How To Make Minion Cake Pops | Kidadl
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How To Make Minion Cake Pops

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Minions are loved by kids all over the world so having some minion treats at any kids party is bound to be a hit.

Minions are those adorable but silly yellow henchmen in the super popular 'Despicable Me' films. Their ridiculous antics always get kids giggling and have led to many kids asking parents for minion themed birthday parties.

This article gives you the low down on making minion cake pops that kids will love. A cake pop is a mini cake, covered in decorations, on a lollipop stick. Turning these into hilarious little minions takes your cake pops a step further, making them something really exciting for any party.

Our guide will make creating minion cake pops an absolute breeze. We have put together a list of everything you will need, the cake recipe, how to decorate the cake pops and lots of tips and tricks that you should know.


Here is a list of all the things you will need to make 12 cake pops.

For The Cake Pops: 300g all-purpose flour, 1 tsp salt, 200g sugar, 150g brown sugar, 1 tbsp baking soda, four ripe bananas, 110g melted butter, 160g buttermilk, two eggs, 450g store bought vanilla icing/buttercream.

For Decorating: Black sprinkles, lollipop sticks, blue and yellow candy melts, black M&Ms, candy eyeballs, black icing.

Equipment: Whisk, masher, rubber spatula, baking tray, two medium sized bowls, large mixing bowl, electric (hand) mixer.

Extras: Wax paper or a little oil for greasing.

A large, square birthday cake covered in green icing and topped with lots of fondant minion decorations.

Image © Peggy_Marco, under a Creative Commons license.


1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F.

2. Mash bananas in a medium sized mixing bowl.

3. Whisk flour, salt, sugar, baking soda and brown sugar in another medium mixing bowl until combined.

4. To the bowl with mashed bananas add buttermilk, eggs, butter and combine with an electric mixer.

5. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix until smooth.

6. Pour the batter into the baking tray and bake for 30 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean.

7. Cool the cake for 10 minutes. Once cooled, cut the cake into several pieces.

8. Crumble the cake into a large bowl and then mix in the vanilla buttercream.

9. Use your hands to mould the cake into ball shapes. Each cake ball can be a different minion shape, they don't have to be perfectly uniform. Let the cake balls set in the fridge for 30 minutes.

10. Whilst they set, prepare the candy melts by putting melts of each colour in a different bowl and heating them in the microwave until melted.

Rows of biscuits decorated in blue and yellow icing to look like minions.

Image © luciagipes, under a Creative Commons license.

Let’s Decorate!

1. Insert a lollipop stick halfway into the minion cake pops.

2. Pull the stick out and dip it into blue melted candy before reinserting it into the minion cake pop and refrigerating for another 30 minutes to secure it in place.

3. Then, dip each pop into blue melted candy. Once this candy coating has dried, dip the top half of the cake pop into the yellow candy melt.

4. Before the yellow candy coating has dried give your minions hair. Simply take tweezers and place black sprinkles on top of the cake pops.

5. Using a thin pipe, make a line on each cake pop to neaten up the boundary between the yellow and blue.

6. To make the minions' shoes, use candy melts to stick two black M&Ms at the bottom of each minion cake pop.

7. To make their eyes and goggles, stick on some candy eyes before outlining the goggles by piping black icing. Don’t forget the strap going around the minions’ heads.

8. Finally, draw on the minions’ smiles. You now have an army of cute (and yummy!) little minions.

Top Tips

If you can’t get hold of candy eyes, have a go at making your own by cutting out small circles from white fondant icing and drawing black pupils with fondant markers.

Get creative! Each minion is a little different in the films, with different body shapes, eye colours and hairstyles. So if you make a mistake on one minion don’t fret, it can just be that little minion's quirks.

If you get any cracks in your cake pops, just get some melted candy and patch it up with your finger.

To display your lovable cake pops, get some Styrofoam and insert the pops. You can decorate the foam with ribbons and party paper if you wish.

Three fondant minions sitting on the side of a large white cake.

Image © Peggy_Marco, under a Creative Commons license.


Many people have different dietary requirements and it is definitely possible to adjust your recipe to cater for a certain diet.

For gluten free cakes pops use different flour, such as almond flour or coconut flour.

If you want a dairy free cake you could use almond milk and vegan butter.

Check the ingredients for store bought vanilla frosting, some of them are vegan.

For a vegan or dairy free version of candy melts, you can make your own coating by melting vegan white chocolate, dividing into two bowls and adding yellow and blue food colouring into each portion.

Good To Know

Storage: Store leftovers in an airtight container lined with a paper towel. You can keep them at room temperature for a couple of days. They can also be refrigerated for five to seven days. The pops are best served at room temperature, so just take them out of the fridge a couple of hours before serving. We don't recommend freezing cake pops as it can cause the candy coating to crack.

When Can Kids Help? Children between two and five years of age can help with stirring the ingredients. Little kids love to make a mess and its a great opportunity to get them to learn about food by letting them play with ingredients. Older kids can help a little more with decorating and measuring ingredients.

What Age Is It Suitable For? Kids as young as one can have a minion cake pop. For younger children and toddlers, consider serving without the stick and cutting it into small bite sized pieces to avoid choking hazards.

Written By
Danielle Outen

Danielle was born and raised in London but has travelled all over the world chasing waves. Her mum is one of ten siblings, so she has always been surrounded by a massive network of family. Danielle is always looking for new and fun activities to do with her relatives. If it is outdoors and adventurous - even better!

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