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International Carrot Day

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Where is International Carrot Day celebrated?  

International Carrot Day was founded in 2003 to promote this vegetable. It became popular by 2012 when International Carrot Day reached various continents and was celebrated in France, the UK, Russia, Japan, Sweden, Italy, and Australia.

Who is International Carrot Day celebrated by?

Carrot Day is celebrated by carrot lovers throughout the world to remember the benefits of this vegetable. However, since 2012, International Carrot Day has been observed every year by people in France, the UK, Russia, Sweden, Italy, Australia, and Japan.

When did International Carrot Day first start?

International Carrot Day was first observed on April 4, 2003, but it was finally in 2012 that the day became extremely popular worldwide.

Who started International Carrot Day?

It is not known who created Carrot Day, but the intention was to promote awareness about this vegetable.

Carrot salad is a dish familiar to many cultures.

History And Timeline

Nutrition-rich carrots have evolved from wild to modern to the baby carrots that we see nowadays.

1000 AD

First Origin Of Carrots

The modern carrot is believed to have first originated in Afghanistan. Wild carrots were deemed to have originated in Persia.

17th century

Dutch Created Orange Carrots

Dutch farmers reportedly cultivated orange carrots to honor William of Orange, who was the then leader of the Dutch revolt.

Mid-17th century

Entry Into America

White and orange carrots gained entry into America by this time, thanks to the European settlers who crossed the Atlantic Ocean to bring this vegetable to their new home.


Baby Carrot Invention

When a California farmer Mike Yurosek found that many of his carrots were not fit for sale in stores as they were not in the required shape and size, he used cutters to develop them into baby carrots.


Purple-Orangish Carrots

During this time, carrots that were purple outside but orange on the inside were found in British stores. It is called 'Purple Haze'.

Traditions And Customs

Using carrot as an ingredient to prepare a variety of dishes has been prevalent throughout the world for since long. Besides, people also prefer having carrot salads as part of their tradition when serving the meals of the day.

Ways To Celebrate International Carrot Day

Celebrate this occasion by including carrots in all meals of the day. Start with a breakfast of apple-carrot muffins, followed by a carrot cake for lunch, carrot juice for snacks, and carrot curry for dinner.

Throw carrot parties where guests or friends can be asked to dress in carrot-shaped or orange-colored suits. You can serve them drinks that are made out of carrots. It could be carrot soups, carrot juice, or shots. Other celebrations include dishes such as carrot cakes or carrot pudding. Grated carrots can also be used to make carrot cake. The guests could even eat raw carrots.

You can also plant carrots indoors and place the pot near a window where sunshine falls, water it daily, and see your results show up soon. You can visit the World Carrot Museum, an online platform, to know more about this vegetable from its origin, nutritional benefits, and various carrot recipes.

Facts And Stats

  • If National Carrot Cake Day is not enough to celebrate carrot cakes, this day also provides the chance to enjoy carrot cakes!
  • On this day, have a carrot and celebrate both International Carrot Day and National Vitamin C Day together as carrots are great sources of Vitamin C.
  • On this day, you can watch the movie or read Beatrix Potter's 'Peter Rabbit', although Peter loved radishes contrary to the popular belief that rabbits love carrots!

FAQs About International Carrot Day

Where did carrots come from?

Carrots came from wild carrot species mostly found in Afghanistan. 

Who encouraged the celebration of International Carrot Day?

It is not known who started celebrating Carrot Day, but the yearly event that began in 2003 gained a lot of popularity in 2012.

What are some benefits of celebrating International Carrot Day?

The celebrations of this day help people to realize the health benefits of this vegetable and motivate them in eating carrots and including them regularly in their meals.

Who invented the concept of International Carrot Day?

It is not known who created Carrot Day, but it is believed it was started to promote this vegetable. Some suggest that Carrot Day was formed to create a demand for this vegetable.

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When Is This Day Celebrated

Date Day
April 03, 2020 Friday
April 03, 2021 Saturday
April 03, 2022 Sunday
April 03, 2023 Monday
April 03, 2024 Wednesday

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