How To Make Lockdown Memory Scrapbooks | Kidadl
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How To Make Lockdown Memory Scrapbooks

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While we find ourselves in what will probably be one of the most remembered moments in global history we should be making the best of our quarantine lives.  What better way to store your families memories then collaborating on a Lockdown Memory Scrapbook! There are really fun ways to create personalised scrapbooks full of colour and photos that will remind you in years to come how you spent this time in 2020.

Making your Scrapbook

To make your memory scrapbook first you will need something to keep all your memories in. If you find yourself lucky enough to own a scrapbook or an old empty notebook then you use that to build your scrapbook. Alternatively, if you find yourself lacking these resources there are some nifty ways you can create your scrapbooks:

  • Use a ring binder or folder - A ring binder could be the perfect solution to not owning a scrapbook. Simply hole punch the things you wish to put in or slide them into some punched pockets (if you have any). This way you can create your flipbook of memories all stored in one place.
  • Make your own scrapbook - Why not create all your scrapbook pages separately on plain pieces of paper and then you can simply hole-punch the sides and tie them together with pieces of string or treasury tags to get your very own book.
  • Collate your memories - Another option, if you're dead set on buying a pre-made scrapbook and don't seem to have one, is that you can collate all your memories; keep them in a folder, box or organised pile and then put them all into a scrapbook when you can buy one.


You may also want to find some colourful pens, pencils, stickers and whatever decorative items you can find in your house to spruce up the pages in your memories scrapbook.

Scrapbooking Ideas

Now that you've got your scrapbook (or know how you are going to make it) it's time to come up with ideas on how to fill it!

Take Lots of Photos

Just because we are confined to our homes doesn't mean that there aren't perfect photo ops for you and your family. Don't let these months pass you by and make sure to record the great family moments you share in lockdown. Whether you're having a family picnic in the garden or building a fort inside, treat your collection like a travel scrapbook and snap as many photos as you can!


Why not decorate your title page with paint handprints of the whole family! Not only is this a cute way to cement a moment in time but also creates a beautiful front page of your scrapbook to give it that personalised feel. Plus, schedule it into your day so that you all do these together before entering a family session of handprint-related arts and crafts that your kids will just love.

Arts and Crafts

Speaking of Arts and Crafts, there are lots of arty things you can do as a family to pass the time. What better way to keep all the beautiful art creations your children make than putting them all together in a scrapbook. Create an artistic Hall of Fame for your kids with a section of your scrapbook dedicated to the art they create in lockdown that just won't fit on the fridge. Just follow these steps...


Diary Entries
Diary entry

Not only is keeping a diary a great stress reliever but it is also the perfect way to record your lockdown antics. Your scrapbook is the perfect place to keep family diary entries and also means you can share the load of writing up what you do each day. Take it in turns to record your activities in writing and then add a splash of colour and decorations (and maybe a photo or two) then stick it into your scrapbook. Remember that these entries do not have to be essays but key highlights and information from your day.

Free Print Outs

These Free Print Outs not only make for great activities and things to do with your family but also make the perfect additions to your memory scrapbook. The best thing about keeping a scrapbook at this time is that scrapbook ideas go hand in hand with activity ideas. So have a look at these print-outs, see what appeals to you and once you complete them stick your print-outs into your scrapbook to remind yourself in years to come what you did.

Pressing Flowers

Pressed Flowers make beautiful decorations and are very easy to make. The main ingredient to pressing flowers is time, which we have lots of, so why not add a bit of nature to your scrapbook. Get the whole family together to search for beautiful flowers, full of colour that will brighten up your little book of memories. Follow the helpful guide as to which flowers to choose to ensure you get the most of your flower press experience.

Make a Time Capsule
Kidadl Lockdown Time Capsule Download

What better way to commemorate this moment in time than with creating a family time capsule. If you choose to bury your capsule then why not create a treasure map to stick in your scrapbook so that if you ever want to dig it up you know exactly where to find it! Alternatively, when you've finished your lockdown scrapbook you could bury this as a time capsule so people in years to come can discover it and know exactly what your family was doing in 2020.

Letters to Yourself

Writing a letter to yourself is not only a great idea for a time capsule but also a great thing to put in your scrapbook. Sit the whole family down to write letters to themselves about their experience of the situation, their aspirations for what they want to do after lockdown and an account of their thoughts and feelings for future yous to read at a later date. Decide as a family what year/time you would like to open your letters and date them before sealing them in envelopes and putting them in a punch pocket or zip -lock bag stuck in your scrapbook ready for you in years to come.

Internet Trends
Fun children

There are lots of fun internet trends circulating the population at this time that you and your family could get involved it. Why not take out the bins in your ballgown like Amanda Holden or learn a trending TikTok dance as a family; the internet has a lot to offer in ways of entertainment. Snap a photo of your formal wear and record your family grooves before pasting the highlights into your scrapbooks.

Written By
Josie Bergman

Josie has grown up in London all her life and is an avid theatre go-er. She loves boogying along to her favourite musicals in the West End with her family. Her older sister always knows the best places to go in London for vegan food and her favourite attractions include the Victoria Palace Theatre and Borough Market.

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