It's Simply the Best! 5 Things to Expect from TINA - The Tina Turner Musical | Kidadl
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It's Simply the Best! 5 Things to Expect from TINA - The Tina Turner Musical

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TINA - The Tina Turner Musical keeps extending its run on stage at the Aldwych theatre in Covent Garden for very good reason, it’s simply the best. If you haven't seen it yet, what are you waiting for! Here are 5 things you can expect from this brilliant show.

Classics Hits

Obviously the show is jam-packed with the rock-and-roll queen’s hits. You’ll struggle to stay in your seat when the cast are belting out classics like Proud Mary, River Deep - Mountain High and The Best. You’ll have Tina on repeat for weeks to come.

A Sing-A-Long

It’d be hard to stay quiet whilst hearing such great music but don’t worry, you don’t have to! Before the show there’s an announcement that encourages you to sing-a-long and move to the music. So, instead of pre-theatre dinner may give a vocal warm-up a go!

Heart-felt Honesty

The show isn’t all upbeat though. As it’s an honest depiction of Tina Turner’s life, there are some more serious and moving moments. There’s insight into her difficult relationship with Ike Turner and a background look at how she defied the bounds of her race, age and gender. You may want to take some tissues as well as your dancing shoes.

Young Tina and the cast onstage in TINA

A Quality Cast

If you’ve read any reviews of TINA, you’ll probably have seen the endless praise of the lead’s voice. Aisha Jawando plays Tina brilliantly, her voice is incredible and she fills Tina’s shoes so well you almost forget it’s not actually her. The rest of the cast are just as good, Ashley Zhangazha pays Ike and the ensemble is full of powerful voices and strong characters.

To Become Tina Obsessed

If you’re not a Tina fan before you see this show, you will be when you leave! The musical leaves you with a curiosity for all things Tina, watch the film, read her auto-biography, maybe even take a trip to her home-town in Tennessee. You’ll definitely be hooked on this star’s amazing life story.

TINA - The Tina Turner Musical is on at the Aldwych Theatre, booking is available for performances until June 2020. The musical is best suited to teenagers but we've got plenty of other suggestions if you're looking for a show for younger kids!

Written By
India Garrett

India is a recent graduate who loves to explore, laugh and eat! Growing up as the eldest of 5, her family were always filling their weekends and holidays with activities to try and keep everyone entertained. Her favourite childhood memories involve running around big open spaces, summer camping trips and special visits to the theatre. She loves going to indoor sensory play areas with her two young cousins and teaching them to bake, although things can often get quite messy!

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