjoy celebrating with your friends.

Facts And Stats

This day reminds us of the foundation, resources, and principles of community organizations; justice, fairness, participation, self-determination, and empowerment.

It helps create a local network of community members that can be connected globally.

On this day, people can learn the best practical tips from other practitioners of community engagement.

FAQs About Global Community Engagement Day

What are some examples of community engagement?

Creating social media pages and tools for organizations, forming voluntary groups, giving support by volunteering at a local organization, and providing instructional services such as educating communities.

What is the main purpose of community engagement?

The aim is to work side by side with communities to understand their aspirations and needs. It encourages communities to have constructive relationships, which will lead to sustainable decision-making to improve the local community.

What is global and local community engagement?

Global community engagement is a community of people around the world who interact through information sharing, commerce, and online communities, whereas local community engagement is a relational process that occurs at a local level.

What is the significance of Global Community Engagement Day?

These celebrations encourage organizations to communicate with interested groups in a community and engage them to help make better communities. It strengthens the bond with voluntary, faith-based, and local groups. It motivates business leaders to make wise decisions and address crucial issues.

How can we improve our global community?

To improve a global community structure, we can own digital space to create optimum collaboration. Digital storytelling can also be employed to change power dynamics and narratives.

What is the history and origin of Global Community Engagement Day?

A non-profit organization, Engage 2 Act, in Australia, came up with the idea. To fix the date, they began a poll on social media. The person who gave the best answer was born on January 28. The date of the event is the winner's birthday, so it became the official date.

What is special about Global Community Engagement Day?

Global Community Engagement Day appreciates the individuals, voluntary groups, organizations, and businesses who engage with their fellow community members to form better relationships.

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When Is This Day Celebrated

Date Day
January 28, 2020 Tuesday
January 28, 2021 Thursday
January 28, 2022 Friday
January 28, 2023 Saturday
January 28, 2024 Sunday

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