How To Save The Bees With The Help Of Unicorn Theatre | Kidadl
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How To Save The Bees With The Help Of Unicorn Theatre

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Bzzz! Bees are super important and unfortunately more and more of the buzzing-beauties are dying! Below are five super easy (and fun!) ways that you and your little ones can help save the bees without going full bee-keeper mode, including the Unicorn Theatre’s incredible free Save the Bees workshops!

1. Head to the Unicorn Theatre and take part in Save the Bees

Unicorn Theatre are hosting Save The Bees arts and crafts sessions to teach the kids (and remind the adults) why bees are so important. Get creative and make your own little buzzing bee while you learn about the huge difference they make to our food chain and why we would go hungry without them. The Unicorn Theatre focuses on accessible and exciting theatre for children and young people, they’re all about producing shows and hosting events that kids can enjoy and relate to. This Save The Bees session is just one example of their passion to educate in a fun and interesting way, much like their Water Droplets workshop in March!

unicorn theatre free crafts sessions

2. Bee informed!

With an abundance of misconceptions about bees buzzing all over the place, it’s more important now than ever to educate yourselves and your little ones about the importance of bees in the world that we live in. Kidadl recommends websites including Friends of the Earth to teach youngsters fun facts about bees and to help encourage grown-ups to take simple steps to leading a more bee-friendly life!

toy bumble bees

3. Ensure that your garden is as bee-friendly as possible

Say no to pesticides and herbicides because they contain chemicals that are very harmful to bees and other beneficial insects! And if you want to go the extra bzzz, try growing some bee-friendly plants. Cottage garden flowers like geraniums, wallflowers, lavender and hollyhocks make a great display and are beneficial for bees - win, win! Plus, a lot of herbs are good for bees and they can even be added to your family meals or children’s packed lunches - mmm.

4. Get growing!

Now we recognise that not everyone can grow like crazy but even the smallest plants, flowers and fruit helps to keep the bees alive. Fruit trees and plants are great for bees, as well as encouraging children to eat healthily and bringing a sense of ownership and pride as they munch on the produce that they’ve planted! As well as fruit, sunflowers are also great for encouraging bees into your own garden - and after you’ve crafted your garden, there’s no place the bees would rather be!

sunflowers grow in garden to help save bees

5. Shop responsibly and locally

Now, you might not have thought shopping at your local store would make a difference to the bees but actually, supporting your local growers and supporting bees go hand in hand! The more you can support sustainable, earth-friendly agriculture the better. However, we recognise that this isn’t doable for everyone so eating organically where possible also helps to perpetuate a more earth-friendly society and keeps the bees buzzing all year long!

Written By
Ellie Sylvester

Ellie is a keen Londoner, thespian and foodie! She's the oldest of three and loves taking her younger siblings, aged nine and fourteen, on adventures to the theatre and food markets, trying new foods and dabbling in the world of musical theatre. Some of her favourite spots include Primrose Hill and the Natural History Museum, not to mention the ever-changing Spitalfields Market.

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